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North Wales Chronicle




North Wales, Wales


Bangor, Caernarfonshire, Wales

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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD OFF, Al a Great Secr/fice, LL THE NURSERY STOCK of the late Ml. A Charles Willliasas, consisting of Forest and Orna- mental Trees, Staidaid and Trained Fruit Tfrees, &c. &c.; also, a large Collection of Evergreen and Flowering Shrubs, BNew Dahlias, Fvoreign Plants, &o. &c. Thorns of all sizes, &c. &c. Clogwyn Nursery, near Pwllheli, Oct. 28th, 1831. a CARNARVONSHIRE COUNTY WORKS.h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OAK AND ASH. TO BE SOLD, 359 OAK, (ranging from 38- in. to 14k in.) and 37 3J&)2cYPIIERS; also, 14 good ASRI TREES, (average 1) inches), now growing on Maes y Garnodd and Tf'n y Celyn Farms, close to Capel Giarmon, Llaiarvst. Apply to the Agent., Mr. Jones, Land Surveyor, Den- Tule Tenant of 'Macs y Garnedd will Bhew the whole. Nov. 90tb, 1850. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. J. EVANS, At the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Throw physic to the ?? none of it.-Shalkspeare. 1UNDERt TilE PA- 1AN IT'OINAGE OF THlE THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN NOBILITY. X, OPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASq1ERS H ?? the use of Inward Medicine for Coughs Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, d Croup, Hooping Cough, Influenza, Chronic Strains, Bruises, . Lumbago, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases ofI the Chest, and Local ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VERY DESCRIPTION OF LET'T-ER-PII SS~ E COPPER-PLATE and LITHOGRAPHIC YPRINTING, BOOKBINDING, AND MA.-CHINE RU!LING ?? executed at moderate charges, by A. R. MARTIN, CaXtOn Printing Ofices, Bangor. L ATELY PUBLISHED, by A. R. MARTIN L Bangor, and may be had of all Boolksellers, DULBADARN TOWERI-a Legend of Lian- beris, by II. 11. BAiscn, Price is. YATES AN D HESS, - TNGRA YERS, LITHOGRAPtHERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAIR-DESTROYER. 1, LITTLE QUIEEN STREE ?? NIGH HOLBOlRN LONDON A LEXANDER IROSS'S DEPILArORY, for removin edilic- tually superfluous hair fronm the face, sieck, arnis, and haids, withost theslightest injury to the skin. A. It. will wvarsrant it mot to irritate the flesh in the smallest degree, and the hair to be entirely destroyed. Sold in bottles at 3s. (id., 5s. Gfd., arid 10s od: or applied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alteratiou of F'airs in South Carnarvoushire. IN pursuance of ?? Reesolutlins of a Puitlic Meeting, hehl for Revising the times arl! periods of holding the Fairs in and for thie Southern part of the Conutv of Cariarivou, 1, i' DWA. D EDWARDS, Esquire, Mayor of Ihe Shire Town of Cirnareol, vvith the assent and approval of the Mayor of PrOllheli. for the time beii, i)O HtEREBY PUMIASH AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELSH: QUARTZ, On makoing Chins, Glass, and Glazing,,in any quantities,. from 2 F the Banks of the Dee, and a Quarry belonging to Sir PYCYS A mostyn. Apply to WaM. S. SLATERt, Blirkenhead. it Ste HAIR DESTROYERi 2 48, H IGH IIO L BOR N, LO0N DONI. Ak LEXANDErt IROSS'S DEPILATORY removes superfluosso ZIHair from thle faco, neck, or anrns, without any effecet to thle Jo skin. Sold at sa. Sd. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE A, N-A. FOR 1858. This ILMNTANNACK will be presented gratuitously to Subscribers and Purchasers of the paper in the Week ending D)ecember 26, 1S57. TI() C t1RESPONI)EN IS. TheNonrru Wr re Cit ro1 . it IC i. i reqi tere1 for traiis mission to the Btritishi Ct.)otli, ae l i lorri-to Cmilmtries. Pornies requirtiqg ?? p sphm olttid ill alt eases nitelos e tire Stamps sr ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PENMON PRIORY CHURCH. NEAR BEAUMARIS. 1 rPHE Nave, South Trauseptand Towerof this Church E 11 were built in the 10th century, the Chancel in the he 15th, and it occupies the site of a monastery founded by Maelgwyn Gwynedd, King of North Wales,_ a. .540. M The venerable edifice has now become so dilapidated as to be utterly unfit for the celebration of divine ser- vice within its walls, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gratis! Gratis!! IGratis! ! ONE THOUSAND COPIES POSTEDI 'IVEEK L YLH Seveccty-foixcrth 'i Thusavhl.--Libnuxay Editioll, 10P, p) iN Sen/free on )'ece,,pt of I; *S I(cc/c, loc pre-pcoi pvshc~yei , toj/''.ce/1 Mi'. L~cxvli' jlctittru/ Picb/ishr ?? C/harles Street, 1/u 1/n G7arden, L on don, EV'ERY MAN II IS OWN' DOMlO Ii or, ' COMMO6NI SENSE ON COMIMON SUBJECt''S: JI Popular Gunide to Ifeccilth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clothl, is,, by post, s1 6d., WELSHS SKE T. CH E S. 1ECONI) SERIES.-By the Author of Pro- j posrels for Christian Union. . * r, CONTENTS :-1. 'rhe Lords M-archers-2. Llywely`, Prinace of Wales-3. Edward 1-4. Edward of Caer- F >airvon, S Si The favorable terms in which we spoke of the A RBrst part of the work may, with equal propriety be r; applied to the part before us. The narrative is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \Vrex Throw ph3ysic to the ?? none of it. hID ,F S/k5spea(re. 8 27 i UNDE1B TUK rA- ?? x-7 s ?? AND Train 5C l l .dN.AGoE O F T1 i B T HE PRI XN C I PAL ?? III O5OF'Oswe 81 QUEEN N211r - aI DOPER'S ROYAL B XTII P'L A STERS Ruab Is J~j.Sulipeseds the use of nlwiard Mfedicine for Wire a tCougoiz, nsthien, Itonerseness, Indigestion aI'lpita- Chest il tion oxf tile Hear t, Cr oulp, HIoopinlg ...