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... i n Monday afternoon a sppcial general meeting of the R aI aebolders of the 131Bth aned Tine Railway waa held n tee comnany's offices, in Neville.etreet, J. Carr, Req. iii ihe chair, for the purpopeof authorieing the directors to apply to parliament in the ensuing sesaion to obtain certain objects-viz: to relinquish theautborised Long- burstexienmion, end to subtlitute a brnuch to Wavk. worth ...


... THE DURHAM COUNTY ADVERTISER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1857. I nckkahi THB Clergy.—On Sunday last, there were j admitted into the ministry the Church England, by I ordination. additional clergymen whom 114 were ■ from Oxford ; 100 from Cambridge; 21 fn>m King's Col| lege, London ; 15 from St. Bees, Ihvinity Colkge, Cumberland ; 11 from the University of Durham; 10 from Trinity College. Dublin ; 10 ...

THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW. Nature now robeth her saddest pomp, And, with a sorrowing, nervous restlessness, ..

... a change. Ou her soft lap, With many wistful, upturned lock, behold The HOAET Year reclines his heavy head, Awaiting dissolution. Aye ! 'tis plain He needs will have to pass full soon away— Away, to where the shadows of bis Sires Stalk grimly the Chambers of tho Past. He hath had warnings! Vestineuts, that erewhile Adorned his noblo frame seemly-wise, Of late hung loosely on him : pinched and ...


... ' DETAILS OF THE BOMBARDMENT& STORMING OF CANTON. ]KORE THEN FOUR HUNDRED OANNO TAKEN OR DESTROYED.' Bythe arrvl of the Overland mails, we have now the partioulars of the collision between the Britieh authorities at Oanton and the Governor eof that city, as well as the causes leading-thereto. * 5 The aubjoined documents, which Icafe been officially communicated, narrate the whole of what has ...


... MONDAY.—Before the Mayor (E. Grace, Esq.), Capt. West, E.iV., and Aid. Hodgson. Receiving Stolen Property. - Elizabeth Stephensor was charged with having received quantity drapery goods, knowing them to tho proceeds of robbery from the shot of Mr F. Clark, draper, Bridge-street, Gateshead. It appeared that, from information received Sergeant Leech, of Gatesbead, tbe prisoner was apprehended ...


... .NEWCASTLE, JA-4uA1Y 16. 'The Chinese rupture has assumed a somewhat mew aspect, according to the intelligence which Las arrived within the last few days. It is no longer a war between China and England alone, but a war between China and America also tle United States having become a belligerent, in consequence of the governor of Canton's con- duct in ordering the decapitation of some of the ...


... Guardian Office, Saturday, 2 p.m. NEWCASTLE CORN MARKET— Saturday. The, weather this week has been more seasonable with frequent frosts and a higher temperature. The trade during the week has been very inanimate, with little disposition to do business; this coupled with the dull accounts fromjthe large consuming markets, has caused buyers to refrain from purchasing as much as possible, and the ...


... At South Shields, la East Catherine Street, the 13th inst., the wife of M r Geo. Ann.strong, shipowner, son. At Nonsuch, Wilts, the 20th hist., the wife the Rev. Meredith Brown, of a son. MARRIED. Smth Church, the inst.. Mr RoK-rt Mun- dell to Miss Sarali Waggitt. is>tli of Bishop Auckland. At Bishop Auckl.-uid, at St. Ann’s Chapel, «*n the 20th inst., Mr «taim*s Thompson, of Muggleswick, Miss ...

&ft M - MEW ' Professor of the Piano-forte, from the Academy of Music, London re- spectfully announces that he

... has Resumed Professional Duties. Terms may be known at Veitch'S Piano-Forte Saloon, 6, Market Street, and Mew's Residence 36, Carliol Street. Evening Parties attended. jft m ~m KARBLE CHIMNEY iM PIECE'S, in very extensive, Magnificent Sculptured and Plain, quite new Patterns, from 3'>s to 60 which may be inspected ready fitted with the richest Steel and Ormolu Stoves, and also Black leaded ...


... The opening of a new parliamentary session will take place on Tuesday next, but not by her Majesty in person, who will authorize the royal speech to be read by commission. There is a considerable amount of work already cut out for the legislature to perform during the sittings of the present year, in nearly every department of the state. Law reforms are spoken of as certain of accomplishment, ...


... creditable to Sir George Grey that he has ' 80 early in the session, to grapple with, J«st and remedy, the difficulty attendant P ° secondary punishments. The task is cony a trying one, involving so much that is extent in theory with a concurrent amount of disjointed experiences as to perplex even the most philanthropists and the most acute e g'slators. i 8 not a subject for dogmatism, far ...