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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LRDKININAIRD'S PUBLIC HOUSES- B1Il FOR LORD ~SCOTLAND. IE SPIRIT DEALERS' DEFENCE COMMITTEE of 'jGLASGO~in noticing the, defeat of the above obnoxious Bill, be,7 to returni thanks; to the Trade for the coirdial support and Celrtl~Il ?? they have reeix-ed in opposiitg it, -net -only in butgl paisley, ?? Ruebergion, Coatbrieige, Pollokehawa, uibronl, Bairhead. Hamilton, and other 1~~hbolrig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTIMATION. W HERES AGNES LllERITClK or DUFF (lately a rho l v - Worker in MIessrs. Todd & Higginbotham's Mill, and re- ted siding in Hospital Street), left her Service on the .5th instant, and lue, has not been heard of since, intimation is Hereby Given, that any Person inho will give such infoinration as may lead to her dis- , covery, will be suitably Rewarded by applying to Mr. James iDunn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ALLVABLE AND SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY IN E ORGE STREET, AND NORTH ALBION STREET, FOR SALE. UPsET P S[CE REDUCED TO £9000. There will be Sold, bv Public Roup . within the Stock Exchange ,ot Notiosal Bank Buildings, Queen Street, G lasgow, on L* dwe;d;v the 24th day Of July next, at One o'lok P if 5st prevto,, disposed o by Private Bargain, & LI. nld WHOLE that Larg e and Substantial TENEMENT a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY FOUND. A SMALL SUM5I of MONEY~l', on the South Quay, on the night of Friday last. Whoever has lost the same, on proving their property, will hare it returned by applying at tile Clyde Police Office, No. 1d Robertson Strect. FOUND, y At Wemyss Bay, a few days ago, A N OPERA GALSS and CASE.-Apply to Mr. Browne, A Court House, Glasgow.a s MONEY. m 0 LEND, on Heritable Security, £8000, il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADJOURNED SALE. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBlIC ROtUP, T'tine Hotel, Greenock, on Tuesday the 6th day of August next, at One o'clock Afternoon, following SUBJECTS in Greenock, belonging to the T rut Estate of the deceased James M'Vicar, Coppersmith Lu G L andl WHOLE that TEN EMlENT of LAND, situated :h. Ftside of Cross Shore Street, in Greenock, as presentlv 0 ed hr MIrs. imith, Eating-honsekeelier, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI1GHLAND DESTITUTIOGN Sext week will be peblished, price i bV post Is-, PTIPORT for 1850 of the EDINBURGH SECTION 17,,f the C-ENTRAL BOARD or the RELIEF of DESTI- t*TION in'tse HIGHLAN S and ISLANDSofSCOTLAN'D, ?? illtuztaftiv e of the Relief Operations. w 'li'nal ill lackwvoo& & Sonls, Edinburgh and London, ?? & SON , Glasgow, efwtoin ?? had T A.'l 1,1i for 1848, in one Yol. cloth, price d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATTLE SHOW. r OHN DUNCAN, CATTLE and ShIEEP SALESfAX, 6 will be glad to accommodate Parties sending A to G asgoweither with Stalls or Loose Boxes, in his yrite ~jst°:k t°Q-' ruShGreen. Also, good Clean Gr-ass for Cnirtle S yre within Two MilesoftheTown. Partieswhomway intrust er uei', their favours, may depend upon the uttnost attention, and h vrr~ineld~rte rates. st - SI1 EX;HIBITOR.NS AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED From Sackville Place, on Friday morning the 19th, between the hours of 6 and S o'clock, A SMALL TERRP'ER DOG PUP, of the' Skye breed, be- A twixt tbo arid three months old, of a dark grey with brown Mixed, very black nose and lo1n hair, with a small leather collar round its neck, and a piece of cord attached to it. Any person who will return the same to 133 Stirling's Road, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELIGIBLE PROPERTY IN WEST NILE STREET. FOR SALE, T within the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, Glasgow, on Wed TesdaO Ihe 21st August, 180, at Two o'cl-ck. - . -E STREET FLAT and SUNK FLAT -below ofthe Tw f ITENEMENTS Nos. 43 and 45 West Nile-Street, presenty ipicd by Miesrs. Campbell, Rivers & Co., and others. Retal1 n the: *hlI5. the TWVO remaifing FLATS above, of thejTENEMEIT. gote 45. isR eunta, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IITISH GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION.' 3In1CO2arated by Act of Parliamnt. SUeoSCRIBED CAPITAL, £250,000. eT!Qee., * No. 127 PRINCE'S STREET, EDINBURGH. kf 9 ATERLOO PLACE, vO ile L oltlo, 61 ING WILLIAM STREET, CITY. ( 110 FIFE PLACE, o0p6ts iD G lasgl`- -, 16 ST. VINCENT PLACE. o DIRECTORS fi _ki^ Jc xr)[ONTIH, Esq. of Dean, (bairinaan.. tioc ,I(LioiO Essote. Esq., Aecountant. ,T igt lil.1WILI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... {i DEED OF SETTLEM1ENT AMISSING. Tn HE TRUST DISPOSITION and SETTLEMENT by a TROBERT ALLAN. dated 4th Alugust,'1823, in favour ofa s the late JOHN CLELAND, sometime residing in Helensburgh, E t and Codicil thereon, dated 29th January, 1838, in favour of Mrs. N CATHERINE REID, his Wife. This Deed has been Lent by ar Mr. Cleland to some person. It is requested that it be returned to Robert Sword ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS CUNLIFF, 7 LMBANK PLACE ,SPECTFULLY intimates that she will RE-OPEN her -R SEMINARY for YOUNG LADIES on THURSDAY, 15? AUGUS- -rISSES LEGtENDIIE lsil R2ESUJME their CLASSESwith )[ the 5jsistvtiCO of eetolit Masters, on MONDAY the Fifth Ao^~j 148 RANDOLPH TERRA4CE. t> July 26th, 1850. _ -ISSES FIN LAY SON having Removed from 148 West Nile jI,, Street. to 50 B iceleneb Street, beg to auntuai ...