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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... Loungers of the London streets, with memories a quarter of a century old, will probably recollect large print shop in St. Paul's Churchyard, belonging to Messrs. Bowl. and Carver. The persons who crossed the threshold were few, but there was aWaya a considerable multitude gazing at the windows, for the highlv-coloured prints that adorned the panes belonged to v school of art that had long ...


... The half-yearly meeting of the proprietors was held at the White Lion, Broad-street, Bristol, on Tuesday, James Poole, un., Esq., in the chair. The Secretary read the notice con- vening the meeting, and also the report, which appeared in the on Saturday last. The capital account showed that the receipts up to June, 1867, had been £ 1,045.778 6s. 2d., and the expenditure, i 1^073,218 10s. 7d,, ...


... With a view to iiHurd to our friends and the public enerallv every information in regard to the recent CATHEDRAL COMMISSION FOR THE DIOCESE OF LLANDAFF, we purpose on FRIDAY NEXT, to present them wiih a GRATIS SUPPLEMENT, containing o FULL REPORT of this interesting cor- respondence. We sue sure this slep will be highly satisfactory and, while returning our thank* for the very liberal ...


... NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. CAUTION TO INNKEEPERS.—Received; the subject being of no interest whatever, except to the party concerned, should appear as an advertisement. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA.—In the first column of our first page we advertise Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co's Eagle Line of Packets for Australia. Since that page was printed, we have received the name of an additional ship— ...

[No title]

... PREFERMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS.—Rev C. J. Armistead, to be Chaplain of H.M.S. Minden. Hong-Kong. Rev T. A. Bangham, Incumbent of Christ Church, to the Rural Deanery of Lichfield. Rev A. Btrch, to the Rectory of Middleham, York- shire Rev E. Buller (son of the late Incumbent), to the Yicarage of Overstowey, Somerset. Rev W. H. Chars ley, of St. Mary Hall, to be Chaplain of the Radcliffe Infirmary ...


... NEW BOROUGH MAGISTRATES, We understand that Messrs. James Pride, C. W. David, and George Bird, have been appointed magistrates for this borough by the Lord Chancellor. CARDIFF CRICKET CLUB.—The members of this club will be glad to hear that the committee have determined to com- mence their season on the first Tuesday in May. For par- ticulars see advertisement. Mr. Elderton, a London attorney, ...

[No title]

... DE.HNEss.-We hear upon most credible authority, that Mr. J. Rackham, Operative Chemist, Norwich-the inventor of the celebrated lint for the cure of piles-has discovered an unfailing remedy for all cases of Deafness, except from actual malformation. This is truly a most important event. So confident is the proprietor of itsefficacy, that he guarantees to send fresh supplies, if required, free ...


... GENERAL NEWS. Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, was attacked with paralysis at the Manchester Athenaum last week- Sir James is recovering. We are requested to state that there is no truth in the report that the Government intend to create three new Indian Bishoprics.— Times. It is stated in the Dublin Evening Post thst Lord Naas, the Chief Secretary, is to succeed Lord Elphinstone in the ...


... A stranger would hardly imagine that we were on the eve of a social revolution. There are no monster meet- ings; no processions of squalid and resolute men; no conspiracies in cocklofts to murder Cabinets at dinner; no men with pistols prowling about Parliament-street no seditious pamphlets nothing in England, or Ireland, or anywhere, that five policemen could not manage. Yet we are about to ...


... From St. N.izaire, in the Bonne Mère -DOS sacks of flour, for Spiller and Browne. From Dantzic, in the Louise Drockelmanu-Cargo of timber, for Batchelor Brothers. From Nantes, in the Joseph Hippolite—150 sacks flour, for Spiller and Browne. From Dautzic, in the Argus-A cargo of timber for Powell and Son. DUTY PAID ON IMPORTATION. Powell and Sons, 430 loads sleepers, ex Argus. Spiller and ...


... THE FOUR P.'s.-Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined with Poverty, and supped with Penury. There is very little use in a man's meaning well, if he cannot express his meaning by his acts. It is not easy to strengthen in the oak tree the crook that was made in it when a sapling. Nothing is more odious than the face that smiles abroad, but flashes fury amid a tender wife and children. If oranges ...


... THE committee el1trudte,1 with the care (If tiie fuiid for the ueoefit ol tll1li, persecuted couple, have recently purchased an aunully 0| £G3 5s. the Debt Ol1ict!, for whlclt tliey paid 1078 Is. (id. This augmented by surJ* foreign annuities, making their yearly receipts f>in Christian benevolence upward- of £ 100. They are last recruiting ihtir strength. Diarrhoea gravel, .tone, affections ...