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... LOCAL AMUSE1MENTS. ''TiE YOUNGI rILCl{'U1T`' AT TILE T1IAEA'1TRlf RO0YAL, CARI~)IIF. 'Tlwire WhOs 1k caltatll asslla'ibly tit thet Thpal re Hlcvil, C wxilly, Oil Monday ovollin~ to witness thjo lurst piitdiictliin in iii i town ofi 1 tilt burlesque olpera, ATho Yoong Itecruit.1 Sir Auguetusr Harris iii uk tiie haxs been the enesnoS of placing before thle putblic oprars and plays which have ...


... iOCon' AL AMUSECMENTS, flT AND SULLIVAN'S OPERAS AT CAI.DIFF THEATRE ROYAL. [Liv ZavS.1 l retleets the ilighiest credit on the patriotism Ile liritisol publc that the operas which have tibo the strongest hold on its affections are of native authors. And when it is ,,tlered bow fashionable it has been r, to the performances and praise- v e itliotit sense or reason-tbe productions 1.reigp ...


... . CARDIFF MUSICAL FESTIVAL, THE EXAMINING BOARD AND CANDID.ATES. TO TEE EDITOR OF T'EHE WESTERIT MAIL. iSliR,-IrI the ?? of tibe turf iC sal-fE iiotstlon, 3 the subscribers to the gunrantee lund, the rejected choir candidatos, anti tihe public generilly, I iaptend hereto copies of correspondence wvich t s passed between the council and mry~nlf, and, in order teitt tihe public might, judge ...


... As good a sixperinywortlr as we bave ever seen Divii is the English dictionary in Coillir's illustrated Mr. series. Well arid clearly printed, strongly borund, in tt containing nearly 300 pages, giving pronunciations, tionm an appendix of nbureviaiions, foreign waorns and matt phrnsos, and upwnrds of 300 illustrations, the book nre Eeems to bavo touched brittim in point of chep- At reas and ...


... I I -. TrIATIZE ROY-AL.I At the Cardiff Theatre Royal on Utonday eren- ing the reailistic draira, of ,Thle Diverts Luck' met, on its. rc'Troduction, with as most cordial oreception. With many, good. pointls aboat it to attract lovers of draima,- the scenery is so startlinak real aind of a charact-ar hithertoI Yso uinthought of Ilit,~ its realism would strike the is mnostunaimaginative. In ...


... LOCAL AMIUSIMUM TS. TFlEATRE ROYAL, OAR 1FF The now draina produced ait ihe Theatre Royal, Cardiff, tiis week is, as its title suggests, of the SenrsaLiottal order ,and it is not fin exaggeration to say that it is one of tle best whiiol line been placed upon tite boaris in the town for several ionitls. It is entitled The Span of Life, and was originally played with success at the Grand ...


... HUMAN NATUIRE AT THE THEATRE, ROYAL, CARDI1FF. lluman Nature, the powerful modern dranil by Mr. ?? Pettitt allid Sir Augustus Harris, was produced at the Theatre Royal on Monday night, before a large audience, .ilel uponl it a scale of effectiveness Which speaks volumes for the onterprise of tlhe genial lessee, Mr. Eedward lethelr. The production is in the hands ofi an excellent compatny, ...


... HAIVERFOI')UWESL DOG SHOW. T;he third annual exhibition of dogs took place on Thursday at the Corn Mnrket, whien a verY large number ni' dogs of a very superior quality were exhibited. The judge wans1 Mr. ?? wonor, sehose decisions gave univermal satiqfaCtiOn. P~rIZE LIST. Foxhijifnds lst, Li.reneaut Colonel 0 fenry Leach. I St. leirnaro, Imstiff ar Nvewfoundlaiid 1st, MVr Josepi ovic . 2nl, ...


... ABERG2LVEQNY HORSE SHOW. It wil! be observed from an advertseme nt in our adv E rtisig columns that the Abe- gavenv Horse Sinow and Exhibition of Stotk ta!;es place on Thursday' the 16th inst. and that tlhe entries finally close Oa Tuesday next. W\e observe by the schedule that, in addition to tile pgazesoffer.ed inforiter years to exhibitors in the Lnited Kingdom, local prizzs for heavy and ...


... CAkRM.ARTHPlN SCHOOL OF ART. - PRESENTATION 01F PRIZES BY SIR JOEN I 5JONES JENKfNS, M.P. The a EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY LOCAL ARTISTS. hinted a: Thle annual distribut ion of prizes to the success- seen tice ful students of tile Carinarthen School of Art, the Saint on maister of Which is Mr. W. Jones, took place on day an ELMondav. In the afternoon a large collection of manic works by pupils of ...


... SIGNOR PkGGrS CONCERT' AT CARDIFF. Although Signor Paggi is well known and most nn highly-respected by old Cardiffians, almost a new cz D generation hag sprung up since lie resided in this na district. We mar, therefr-e, state for those who of I are unncqusinted with him that ?? ws for many rt t years an esteemed flautist living amongst us, but that he has of late lived in London. where he has ...


... TRLE RED DRAGONN.' of The December number of the National Maga- w, CUzi ne is a really brillight one. ?? articl* areno e. so numerousias usual, binthey are, on the average, be ' on-ger and of exceptional excellence. A lady, wbo ce hasadopey h name of Morveth Mathew de be Rdr, leads4 off with one of thle best And most n interesting biographies yet published, the subject wIN 9 being Admiral ...