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... CALENDAR AND LIST OF FAIRS, NOTICES, ETC., IN TIIE COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND BRECON, rOU. IHE EN- SUING WEEK. JAN. 6. EPIPHANY SUNDAY. Mornintr. 1st lesson, 41 c. Isaiah; 2nd do., 3 c. Luke. Evening, 1st lesson, 43 c. Isaiah 2nd do., 2nd Epistle of John. —— 7. Sun rises 8h. 1m., sets oh. 5Um. 8. Fire Insurance due. Lueian. 10. 11. Hilary Term begins. —— 12. Moon's apogee, S, rn. ...


... Several alterations hiving taken place in the Arrival and Departure of Trains tiie 1st September, aud th- Return tickets being again attainable under certain restrictions at a reduction ot One-fourth of the Double Fare, we have •'iveu tne correct time as follows ° From Brutal to Paddtn-ton.. From'ton U> Bristol. Class- h. m. CUss j,0 1 & 2, Express S> 10 a.m.! 1,2, 3 7 a_m I & 2, Mail ...

\ KWPQKT Tl {) jhi TA U.K. v

... Tl {) jhi TA U.K. HfOM WArsa. DHPTH AT MOllK. BV8N. DOCK. OATBS January, lilac. a. M. K. K.. r. 13, Sunday fi 33 6 61 27 1 is 10 15, Tuesday. 7 4'J 7 ort 27 7 16 Wednesday. tt 14 8 31 27 5 17. Thursday 8 42 9 6 17 11 IS, Friday 9 23 9 4u 2$2 19, Saturday 257 10 14 25 1 ...

G H lvAT W HS I MUN it A 11,W A V Tl W K

... SOWS TRAtMS — MOaMIK*. I SW»»ATS | OSilT. j 1 j j I ] 5 •tartlni from J N«ail.fist &|lst,2d 1st k$Kxpr. Mall. SlstJd iMsil. 8 5> 2«'l h »rd 2nd |l,t M Sf 2lSr JrdSBrsto £ Cla*t j lass jciasi CIass.|2d Cl.|Cl*ss.;Class.| 1 It 1 Paddington 7. 5 7.4ft| 9.5o| 10.155 7. 5|'0 l5 Swindon 12.30 10.27]! 1.25$1.16 ...


... BBISTOI. STOOC DBO 24 -,here. Railways. Paid. I. 100 11rlstol and Exeter 02 35 33 dia 331 Do New 126 -11. 26 | Bristol and S. Wale» Junction 6 — 20 jBirming. and Oxford Junction! 20 ( 25 — 27 60 {Caledonian 60 10| — 102 12^ | Do. New 12$— tock jiiastern Counties aver. 20 7—74 100 bireat Western loo 674 — SO j Ditto Half Shares 50 ift*— 274 25 | Ditto Quarter Shares 25 111— 11} dis 20 Ditto ...


... Traffic Account for the Week ending Jan. 5, 1850. £1726 3s, 2d. SHARES. Paid. Price. £131 Do. 25 30 Do. 5 X., preln. Do. Stock 5 per cent 10 par. Do. Stock 4j per cent 10 3 p.ct.dis HIUH WATER AT JAHUARY. | Morning. Evening. 13.. G 37 6 59 Monday .14.. 7 1H 7 34 Tuesday H.. 7 53 8 10 Wednesday 16.. 8 27 8 45 17.. 8 59 9 16 Friday IK 9 32 9 49 Saturday 19 10 4 10 23 The TREDEGAR HOUNDS will ...


... The official return of revenue for 'he quarter which terminated on Satuulay Iasi has b?en pobhsn d On the quarter JUSI concluded, compared with the correspon ding quartei ot last yeat, there is an increase of £ 9171,125, being the hllllance arising 00 the aggregate çf tho various items tOil. merated below IVCKBASB. Customs f 38 235 Excise 371,899 24,960 36,699 Increase on ordinary ...


... ('arr%,cte I to the 1st nfp from Railway Oulde. UP TRAINS, i > 'ixed- | Misod. L I Mixed.$j jMail mxi Mixed. 5 morn. ;*ft»r. after. morn. > Cardiff Docks 9 to 12 45 4 15 9 16 3 44 Csrdiff 9 SO 1 0 4 30 » 30 | 4 0 Liandaff 9 39 1 10 I 4 4!l 9 39 1 4-10 Newbridge. > 10 9 | 1 43 } 5 la '0 9 1 4 43 t>da,o .ln-„i»n nr j 1(1 ->Q j 1 .5.5 j$05 Aln lOuic JuiJU ...


... LOCAL AGENTS Abergavenny—Mr. J. H. Morg*o, I ardijf— Mr. Bird, pc»t-ofliee. Measvs. Rees & Son, stationers. Chepstow—Mr. Clark and •»* At>tr>ychun —r Somen. Taylor, atation.r*, *«• Aberdare Mr. T. Evans, Ita- Jlutlmtlrllh-Mr. Co, posi- tioner, druggist, 4c. office. witki t'lackuPiHi—Mr.Jones,poit-offlce. itferthr/r Tydvll — Mr. wiitias Wri/niM(/rfr.Mr.Stephenson,printer sfationef. Hrecott—Mr. ...