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... JUST' PUBLISHED, A LITHOGRAPHIC PLAN OF THE TOWN AND PORT OF CARDIFF, BY M. S. 0 R 0 U R K E; IN which all the circumstances of the Town and Neighbourhood are clearly and accurately set forth, with t'itj eutraticesto the Bute Docks and Glamorganshire Canal. Prices:—Plain, £ 1 Is.; Mounted,fl 10?. Applications for Plans to be made at the CAUDIVF AND MERTIIYK GUARDIAN Newspiper-office, Duke ...


... THE CARDIFF AND ilttaln .» loac eto, Prince OF WALES, MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; S TAR, JAMES CLEMENTS, COMMANDER; ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JAN. as follows (from the BUTE SH1F DOLK) Prince of Wales— Mondays, Star—Mo,nlays, Wednesdays Wednesdays, and Pridivs. and Fridays. *>t*r—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prince of Wales—Tuesdays, a«4 Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. fr'rom CARDIFF. ...


... THE c A R D I F F AND liRlSTOL &tram Pztltm, P R I N C R O F L D is ) 1 31ATTHEW JONES, COMMANDKH; STAR, JAMES CLEMENTS, Cosi.MAxnr.n A HE intended to Sail during tlie Month of JAN. j\. as follows (from the BUTE Slili' DOCK) .— Prince of IF.iles—Mi.uli;.«, Star—Mondays, Wednesdays Woduesdays, and l** r i ■ I J. y s. mid fiid.t)*. Stnr Tuesliys, Thursdays.. Prince of Mutes 1 uoMd.ns, dud ...


... BISHOP COPLESTON'S TESTIMONIAL. i T a MEETING held at the CHAPTER HOUSE, LLANDAFF, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1849, the Venerable the ARCHDKACON of LLANDAFF in the Chair, it was Resolved,— Is', —That this Meeting considers that some Testimonial is justly due to the memory of the late excellent lJisiop, who so louif presided over this Diocese, and won alike the affection and respect both of the ...


... CONFIDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY, 4, TRAFALGAR-SQUARE, LONDON. PARTIES desirous of effecting Life, Annuity, or other Policies, or of procuring Loans, through the medium of Insurance Offices, are invited to apply to the under. signed for their Circular, addressed to Assurers,whith may be had Gratis, and by whom all business of this nature, whether relating to immediate or Reversionary ...


... BISHOP COPLESTON'S TESTIMONIAL. AT a MEETING held at the CHAPTER HOUSE, LLANDAFF, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1849, the Venerable the ARCHDEACON of LLANDAFF in the Chnir, it was Resolved,— thii Meeting considers that some Testimonial is justly due to the memory of the late excellent Bishop, who so • ntr presided over ihis Diocese, and won alike the affection and respect both of the Laity and tlie ...


... A BALL AND SUPPER WI LL TAKE PLACE AT THE CARDIFF ARMS HOTEL. CARDIFF, (hi TVHDNKSDA Y, the 2:)rd of Ja nuury imf. LADY TYLER, LADY PATRONESS. CAPTAIN BOTELER, ) High Sheriff, STEWARTS. T. W. BOOKER, ESQ., ) TICKETS—LADIES', 7s. 6D. GENTLEMEN'S, 10s. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. MERTHYR-TYDFIL. A PUBLIC BALL Will take place on THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1850, At the Castle Hotel, Merthyr, ...


... THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL Strain PRINCE O F rv ALE S, MATTHEW JONES, Commander; STAR, JAMES CLEMENTS, Commandkr ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JAN* as follow* (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) — Prinee of /rules— Mondays, S'ar—Mondays, Wednesdays Wednesdays, MUI Fridays. and Fridays. Star—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prince of Wales Tuesdays, and Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. From CARDIFF. From ...


... THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL PRINCE OF MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; STAR, JAMES CLEMKNTS, COMMANDER; ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JAN. as follows (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) Prince of /yaks— MONDAYS, Star—Mondays, Wednesdays WEDNESDAY.'), and. Fridays. and Fridays. Star Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prince oj tVules—Tuesdays, and Saturdays. Thursdays, ;A»d Saturdays. From CARDIFF. From U'tliSTOL. JAN ...


... BISHOP COPLESTON'S TESTIMONIAL. 4 T a MEETING held at the CHAPTER HOUSE, LLANDAFF, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1849, the J\. Veuerabie the ARCHDEACON of LLANDAFF in the Chair, it was Resolved,— 1st, —That, this Meeting considers that some Testimonial is justly due to the memory of the late excellent Bishop, who so long presided over this Diocese, and won alike the affection and respect both of the ...


... TIlB Cardiff AND BRISTOL PR I N C E OF WALES, MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; STAR, JAMES CLEMENTS, COMMANDER; ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JAN- as follows (from the BUTE SHIP DOCK) — Prince of Wales— Mondays, Star—Mondays, Wednesdays Wednesday*, and Fridays. and Fridays. Star Tuesdays, Thursdays, Prince of I-Vales—Tuesdays, and Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. From CARDIFF. From ...


... CARDIFF LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. frHE GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the Members of this Institution, will be held on THURSDAY, the 7th of FEBRUARY, 1850, at Noon, in the Library of the Institution, Crockherbtown. It is particularly requested that any unpaid Subscrip- tions for 1849, or previous years, may be forwarded to the Secretaries before the Meeting. WILLIAM FLOYD, £ Hon* ...