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Mid Wales, Wales


Montgomeryshire, Wales

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... TREGYNON. PARISH COUNCIL.-On Monday evening a well attended meeting of electors was held in the School- room, Tregynon, to discuss the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1894. The chair was taken by Mr. John Corfipld, Tynybryn, who, after reading tii,, notice convening the meeting, called upon Mr. W. Scott Owen, C. C., Cefngwifed, to ex- plain the Act. Mr. Owen addressed the meeting at ...


... SHIPPING.—Week ending June 28th, 1894, ar- rived, Elizabeth, Bideford; Joseph and Thomas, Bude; Wave of Life, s, Portmadoc; Telephone, s, Liverpool; Ant, s, Liverpool; Ellen Beatrice, Ports- mouth. Sailed, Kate, Torquay Sarah Evans, Port- madoc NVavfl of Life, Portmadoc; Telephone, s, Liverpool; Ant, s, Liverpool; Joseph and Thomas, Plymouth. LITERARY If;TITon.-A meeting of the com- mittee of ...


... WEDNESDAY. Present: Captain Adams, chairman, Mr. Richard Bennett, vice-chairman. Captain E. Pryce Jones, Messrs. Edward Jones, Trewythen, Richard Jones, Pertheirin, E. B. Proctor, D. Jones, Ner.add, and R. LloYll, r .njjicinx, Messrs. J. It. Pryse, C. Morgan, David Davies, John Lewis, Richard Pryce, R. Andrew, William Gittins, W. Alderson, Richard Nutting, William Francis, David Jones, John ...


... SCHOOL Monday the Presbyterian Church took their Sunday school scholars to the number of about two hundred for their annual treat to Aberystwyth, and as several other schools went, too, the number was raised to 750. A start was made from Llanymyneeh at seven o'clook, and though the weather appeared unpromising, and several showers fell, yet the day was everything that could be desired. ...


... CHOIH. the kindness of Rev. Prenbendarv Burd, the Church choir were treated to an excellent outiug to Blackpool on Saturday last. Arrangements were made to join the Royal Welsh Warehouse Recreation and Improvement Society trip, and the thanks of the members of the choir are due to Mr. J. Maurice Jones for the thoughtful accommodation provided for the journey. As far as time would admit every ...


... »;i,Al>KTOXJAX SLAVES AND IKISH TYUAXXY. Mr. Balfour on Saturday, addressed a large meet- ing in the Mechanic's Institute, Stockport, the occasion being the fifth annual conference of the Lancashire and Cheshire Conservative Working Mens' Federation. The right hon. gentleman who was given a very enthusiastic greeting' said lie believed he had been President of the Associa- tion from its ...


... SALE OF PROPERTY.— On Saturday Messrs. Mor- ris, Marshall and Poole sold some freehold property in the Tillage, comprising the Post Office and four adjacent houses. The purchaser was Mr. Turnbull of Lymore, Montgomery, for 'M500. ...


... — WELSHPOOL. -NOTICF.-The Drapers, Tailors, Milliners, Boot- makers and Stationers' Shops in Welshpool, will be Closed at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from October 1st to March 31st. CANTATA AT THE WELSH CHAPEL.On Thursday evening a splendid performance «f Bradbury's Cantata, Esther, took place in the Welsh Inde- pendent Chapel. The large crowd which had as- sembled to hear the ...


... OSWESTRY. MARRIAGE OF MR. FREDERICK HOLCROFT.—On Tuesday forenoon the marriage took place at Holy Trinity Church, Oswestry, of Mr.. Frederick Holcroft, second son of Mr. Thoiuaa Holcroft, J.P., Wolverhampton, and Miss Florence Emily Thomas, second daughter of the late Mr. John Thomas and Mrs. Thomas, of Ardmillan, Oswestry, and niece of Mr. W. Thomas, of the Oevelands, Wolverhampton. The ...


... be surprised if some of our Radical friends do not before Yen Ivl1g wnin. a. little information respecting the relations which obtain between the county member and Mr TRACY. Why is not Mr. deserving of Mr. TRACY'S confidence, and why has that gentleman seen lit to publicly declare his mistrust of the county member? It is said, although we do not know with vvhat degree of truth, that even yet ...


... NEWTOWN AND LLANLLWCHAIRN SCHOOL BOARD. The ordinary monthly meeting of this Board was held on Monday last, when there were present, Messrs. W. Cooke, chairman; J. Humphreys, A. Ford, W. F. Thomas, Barker Halliwell, with Mr. R. Williams, deputy clerk. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Applications.-A letter was read from the secretary of the Glyndwr Lodges, I.O.G.T., ...


... On Monday evening the House of Com- mons again commenced to re-discuss the Home Rule Bill on the Report Stage, and the jerrymandering policy of those re- sponsible for framing the measure was still further exposed. The operation of the gag prevented the subject of represen- tation and redistribution being debated in committee, and therefore at this juncture Mr. PARK EH SMITH proposed a new ...