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... MONEY MARKET. LONDOK, WEDNESDAY EVENING. The values this morning for Consols have been 95,1 to 4 for money, and to ei for time. The premium on .Exchequer-bills is 59^ to ols., and on India Bonds, 84s. to 80s. 111 the Iforeiga market, Mexican Bonds have not been dealt in, and nominally are at 294 to 20J. The remanet of the dividends will bo paid on the 5th of April next. Peruvian Active Stock ...


... BRISTOL TO BIRMINGHAM. FROM 1,2 1,2 1,2 Exp 123 Mail 1,2,3 J231- Mail am. a.m. a.m. pm. p.m p.m. a.m. pm, p.m. Bristol 8 '0 U 0 3 15 5 0 C 35 0 45 5 0 G 35 Jlangotsfielcl 8 12 II 11 5 15 7 0 5 15 Yate 8 21 11 23 3 33 5 27 7 0 £ 7 12 5 27 7 ^Vickwiir 8 33 5 39 5; 7 24 3 39 Charfield S 38 1J 33 3 4« 5 45 7 1!) g 7 30 5 45 7 19 lierkeloy-lload. 8 50 11 49 3 56 5 57 7 32 H 7 42 5 57 32 Frocester 9 ...

s 1-1

... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE. MONDAY.—At several of the leading provincial markets held on .3atunlay sellers of wheat exhibited rather more confidence, and the downward lllon'lli811t ill prices was checked. At this morning the condition of ilie samples was improved hy the cry frosty weather, still factors were unable to establish any auv.ance on: previous rriccs; but at;.Monday's currency sales were ...


... WEDNESDAY.—-NISI PRIUS. His lordsliip entered the Court at nine o'dock. IIarris Y. Jones. This was an action on a promissory note for £ 20, and on RctQUnt stated of £ 50. The defendant pleaded that he did not make the note, and denied the endorsement, but paid it before the endorse- ment was iiiade. Payment and no consideration for the endorse- ment. Gesieral issue as to the first count; and, ...


... TALLOW. JIoSPAY.—Or.r market has become vcrv inactive, and in some instances prices have receded 3d: per cwt. Xo-day, P- Y. (J. on the snot is quoted at 37s., and for delivery of new during the last three nionths*38s.' per cwt. Town tallow, f>7s. per ewt. net cash. Jiough fat, 2s. Id. per 81bs. ...


... TAFF YALE. (All the trains arc mixed, and call at each, station.) CARDIFF TO MEUTIIYII AND ABEUDAUM—Morning, 9 0 (Mail) — Afternoon, 1 0 and 5 3'0. On Sundays—Morning, 9 30—After- noon, 4 0. TO AttEitDAiiF, AND CARDIFF—Morning, 7 45-After-: no011, 1 10 (Mail) and 5 40. On Sundays—Morning, 8 Afternoon, 4 10. AP.EKDATIE TO CARDIFF-Morning, 7 40—Afternoon, 1 5 ...


... fair extent of business was done in cloverseed at about previous prices. Canaryseed was otfererl at. rather reduced rates without exciting attention. Rapeseed was in more request, and realized somewhat enhanced rates. Tares sold, slowly ac last Monday's quotations.. In other articles no alteration took place. 3ii.iITlSlI SliKDS, 1. S. s. Carravray perewt. 2S 2B Cloverseed, red 85 fo 40 30 32 i ...

' CARMAilTi.1 EN.—Maucii 16

... COLONIAL. TUKSPAY.—SUC-AK,.—The market has been, more steady to-day than was anticipated, and the full prices of Friday last have beeii freely paid. 7,000 bags of Mauritius, chiefly of good qualities, found buyers in public sale from 34s. to 39s., duty paid. 1 000 bags of white Benares also, sold at 37s. Cd. to 38s. Oci. The public sale of 2,000 bags was withdrawn at fu-li prices, but a part ...


... H-XGMsir IRO.N-. a £ • s. d.\ exgj.irh corriiR. d £ s. d. Bar,bolt, &sq. Lon. per ton 6 0 Oj Ordinary sheet's .i.per lb. 0 0 10 ail rods 6 15 0; Old copper e 0 0 9 Hoops 8 0 Oj FOREIGN COPPKII. f facets (singles). 8 la South American in bond H irs, atCardift & Xewp. 5 5 0; defined Metal, Wales* „ 3 10 ...

------_--------- -----------------------I MONMOUTHSHIRE LENT QUARTER SESSIONS

... IKIR. G. R. ROBINSON, the chairman of Lloyd's, his sent in his resignation of that office, on account of ill-health, and Mr. Thomas Baring, at the request of the committee, has consented to become his successor.—2'imes* Sut JOHN Saturday Mr. Green, the aeronaut, forwarded nine balloons to the expedition about to sail in search of Sir John Franklin. Lady Franklin had previously been in ...


... PRICES OF WELSH MINING SHARES. r- 1 r: SViares. Company. Paid. Price. 1,000 Aberg-trcssyn 9 C 10,000 Blanwen Iron — — S,()00 Blaenavon 50 10 10,000 BritislvIron, New Regis. la 8 — Do. Scrip 10 1!) 1,000 Cwm Krfin 4 S 3,000 Dyfng'wm 10 15 (M00 Gadair —• — lOy Grogwvnion •— — 1,000 Llwyn'Mahv 9 10 3,600 Llynvi Iron 50 50 5,000 Merionethshire Slate and Slab — — 5,000 Merionethshire Slate and Slab ...


... froii 1,2 1, 2 1,-2,3 1, 2 Exp. Mail 1, 2 1, 2 1,2 Exp. 1, 2 1, 2 Mail t 1,2,3 1, 2 1,2 Mail 1, 2 1, 2 Mail, — • —— ——. ,j a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a. ji. p.m. nm. p.m. Paddmo-ton 7 5 7 15 9 50 10 15 12 30 1 40 2:45 4 50 5 30 7 0 8 55 ° T 5 9 15 10 15 2 0 7 0 8 55 Reading 9'20 8 52 11 35 1 44 4 5 5 32 7 3 8 27 10 10 9 15 11 35 3 21 8 2 7 ...