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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... To ADYVFMhISERS. AdZNA161gavlal ZallOO and nu~nbor] U4015 VWI MCiA mat Wo,4c, andlto appki periwonafl. All loiteo in 6007t001' to Ad01rtiaommots througkl the riinttr ard joor- to.nded to the rPg108 27a01100, and thoe 1'inters 11.20 no monteo ntrol Aplcat stld not in ant) Case ?? GEIOIOAL lao'imonaials, but *ftuat~fimij(C '~JANTED), aGOVEZRNESST 8OUSOKEqV PE p. A pply to Thomnos W Joy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thii Day (Tuiesday). Young- Repository, Fountaine-atrnat, Leeds. CaritsLl WVhitcabapoi Cart and Harness. Mfessrs. HARDWICK, D3EST. and YOUNG-beg to announce that they will bell by -Auction. This Days, Taesdaw, at Young's Hors and Coarisco Dfepository, Fountaine-street, e , pial VWBI3ThOHAlPEL C ART, painted green, A Indwith green morocco. boa apron and patent arms, A set BRiASS-MOTTNTED EARN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?kJAt tONAL EXMI~LTLWN of WORKS9 of ART, ORCEIE::PRAL PIFR C'q gj Dnily, IA tnt' n ?? poet two and hi l-yv~t 2Elv' ti~. Musical ?? Mr~. CHAH_,~~ ?? VERU9 OF AIRMLIO1N : BEzcF TKES. uolintrarificrubsle anid available ait all tirna'. Sax t' I- E.D-ir sppei'ai days, O~N C~st'iieNF..\ 61200-LE .XFeybuI&IOQNS-1,Wnc~nday6 and Fridays, 2,). Id Oth-3t daoil , f 2-. fod, and Io. 9OCT10 A~mimbomn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ATER D~iSONof heWEST RIDING.- PONTOFIICT PLLIN DISRICT.-The Liberal Candi- date, H.S. TOMPON, oq,,and SAA HOLDE.4, Esql., will ADDRES the LECTOS in te Tow Halt Pontafract, on Satur- dey th 3r Ocobe, 138 ateleen 'clckin the forenoun. JOHN ENT ENTCimiruan f th Election Committee. D 143q2 E ATER DIISIN o th WST RIDING.- GOOLE OLLINGDISTIIOT.-Th Liberial candidates. El. B. TOMPSN, Til. andISAA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yO be SOS Or, a Millinery and DreclniH~king i TSTFOSED OF, a JFWiET LERY and FA~NCY T ?? uzi- ti: been 51-XceefLil_1Y 05ricd on toy a num~ ; yeers, Aptly E. BOar, Harrogate. THTS.1enr, .t2. V&lnation for stock and flxtu~ea about 31'li., al g _nOa 17. Wt-stanat, Lee. - 96,r~ ~w W *f 'Xei Riding, Studk and tf.xt n's nelaly .O ydc_.r1-rew-whne~led CA,-T. SS, Vicar-lane. ~~sSOL, a bautiful Mlark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Messs. O~PR ad S S.a (Turday). 'YOUNG JciEPPE andt SONSi an Mesara.tHAIRDWICK, BEST, arid ~or~Gjei~tl Intiute h israSnow, Cheotni, and Oa., will Hell by Anction, Toeday ,aneveyd isdy utlacmlt cleasance be mrade, idouilacmlt Fr h .extellaive Stoiek of DRAPERY, HOSIERY, Cmecneach mooning at ?? e'cloek. 0 19001 f TbIP flap, at eleven o'clock. Messos. HARiDWICKg, BEST, and YO WOO,. csejointly with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIitt ltne - ro-rt * >'>'-tl a Ir ty '03EA?,itying. 7 st lo iacividw. I; ?? D ?? t i at. £the IndplOId) fo SAL.xpl (1e~+ ?? T huh 1:0 0.1 I StLE unitis fthe high ',tl iT. Ci it tBLLIA+) an'l i'iii I h:on 007nd ink~T~.F TAYLE. 1, 2 ' 1F ?? NBul~ 'i'HAi I~I4, li -olie YrsO.Ltoa, '11t! 'l (JT) ' i it-, -A.E n1LTO jiwtr'ssslf n tin i' outRr' 3 fia ?? , .w n S Uvirdyead HIrniee.ta~ln and tialt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVErRTIMERS. p'add s !pt js and aumbear Means mg a ?? ard to wrie, and ee w l lyrsonallv. AN Idt5rs i1 anaoter to Advergise5lM46 ?? 17k4 1ritevs tVA fc1). warsd to lhe propeulapgs, and she Printers have no wwre control over etem. c=nls ekoulod not iuo ant Oa. Omd QnLrMAL tesfUMonieas, butl copies onlu. *ftua001r%, UE. 15eacter, Qsobetne00e0, 15t AIAN any LadY recommend an eri need ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [A3)VMUMHHHTS.3 DB. EOOxZ S COD LrVZEt OrL.-Pulmonary Consurmp- tion, hbenmntiatm. Scrofula, General Debility, and all Ohronic Dis- eaca in their incipient stage are radically cured by the use of that truly rnatural Restorative, PUiRB PALH UjOD1cVZn OM, specially IMPReroWO anomro NZWRc ?? NDn fy DR. W. F. BooKS. This invaluable remedy, TRnUe Troa ?? of the ordinary Ood-Iiver Oi, il entirely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 TO ADVERTISERS. 'PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements uonder the following heads, viz. a ,inleo bp Vifate onttact, I 'go 4e Aet, E i 'G ae, I Are inserted in this3 ornal at the undermentioned charges, IF PAID FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION:- I Any day (except Saturday), 6 1. for TwO LrNnii, . And for each additional line; Gd, 5On Saturday ?? 6d. per line. L Tbe ?? two inew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PrPOSITION Ito the NBh ~RVM~ IL The EETIG ?? ?? 33orriotere' ROOM01, Town Hell at 7.2.Afl ?? -us~ invited, CHA& HEED, ChalIa iO&I .1. ,Abo-tit Invited. W IL.BUBRELU emsrtr~t boosre APTIST SOHOO LoJ~~oaldi.LE Fby 1h 13the Rev. J. 009 lO.fl511lT hnEenn.Fb 1h gt 44gsto'clock. TopOPI AU. is cheby en, that the ORIAYG0IA UISHArEHOLDER4 of the ?? ilh Si lth N~ts ~o. 15. Albion-street, Loes, nS ~te2t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go be eLi. OUSE to LET, in Cliff-road, Woodhouse Molr. , i Apply at Mr. Dnak's. G 2238 t0 LET, the VILLA, at Woodleeford. Apply to Edwd. L tohin eand BOn, 40, Call-lano, Leede. 0 16702 OUHE to LET, No. 8, Albert-grove, Lovell-road. . Bentet£12, Apply W. Brownyidge, 17, Dyaretreet. 0OBDEN-T.ERRA E, 'York-road.-Two five-roomed HOUSE9toLET. Apply to Mrs. Bexter. on thoprancissm. ri 0 LET, a ...