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Amusing Anecdotes

... IANECDOTE OF VIOTTr, THE CSELEBRATED VIOLINIST. The Queen of France (Marie Antoinette) wished l Viotti to come to Versailles. The day was fxed for a concert, the whole court arrived, and the concert began. The firs5 bars of the solo commenced, and the greatest attention was elicited, when, on a sudden, a cry was beard in the next chamber of room for the Count d'Artois. In the midst of the ...

Selected Poetry

... SelectedL Poe ry. FANCY. Whitt is fancy blut the Past Or Future, ba bed in light which nover sh.o(ne Or shall. upon tbe ear h, and yet which shows NeRrer than reRI ife, anud cleauer far- A Life i herein the terror of thi world, Its in- stery, its awe, its boundless hope, Are plainer than in ours, whireiii he 1 uig Of hopeleisa loging anld uni0nerited pirs Wllich vex our thougit. the blind ...


... ' LLANBf1n S 1gTOIUTiULTURAL SNOW. This show was held for tbe seventh year on Tbursday last. Ason previona occasions horticul- tare and poultry formed the leading features but theas were supplemented .by very good, though small shows of horses, dogsi and sheep, and by way of diversion competitions in dressing and splitting states were introduced. Mr Awgtheton Smith dis- played much interest in ...


... THE PORTMADOO FLOWER SHOW I -_ _ On Friday week the tenth annual exhibition of this society was held on the Park at Por~madoo, I The arrangements were very similar to those on I recent occasions, the exhibition being held in a I ornoiform tent, one wing of which -was filled with: exhibits by the gentlemen gardeners, the other three wings by exhibits of cottagers and amateurs,and the centre ...


... E- - -- -I I ~ OONCEI3TS Ti ORCHESTL1A AUG(iAENTED TO FORTY-FIVE. 11t is satisfactory to report that thie success of -taese concerts, under the able conucotershiP of -Mr A. E. Bartlecontinues. Large and ap~precia- tive audiences have been th1e rule again this week. We la;ve oe5tal pleasture in emphasisinlg tbe fact that at thle coneort this Sabtrdity) evening the orcbestra will Ibe increased ...


... d k . IL 1 . ' , i I e '4 : VIl 'A; .1 i.p ?? P, ? I i ' ' A 1 I ; ( } *°d *t'.I, suid Mr,. ;'1l irL: d thoe .'arlk', Al C Chh~ )1 to ni lo ?? , ' . i. t ho l lirt (, hiluittl; ;!1Y, 1:. }1.t.5''\N'U tr. helast, hblt :zit.-r ?? ^ ?? E;~si . oveit;bl! ?? blt n 13sit'\tljon inl b'r , * 12 ;vl l li'- ?? tinued the banker, ' we could not tell when my father would die, and, with his ...


... IPROOTOR & RYLAND'S STAND AT THE SMITHFIELD CLUB qATTLE SHOW. iMessrs. Proctor & Ryland, the well-known: and old-established Agricultural ChemistG. of Birralnbg- ham and Chester, exhibit a splendid collection of rootsI contributed by the prize-winoers in their recent competition for crops grown with the aid of their manures only. The judge's awards, lately ,published, show extraordinary ...


... PORTMADOO HO0SI, ?? SW ; Fivoured by beautiful weather the annual Horse, ele, .Dog, at, and' Poultry Show was held ?? I on landay. The town was crowded nwith pcople,- F) .and the show ground was largely patrouised, the Un ,gte rseney being much in excess of last-yenr: The aer ~enetries vere verv numereus, anid numbzered- far 'more CrH tharx thses of 1898. Thle quality wras excelbint, and ' vi ...


... CONWAY AND TRE WARY FUND. I DPRAMATiTj ElNTF NMEN AT THOEr 5 ~~~TOWN ?? There was a crowded and' fashionable attend- ance at the Town Hall, Conway, on Wednesday evening, on the occasion of the perfbrmaice of the popular comedy, entitled Our Boys by the Conway -Amateur Dramatic Society. Prior. to the comaedy there was a little music and petri- otism, which was most appropriate. The Male Voice ...

Musical Jottings

... LRIT51fal Aoltiligs. [BY MR T. WESTUa.-MORGAN-.] Mr Charles James has been appointed lay- clerk of Bangor Cathedral. It is illegal to transpose a copyright song withoubtpermission of the owner of the copy- right, but such permission can usually be readily obtained on application to the publisher. The first requisite in a musiciau is, that he should respect, acknowledge, and do homage to what ...


... DREADFUL EXPLOSION OF A POWDER MAGAZINE, T'arly on Saturday morning two gunp(ovder maaga- sines, situated on the southern bank of the Thamniv letween Wonlwich and Erith, exploded with terrific violence, killing eight or nine persons, if not more, wounding others, and carrying consternation and. alarmn among the ilnhalditats of the whole neighbourbhood for milee round. Although the scene of the ...

Our Library Table

... Our ?Eilofarp Z1,01C. BLACKIVOO1'S Euj.ijjtcccnn MAGAZcINE, for July. Edcli- ?? and London: WV. Blackwood and Sons. In this number of Ma-a there isc an article onl the late Panlic in thle City, which describes its cause and cffects,-tlhe forner mainily arising from thes schemes of unprincipled spcecccaturs,-and suggests a remedy. Ill 1867, ccit tile, fall of the Western Bank of Scotland, ...