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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



London, England


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... on o fact of the insertion of any letter in these columns does not neces sarily imply our concurrence in the views of the writers, nor can we bold ouiselves responsible for any opinions that may he expressed therein.] To the Editor of the Illustrated SroBTiKQ and Dramatic News.) Calcutta, March 22, 1870. e jfy attention has just been drawn to a picture in your of Oct. 2. 1875, entitled tlio ...


... . Sir,-- Will you give publicity in your columns to a few lines. I arrived in Melbourne, from England, beginning of this year, opened at the Academy of Music in Two Roses as Digby Grant. The comedy was an immense success. The papers did me the honour to confess that it was due in no small measure to my exertions. However, in the Era especially that of the 28th of May, boththe part and myself ...


... Sir, A great deal has been written and said anent the roar ing infirmity now so common amongst our thoroughbred stock. My opinion is that its origin in a great measure is to be attributed to the breeding of early foals. The first roarer ever known in Lincolnshire was Rector, who, fifty years ago, spread the disease ihroughout the county. No horses ever did the same amount of mischief as did ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. My Deae Rapier, Did you ever ride over wire I don't mean by mistake, but intentionally. If you have done the former, my own instincts and experiences tell me that you won't willingly try it again. The recollection of a silent sorrow here in the region of the back of the neck and other spots about you will help materially to skin ...


... . Sir, I read lately in your interesting journal (copied, I believe, from the Daily Telegraph), some short memoirs of the late Thomas Lake Crommelin. Few (as it is there observed) can re member him in his palmy days but I was one of the number indeed related to him, his father and my mother being sisters' children. Charles Russell Crommelin, the father, only son of the Governor of Bombay, was ...


... . [To the Editor of TfP? Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Deae Rapiee, I am sorry to see that you endorse Mr. Gilbert's sweeping assertion that French dramatists excel hy the use of adultery alone. I coupled Mr. Gilbert with M. de Bornier because (with the exception of Mr. Merivale) Mr. Gilbert has made the only serious attempts to revive the higher poetical drama that have been of ...


... . PLEASE HELP US I [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.] Dear Sin, Can yon favour us with a small corner of your space in order that we may solicit your readers' generous assist ance in our work Long bofore Christmas wo made tho neees- saiy arrangements for giving breakfasts and dinners to some 30,000 children, and, of course, it will ho understood that it is ...


... . To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, Will you allow me to call attention to one of the peculiar customs in the Chess-world at Purssell's, most of the players being altogether unknown by their ordinary names The following is an account of an evening's play On enter ing the room, I found His Lordship, with his private chess-board, anxiously looking out for a ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. ENGLISH SPORTSMEN IN NORWAY. {To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News., Sir, My attention has been called to a paragraph in your issue of the 27th July, I think (I cannot be quite certain of the date), under Circular Notes, in which you quote from a writer in the Dagbladet alluding to English sportsmen in Norway, that at Carlo (in the district of Tromo) a ...


... . [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, I have seen in your estimable paper of the 26th August an account of a medal which I have just engraved for the festival at Bayreuth, and which you have considered worthy of reproducing by an engraving. In the text you say that it is made by a Germaa artist. As I wish to preserve my Belgian nationality, I should feel ...


... . SrR, In reading the notice given of me in The Illus trated Sporting and Dramatic News on Saturday I see there have been two mistakes made. It was the character of Rollo (Ranquo) not Malcolm I plaved in tile opera Biorn at the Queen's Theatre. Also, it was Miss Violet Cameron who played Germaine, not Miss Kate Munroe. whose place I have taken at the Globe Theatre. Will you kindly correct the ...


... . Sir, There is an earlier mention of the extravagant fiction of frozen sounds lhan those which you quoted in your recent reply to W. C. D. In Rabelais' Pantagrutl, chaps. 55 and 51, will be found an account Comment, en haulte mer, Pantagruel oui't diverses paroles de-gelees. The chapters are too long to be given in their entirety, but the following extracis will serve to show the author's ...