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Daily News (London)

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... SALES n tuurIoN. Uadbwetflt'-' ?? Xl fldc'a')t E.c???IinLtroYnl - nant' itd Sand leN2'. ? a-alaad-rnad IL. A. .1. r.1AL 9. anan-.:' ti OEAUt for SAX.R sn ?? 'tIN in12'-' ., isa i-i Mont n?0 .bcara'-yar'! Aa.'l 12i.t\'Tt IIbINT aI La' :0 ? PSZLP25I nrc-U ?? Xn?':Q?% -a .tn run- - 'naP. I hA'-> .. - Shop. N 2¾ ?? I. V. ?? *r¶?rt ?? - ?? At-.¶tSLO'a'. r'tt ?? or utrn-* an- ni-tI ...

The Queen has intimated her intention to confer the dignity of peer of the United Kingdom upon Viscount ..

... the title of Baron Sbute of Beckett, county Berks, and his issue male, with remainder, in default of such issue male, to his brother, the Hon. Percy Harrington and his heirs male. Cabinet Council. —Summonses have been sent out for a Cabinet Council at the Prime Minister'# official residence Downing-street, on Wednesday next, noon. The Queen's Return from Germany.— The Queeu Princess Beatrice, ...


... (Before Mr. J. D. Fletcher.) Mr. Henry Iviseh, who instructed to William Corkett., a police-constable of tho S division, admitted bail upon of larceny, made a formal application that the recognisances »'nt osirented and warrant issued for the defendant's apprehension. Mr. Henry Kiscli said the dcfcnelaat had in attendance this court Monday last, but Tuesday morning Inspector Stenner, of tho S ...


... (through reuteb's agency.) THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS WALES. BRUSSELS, March 27. Their Royal Highnesses the ce «±iid Princess of Wales arrived here at half-past clock this afternoon, and wore received the railway station by the Xing of Belgium and Mr* Lumley, the English Minister. The Priuce and Princess proceeded to tho Royal [aIaCe t EEANCE AND ,THE VATICAN. | . _ HOME, MARCH 27. I M. Desprez, ...


... COURT OF JUSTICE. QUEEN BENCH DIVISION—Jan. 14. Sittings at Nisi Prins Westminster. —(Before the Lord Chief Justice and Special ,hiriss.) The Court was occupied throughout the day the trial action brought, against a firm auctioneers and public-house broker* for negligent? in their over-valuation oi hotel ia country, to the prejudice the plaintiff, the purchaser tbe premises, for whom they ...


... OUK SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.} NE - DER- L Y ME, Friday Evening. The ac;ed women, in gay shawls which seemed to mock their deeply-troubled taces, had disappeared from the Fair Lady Pit bank to-day. Their absence diminished the colouring which had added melancholy rather than given relief to a painfully sombre scene. It also denoted the rapid advance in tho sad operations which necessarily follow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PUBLISHEIRS' COLUMN.J MESSES. MACMILL.S and Co.'s'LIST: ?pHE\rGt 11 FLOWVER GAIRDEN, fly M.A TNESEE: ali Accollut of fho New ?J'II LFEan V GIN of MARY CAREPNTI'R. ~ PSl~o. At~ UtEN tix. 'I tt orrit, Ne w anti Clasper ,4d -VNEW PiWX'NCHUS.Being a Revised ~e Cuiiego ~~rord A toot:. CILasoino~l Master inl St. VPat' tx'tii'. A - - llt' U-111IE,:VEDLA. Ed itedl, -,ithl Introtlin tk~n alic'.by ...


... THE EELIEF CAPTAIN BOYCOTT —*— (BY telegraph.) (FROM OUR SPECIAL COMMISSIONER). EALLINROBE, Co. MAYO, Saxuiiday Night. wild night of wind and rain was borne with unflagging spirit by the unlucky troops condemned to the most uncongenial of tasks. fair green Ballinrobe is now a quagmire, and tho men under canvas have had the roughest possible night of it. Only two tents were actually carried ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VCE-~Y to AUSTI3ALIA.-ORIETNT IiNW.-Tlie tollowing Rlerl MRil Stauships belonging to the OIIEN'I tEAM NA _GATIOX CO2tPANY ?? the PACIFJC STF,&M NAVIGATION COMPANY will leave the !loyal Albert Deck, London, aes ndex, for AIDELAIDE 'Smnaphoro), AE;L- BOUBRNE, and SY)NEY direct, taking Passengers at through tates for al Poria in Anstrh, mAnla, and New Zealnnd, and tor the Cape of Good Hope. Sbip. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7Y!NWLNSUiL^^g xiwd ORIETAL ST NAVi- U ATION COMiPANY. under G~oart for 10a.'s 414i8~. lA* alg. 14S3e~ SpeW R oikot Dep0tiues (7a a4a' .tfon Gravsenu dt 12.30Cp.m., a under: BOuBAY .APuLAZDZ. XL _. ~ CIIINA. ?? ?? . - .7i~ne~u. 3,~. 18 C0de 4700bIO rN:.IN . ; 27263ob. 2 aura ..2s0S 2 vlib 3541 15o17O., iS5e01 8 Alio ;o Ad6>, E~pt; aud 3T1teixean0nbyajay a~beoa nesorr eo i atoe2tera leave ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wj~EAR~ROYAL COVENT GARDEN.-i rqgPERO:EAD CNczRq-.L&sT NIGHT BUT 1otor, Mr. A. GWYLLYM OROWE ~~~ENADE ~~CONCERTS. - o Of.~F6RRDGE ~wifaii$TO.IGFT-TRE~hRROYAL, COVENlT. O~.ADE CONCERTS. Mr: .OSWAW I irill gins ?? CMlnAd k.N'NIGET B3UT TWO._ 1pROMENDE CONERT~- iss BESSI i EC tD ill pesform oll the Pianloforte Colioexto An NV Mio ill nd Val0 ie (.Conmtext Weiuihkl. 0 T.TETEROYAL. 63VENT-024 ~j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ooACT OF MEAT AND COMPRESSED FOOD COMPANY (LiMITEDP, wise DawslvvlP, it 04 r. W, a DS- bab beatA, KOPFus EXTRACT OF BEEW. KOPFS CILOREW'S AW1 ND ~rSVI' MD~. J o ?? ?? M to. SD Y bF26 ?? ear, So, ?? LAITPLOTUGffS PYRETIC SALIINE nAVE xT rr YOUR fOugIMAND TRAVEMS, USNG a OTEE. Ibis is the tru0 wAidot) in Fe, Evc yOV4 Affcdtio., S.ea o Bilous Sicawm, ?? pwcbha Od ends1 Merit& For the pro ecdon of ...