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... I TAVOY, SRPT. 18 -A murd r of the most shocking and f revolting nature was committed last evening, about seven o'clock, by a Malay man, known by the name of Moung Bo, by which four pe ...


... ,e. ?? ba Li TAVOY, SEPT, 38.-A murder of tho usost sbocking and fully of' revolting nature was committed last evening, about seven matt id o'clock, by a Malay menl, known by the name of Moung have ,h Bu, by which four persons, two women and two youn haa 'hchildren, were sacrificed to the monster's fury, and tw, br avc more are lying at~ the Civil Hospital, one dangerously- Bc a, nd the.other ...


... --GENERAL QUARTER S 'ESSIONS- ; ; -. 2 ?? 1. i, :i . :: ;, . !, ut The genernl quarter sessions for the borougli of Mamihes-hi iftereopened ?? mortiing, before RI B ArinstrolgEsq. ,thi 0 r ecorde end D. Price, T..S utllw rt ;and V. B. T Vw atkins, Bsqa. magistrates. The following ale the mne~is ,is of tile gentlemnen'worin uion'tbe grand Juryi tei .10 Aralcolmu Roes, 'Croniford Court, ...


... * .J..lXN k.x uSS, ty0.4 MANCHESTER .OOUR~T~ OFBNRUTY lute- ?? Mr., Ooon~l ?? Ire ze E7Cla-, .BU ckk r ,,WJzd In ch b old - The batilti'tpP. LT1)eo.: ~,are1ntraetos ad:' hr hqker~l 'of 'Swinton a4nd Miu- Jni~n heate, hin apperhd feir' ast'examigatioo. Clarke. ire-has,, however,. a~bsconded; 1antd r.]i Tairlor, 'alIiorfr som te .bankrupts, 'applied for, arn ajurm to thee )fthe haiu' tr ls 'for~ ...


... 1 1'IL D - J.::ll LVI U JIAIn . it CORONER'S VERDICT IN THE CASE O7. V DRt. PARKMALN2. n (From ilic Boston Post of December 14.) P At six o'clock, yesterday afternoon, the jury of inquest oti the remains of the body foundi in the Medical College, mnade up their verdict, and.the members of the press, who were ii waiting in an adjoining room, were called into 'tbe jury room,te :to hear the ...


... DEATH FROM) ALLEGED NEGLECT.: _ On Friday last, Mr. E. Hlerfora, borough coroner, hield au 1910 'inqiuest on the body of a wornau, named Alary .11nter, 3a 2290 years of sge, vwho had( died at No. .8,Lnlgaic t ,'wjioet 80 receiving proper med ?? attendance. The following evideice 1440 wuas ?? U'Donough, of No.5, Ludgate-street: 110 I o ou selling herrings, andkeep lodgers; h have onl; two rooms ...


... On ?? v lato, a female of respectable appearance = lembarked at Dublin, in the Queen Victoria steamer, for Liverpool. She gave her name as Miss Smith, and said K she was a cabin passenger. D ...


... The adljonrocol enrinal. mating of the mCagj~dTrol3 for' tbl OP ?? was licldousWedneeddnylast, at the 0ourE-heneO, Preston, au ~ bo 10 a~~cacov.rr ~co~ alaong othoer , were t ...


... TEE COUNTY POLICE. To the Editor of tie Preston Chronicle. SBa,-Allow me a few lines in your paper to expose the doings of the county police, in reference to licensed vic- tuallers. There air in our neighhouihood only very few public houses; and I dare challenge any part of' the county to produce houses that aie nmore orderly kept. On Christmas Eve a gent. from Blackburn gave a storr, as it ...


... QWUARTER SESSIONS. Ttc Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Hundrads F lrumod erness Leylan1, and Blackburn, comineuced di ' !i.. toi ot rhursday lat. 'fihe chairman toi k l is IL ahout half-past ten, when there was also present R. r latq, E T. T. H. lugham, Esq., T, Lowntdes, Eaq., S1iotlt irst, Esq., the Rev. J. Owen Parr, anti the Rev. R-I liondll, Ilitere ieorc forty-one cases el red in ...


... I -ECUNE1ILTPAI~ A desperate affray took place on Tueslay morning ! week, ina wood opposite the parsona.r,,e-house, at Wighton, between the game-keepers of the Earl of Leicester and a gang of eight or ten poachers, who were armed with guns and staves. Two of the keepers were seriously injulrel, and one of thein now lies in a dangerous stat>. Four of the offenders are now in Walsinghanm ...


... ADJOURNI'D ANNUAL SEiSSION| The adjourned annual seossion for the peaco of this county was held at the Court lhouse, in this town, on Wednesday last, whets the following ma~gistrates wvere present:- The Very Rev. Aytoitn~ctov BROOKS5 in the chiair; Sir T. G. 1-leslketh, 13ait.; Sir ?? Armitage, Knt..; A. Henry, M.P. ;W. Brown, ?? J Brotherton, M.p.; .1. Kereliaw, M.P.; -It. A. Thicknesse, M3 ...