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1850 - 1899
18 1850-1859



Northumberland, England

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Public Tags

WANTED, TWO JOINERS, to make upwards of one hundred Trunk Shells and Packing Gases for Exportation.—Apply to & ..

... Grainger Street. COAL WAGGONS. WANTED, 20 NEW COAL WAGGONS for Team Colliery. The Conditions and Specification of the same may be seen at the Colliery Office, Spicer Lane, Quayside, or a Pattern Waggon at the Pits. Tenders to be Bent to the Office or before the 10th December inst. Team Colliery Office, 2nd December, 1853. YOUTH WANTED. A Respectable Youth wanted, 14 15 years of ago, writes a ...

Foreign and Colonial Intelligence

... THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. A French-Spanish-Italian democratic committee has been formed Paris. The members are MM. Lamennais, Joly, Mathieu (de la Drome) Schcelcher, Baume, Bertholon, Lasteyras, and Michel (de Bourges), all members of the legislative assembly. They have published a manifesto, in which they proclaim themselves Socialists ; and they announce further that their mission is to resolve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rE RS FEVE-S, COLDS, COUGHS, -In all the varous Forms of these Complaints, hi.i h,, s;dnberasuffer soseverely, particularly (luring the frrzcf )1onth-, : more salutary Remedy cannot be resorted \il ter I tilt 1h'l1 effeted mor extraordinary Cures, than the to, or ?? S Il'fetO01 D-OPS, whlichl llivl be purchlused G1 ?? d ll cllousc, No. 10, Bow Church Yard, Chearp. 5! ut loo-ritO4 rc-pectablc ...


... springs not more from the head are often spoiled being too long ' as boys, often outgrow their strength. J> ne distinguished American states- ' wife is better than no wife - ...

WANTED, on good Freehold w Securities. Also, TO LEND £'V->(\ «~a several small Sums. . WM. WANLESS, T B

... Newcastle. WANTED AS NU^SeT A not ***** the age of then,on;h.-A; p ? a s Three Children-One from otherwise. G '' Gmrd Office, by letter WANTED, House of Business, where late hours are avoided, TICKS andr Uble UUg ers APPREN- Street' BoWdep - TO BE DISPOSED^OF NoW 1 c Uf>on BUSINESS in , and GROCERY Premises are . Newcastle. The capable tlle consc%,, n e X o e l h - > ***** Proprietor ...