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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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BIRTHS. At '210 Argy

... ll Street, on the 22I instant, Mrs Joiepli Anduslniol a1 sell. At the Noew Flesh alizaar, on thic 2 L.t iastant, Mrs Joline Stewart; it soil. At 23 ?? Street, en1 the 21st instant, M'rS Jaines 3achaniaii a sell. a At 1 I l firih'v Street, on the 21st instant, Mrs N. Stevenl- I SO011l a sont. At 12 S0outh St. nlITgO Street, onl tilhe 21st instant, lai's Wnm. yluile, a SOll. At, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At \Waterloo l'lace, Glasgow, olt the !9th instant. M is W~illiam M ~l.\'lic ' i~t o. At 1!2 Argyll Street. onl the 2'3th n:ltalit, Mirs lobert Stewart it Son. At G reolsi(to flolse. Glatbrihlee, onl the 29th hiistaniit, Mrs omilo d JIohnstoi : :a laughter. .t J41O 1-1 ospitil Street. oil tieI! 2stl instant, Mr.,s Tl'om:is lowillnn, jun. a idlaigliter. At 1301 Thistle Stroet, on the 28th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B.3TII S. At S7 Nelson Street, Tradeston, on the 1st installt Mrs Alexmtider Fcrguson a; a daughter. At *!]0 Gallow'gate Street, on the 31st nitino, Mlrs ?? Neilson; n daughter. At 32 Oakshaw Strebt, Paisley, on the 30th ultitno, Mrs Alexander Abercrombic; n son. A ? A ' lllievue Crescent, on the 29th ffltimo, the wife of Pro- A 3 fassor Blalfour; a son. At 20 Charlotte Squarc, Edinburgih on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH 01' THE EARiL OF SiHAFTESBUIlY. (vrom the Morhiiig Chronicle.) re ret to lmve to an11oo1nee thc demise of thi8 vencrable wheef; who died oil Molonday, at bis seat hi Dorsetsl'ie. Tihe late Noblemnl hlid, it w ili be rjeinclberedl rctired at the commelice- Meet of the presluit session from the ollice of C im irminn ot1 tile CUmmittees of the i-louse of Lords-aii oltice whichi he had beld, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - 13ltTIIS. At the Manise, 1athlimel ton, Ireianid, on the 1.t i tslant, the wife of ?? lcv. Jamles Rcid * a son. At 25 Ahbbotsfor;l Plce, oil the. 5th instant, Mrs M'latthlew Greenllees, 11 diln~1tcr. At 2 St. Ja nie!' Street, Eingston, onl the 5th instant, Mrs John Dieio, asl:. ] At 219 St. Vinbcenit Street, on the 4th inateit, Mrs John llervey i daughter. At 1 llouston Street, Paisley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e, le THE DEATH OF THlE LATE MR. SHEIL. a )y (From the Morning Chronicle.) s The late Minister at Florence has not long enjoyed the post, a , his appointment to which was loojeed 0upon as the roecompense , of bestowed9l by tho Whig (4overnm11ent for the steady party service I is to which Mr. Sheil devoted the last few years of his Parlia- t ,d mentary life. Intelligence was on Monday night ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A t 5 Mortris aIsle, Oil the ?? ?? t., 'IlrS David Stfeal a i jeon ~'At Ud ?? Terrace, Hiltheatt, oil the bitl instanit, Mri Jamtes Snlitl I; adlaughiter'. ,o te thisat Mi At 211. 'Now D.1t iarinoek Romo he8hittet,3 James H amniltoni a1 SMi --At 6 Findllay Street, Coweadediliv onl the 6thl Sintatiit, Mrs ¶jiDavidl PIt Ckiti ii1 h~lt. At Si.-, Quoeen Stvect, ?? thle Cit illstant, Sii1:a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF VISCOUNT MELVILLE. (From) tire Cenrant.) Our reader's wvill learn with rio ?? regret that ti l- tigilelnobleman expired at his Scat of 11elville (Castle, InI M1id-Lotirian, at balf-past Six o'clock, onl fire afternoton of TIes-b day last. His Lordship, whto had recently entered his eighty- fis yea, ws in thle cnjoymct of good health ontil about tenlt nalystago, Is-hen hie beane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 1'27 Great Eastern Road, Canillacie, on the 11t1 inlstanit, Mlrs .ltoiis Gardner; a* dallghiter. At 3 Morris P'lace, on the l1th instaat, Mr s DMattbew GCray at Stilt. At Park Place Cottage, Paisley Rload, one the I !,tit in.tant, the wife of MTVr GUorgoe Shillito a d:augihlter. At Blank Placc, Jolinstone, on the itth stant, Mrs Robert Douglas; a son. At 15 Royal Cresceelt, on the 10th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At I Bol(,, S ll R`ITHS. AtIloti Street, P.iccadilly, London, onl the 11th instailt, Mli., Henry War'd a i daughter. At 2 Woodside Urescen~t, oin thle 14th iinstant, Alni William *Auld ;a son. At 13radfor.], Yorkshirce, oin the I 2th instant, SMrs Williame Logan ; a daughter. At Kaini, 1Loehwiuneel, Onl thle 1.2th instant, Afn3 Orr a Idaughter. At 9t I tigh1 Street, P'aisley, Oil thle 1ITI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ]31 TI{IS. At I2 College Open, on the 18thi instant, Ars, Riobert Pater son ; a daughter. At 83 Charleston Place, 'Taylor Strent, on the I8th histan Mars Cleorge P'earson ; a daughter. At :14 Glen Street, Paisley, on the 18th iastanit, Ulis Robert Congalton a son. At 222 High Street, onl the 17th instant, Mirs Win. WMallaee a daiughter. At I Rutland Crescent, onl the 171t, instant, Airs Smnith ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - 01 BIRTIHS. At I9 gope Stheet, on the 22d instant, Mr-s Petcr Pearson At 51'South Albion Street, on the 21st iitaut, Mrs Alex. Napier*;;a sonI. F At 7,2St. George's Ioad,'on the 21st instant, Mrs Ceorgc Stodirt , a dauHilitor. At 841h Town's Mlill Road, on the 20th instant, rrs Davidt hi Neilson ?? twill sons. Si At Vwhary Stre@t, Duith, enithe 20th instant, Mis Win,. at Muirh ii h S0I. L At ...