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Morning Chronicle


London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. MR. ST. JOHN'S NEW WORK. Just ready, fcp. Sve., price 5s.. HE NEM XESrI S of PO W ER.1 I T Forms and Causes of Revolution. By JAMES AUGUSTUS ST. JOHN. Author of Isis, There and Back Again, &c. London: Channman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. NEW NOVEL. To be had at all the Libraries, I vol., post Svo. 9B., i R A N S M U T A T I O N. A Novel. By N. or M. This novel, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UENOS AYRES ENGLISH DEBT.-A B PUBLIC MEETING of the BUENOS AYRES BOND- HOLDERS will be held at the London Tavern, next Wedneeday, the 23d of June, at Twelve for One o'clock precisely, with the view of considering the Present State of their Affairs, and any matters relative thereto that may be brought before it. Aleo to afford the Commliittee an opportunity of laying before the Bondholders a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIEof PACKET SHIP.-For ,ft dirc~t, , leave the East India Docks, en the 15th Ciesa ravesend, the sp'eni~ld frigate- A i, beloniging to Mfessrs. Green, Ii~ S05' coasi~der. This fine ship, havinig a full c 'il. ecs iles st' uprir accommaodatlons o iyalE~~uss-uiling; r t F Green AtLN of PACKET SHIP for 1,0rLL11cip diese, to leave the East India Docks on tift, lll ,,il embark passengers at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IU ~to IINDIA, &c.-GENERAL SCREW sUI SBPPING COMPANY.-Nottce is hereby given to ^ STESW d Shippers, that the MAILS for June will be taoeo WPVTTA ( eit the Cape and Mauritius), by this Company'a VbC'ei-mshsp the pROPONTIS Captain G rovlaR. The Pro- W s leave tho East India Doeits for India on the 13th June, 5tplyinoutb oil the 16th, to take the masilsoaly. as for passage to be made at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AU~STRALIA.-The IRON SCREW SHAp, VCTORIA, A 1, 1,878 tons reistr 40ho ;T- CiAtW Csnadrwl oitively sail from 0TE- tielt'(f Juine next, and embark passengers at P .JO O0 the da fullOteisIg. HLLP n ;ed o~iligdf. t to AD&LAIDE, PORTP LL ,ad hi t'hilgonly at st. Viucent for coals; land as this $1 IIes everN iiuprovoernent in rigging and mathinery, f, robflireat experieflce in the A'sstraliati trade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'cr litcie, the rate or FegttBoton will be £,4, and. in to ew York £ e o esrmtt , SH and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL ,BIlL STEAM.SHIPS, appointed by the Admiralty to ?? NEW YORK direct, and between and 3OSO~ ?? ships only, calling at RL to, an d receive pateligers and her Majesty's mails. ?? or other vsesreapointed to sail from Liver. torday, asunder, viz.:- CA ICA' for BOSTON, Saturday, September 16 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bed EW DAILY NEWSPAPER.-The TELE- tile tL GRAPH & COURIER, price Twopenco. The pares and rof columns same size as the present morning papers. The First * Number to be published on Tuesday, tho 19th June, containing iare 1rigial, parliamentary, law, police, monetary, foreign, home, r to colonial and sporting intelligence, telegraphic despatches from the Ia seat of war, &c. All fromn special ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS E!J CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or ealsin the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Anthor of Pracis Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases sf the Feet., Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon loaZ experience; it has received the sasetion of the Royal Fanelies lurope, and the first of the nobility and gentry, he having Iby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. to td NN EL BY TliE AUTHOR OF EMILIA WYNDHAM. a Now ready at all the Libraries, in 3 vols., on T I M E the A V E N G E R. ex i By the AAuthor of vas Emilia Vyndhams, The Wilmningtons, &c. iad 'The Word dwelt with se, and its inward light, hit, By anguish aided and adversity, eft Wrought in my heart an inward Change entire. d. Henry ColIhrn, publisher, 13, Great Marlboroglgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cc MY YOUNG DAYS are O'ERSHADO)WED, an h alad, A reor uiftlrieded Outcast, suang Selli's le%,, 'TIr E 11Blyorplisi of Geneva, at the Princess's Theatre. W~ith the purity of aI Ltind, and the sweetness of a 1. Saiitag, our gifteod vocalist, Louisa Pync, amnid tho most breathless silence~, warbled those licart-toleihiiig melodies; but when the 2. srtre fiad contluilcd, thle enraptured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. nlrR. ROBERTS begs to announce that the ?? SALE of the RESIDENCE and LAND, at loig's Langley, the property of the late MIrs. Squire, Nvill toke place at thc Auction Alart, on Monday, the 2°d of April instant, instead of Monday, the 16ts, as previously advertised.-llernl Hecmpstead, April 5, 1850. In Bankriptcy.-Oxford-strect.-TlIO Stock in Trade of a Fur- nishing Ironmonger. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NDCHan CINA vi& EGYPT.- AM filLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for I .ea 1,ht Z(cI IteCEYLON, MADRAS, CALCU'rrA, L~n l fORE, and HONG KONG. - The Peninsular s~ai N~satisiCeonpany book passengers and re- Ib st 17 rcrl the alov ports by their stearierg, Btisrt- i 0 .tas? ,~ th 2. ith.o every month, and froiA Suez * -~oltli,' .,eser fr Bombay can proceed by this Comn ' fthe .29th of thle ...