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North Wales Chronicle



North Wales, Wales


Caernarfonshire, Wales

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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... TO READERS AND COR1ESPOlDEXNTS, . .i ,rr-lUrc of local imtemgncnc dcnnauds a breoak inl tlhe ' ,l sir'l hos. P'hillips's work on Vales. . .lw p e1' AiIIImnanfc we expeot will accompanlly ext Chs, otherhellhelf. ,cand( (other favours arec1held III rescrvo. Ip Si 'V T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re0; Price Fourpence of any Bookseller, t he PERNIANENTLY ENLARGED 'TO TWVENTY-FOU11 LARGE QUARTO PAGES. t~e THr E[E AT1'[I-E N gU A Vte hat JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ARIT; tile for (Stamped to go free by post, 5D,) CONTAINS:- soeto ?? REVIEWS, with copious extracts, pf every important New English Book, and of the nmore irnp,,, W8.. ?? Works. REPoIVS of the Proceedings of the Learned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... preteoted 'yRoyal Letters Patent.' D0r. LOOCK's jIALE WAFES Have no Taste of Medicine. nrO r tile only remedy recommended to be takren l~is.They fortify the constitution at all ~ 0fhfe a~ inall 'Nervous; Affections act like ~ Ihey remove Heaviness, Fatiglue on ?? of thle Heart, Lowness- Waeeand allay pain. j~tr creae Apptite, and Temove Inaigestion, !e lle~rttrtri, Wid, ead-aches, Giddiness, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? g au, ?? re so TO READERS AND CORMSPONDENT78 hi e anin to apologise for the non-delivery of thc j e 11loot oe. which willcortainly accompany our t ofi tbeh 22d iust. It will be a very ?? e W OW f tvpogiophy: and the delay has been ocen- er 1,vles a dsire tp reuder it as complete and perfect la ' t PniilleiChild's Appeal, the leport of the Coun- er eifezj~ Nat ional -Reform Association, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ORE YOU DESPAIR. J1LOLLOWAYS P'ILLS. CCUERO ASTHM.NSII . a oet alrter fi36mi Mr' Beaamin Mackie, a 12 0,/ee, dated Creelee k,7 , teetea Long/is l ?? l dated Sojlteleber Ilth, 1848. To Professor HOLLO WAY. ]prl PECC¢D Fiarrexn,-Thy cellent Pills have ef- II,. core I ile I of an Asthma, which afflicted oe eercys to such l an extent that I was obliged Wdlk room icon at night for air, afraid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PWLLIIHELI BANK FOR SAVINGS. 1 fX5l-TE Depositors in this Savings 1nnk awe htreb'y reuired, in compliane ith the 7th and 8th T{-T Victorjia, cap. 83, sec. 5, to eeuse their Deposit i.ooks to be produced at 1eetings of the Trustees C and Managers of the said Savings Batk, which will respectively be held on Friday, the 18th day of . JANUAaY instant, and on Friday, the 25thi day of JANUARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17OU AMAY BE CURED YET! 4 _ HOLLOWAY'S O1WTVIENIT. Iat el-pl OF R1113UMATPIPM AND RIIEUMlrICEor GOUT. e I.0tter fromt Mr. Thomas Brf n ion, Lead F l,,d ,f the Waterloo Tavern, Coeathain, Eur'kashc, ?z'c itj' 1w Life Guards, dated Siept. 281e, 1848. To PnloriINSo, Hwor.LoLWAY. fri Si.--Vnr a Iong ti ne vas1 % Martlyr tol 1leum n- o b jjn -ind Ifll ndinmii i o u i t and for 10 weeks preVioliS I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ed MISS WILLIAIS Ii.MI he W ILL ;esume the duties of her School on Alioxpay, the 21st instant. >arl 7?rl70lr}Pt rllhe~i. I., iS DANCINl AND PnESONAL DEPORTMEET el MR. HUMFRAYS iry is ,ESPECTFULLY announces that ils Profe Pj sional Duties will re-commence at Pwill to- on Monday, the 21st instaript in ANoLPr;yFY n' Tuesday, the 22nd instant; C&IONAOVlN, tl;e 23rd. q. 3ANona, the.24th; and nt Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO R-F-AiRs AND CORRESPOWDENTS. (01. t1:%Iv;l', of ie 711t chapter, on Education. of Sir ., p;4 rillprs Worl; on Wines, thouh rcody. v e ?? ly 1i .ress of matter to defer for a n Iticral's r; 'inder to Mr. W. Arnbrose. declined 1, tI' hlr ?? sh-aO nprenr in the ensining Number. Truth andhitbes) on Relfsupportimcprit n or an fiw waords il eply to the natbor of lligh- %rVIIS andl Dry wsays. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rn A& GLE'SEVY WIkVlN.N D!,q2,h 774 NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS. a A LL persons having Deposits in any of t, m ,j Branches of the above Savings Bank, re re r quested to send or bring their Deposit Books to I l several Branch Offices on the days specified bel r-between the hours of 10 o'clock in the Morning ,K in 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, for the purpose of beir, re examined and confirmed with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE CELEBRAT'D Ono, ?? ('(REAMAD)QC el nsi Ati biiiA t blllu Pi blls ,.e,,tie tind CUS for eall diserders resulting fro i li f >kred state Of the Stonsrauch, and Liverh Snd ?? g i ' Blood. r~trrrisned by the Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, and. Public at Larae. fol area frot the Original Prescription of that a, ?? pvsician, (rhe Abernethy of Woales), ,1,110 late W.LL. ROBERTS, M.D., '0IR' MD, lY ...