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... THE POLICE CO UR TS. MdANSION-HOUSE. f BBNEVOLBCNR.-The Lord Mayor requested that the press would acknowledge for him the receipt of the following a Bums for the poor box -TheMercere'Company, 101. W P I 101.; Beta, 61.; and Anonymous, the half of a 'di. note. e The last donation was inclosed in a note, of which the follow- i1 inR is a copy:- My Lord,-Will you have the goodness to j distribute ...

Law Intelligence

... Rab3 IntleIUtntce. NOTICES-THis DAY. BANKRUPTCY COURT, BASINORALLT-TREET. LIaPOaE Mn, Coscaessom HoeLoyn-Greenhow and Foster, Old- street, rectifiers, choice assig, 12; Robert Hamobar Lofts, miller, choice asalg., 1. INSOLVENT COURT, PORTuGAL-sTREET. BasoRz MR. C DssxoNEa LAW. - AT 10.-For discharge: Wit. liam Edwards. Protection: William Bailey, Thomas Wentworth. Adjourned proteotion: Michael ...


... The RECOOADS of the MA YOeR'S CO URT. The following is the report made by Mr. Sergeant Mere- wtther, the town clerk, relative to the arrangements of the records of the Mayor's Court:- In obedience to the order that I should report from time to time the progress nmade in the examination and arrangement of the records of the Mayor's Court, I have to certify that in pursuance of the authority ...


... POLICE, INTELLI}ENA'CE-MoNDAY. BOw-STRaET.-A young man named TapleyJ Eogar, who twas said to be coitnected with a respectable family, wias placed at the bar before Mr. Hall, charged with stealing a s letter containing a half-sovereign, a shilling, and a number of postage stamps, the property of the Postnmaster-Genieral. e Air. Peacock attended to conduct the case ; andr Mr. Hum- r phries' ...


... COURT 01 BA NKRUIP TCY-TUESDAY. [Before Mr. Conimissioner IHolroyd.] IN RE 1iSllOP-THiE OIEiNTAL HOTEL. The bankrupt, Bishop, had beeI an attorney's clerk, and subsequently becamc tile proprietor ef the aboe hotel. Be- cominwg a bankrupt, the hotel and property that it contained were foulnd to be in the possession of mzembers of a family of the name of Job. The banlkrupti having failed to sUi- ...

Law Intelligence

... VAS Inteltaiact NOTICES.-THIS DAY. INSOLVENT DEBTOPS' C(OUBT, PORTUGAL.oSTREET. AT 1fty-BrONa.iR. Comeslovs. LAw.-Applatloon on sureties* Robert.asftce. Fetitions for diecharge adjournei: Thomas Bower. n Prtction: Benmamin Wyand Shepherl. Flnal order: Willi Jt ds COURT OF 3ANKRUPTCYo YwTERDAY. DBZMRo wlx COnMIaimccR HOL-ROVD. QV1SFuIorf AS TO THP TELZKINATION OP A PARTMERS8HIp. PI Thore was a ...


... The Detroit Adrertiser gives the following par'tiou- hars of the mysterious death of Mrs. Miller, daughter of the Hon. John Norvell, late United States senatcr of )strmit, and the wife of Major Miller, of the army, now inFlorida. This lady reached the Eagle Hotel, at Nisgara, from Winchester, Va., on the 26th ult., with htr two little boys, four and six years old. She distppeared duriltg the ...


... THE POLICE CO UR TbS. MANSION-HOUSE. AN OLD TxYCK ADROITLY PERFORMED - Wii Blacbturn, a wela-dreesed young rnan, who appeared to be perfectly at his es, and the moment he was put to the bar Uegan to take notes ofthe evidence against him, was ciharged before Aldermen Humphery with having stolen a theodolite, value 261. The details excited some merrimeat. Mr. Jehn Symonde Marrtat, optician, of ...


... ,SURREYQ QUARTER EShSIONS-TUESDAY. The general qnarter sessions of the peace for the county ? of Surrey conmtneceed tias forenoon ait the Court-holise, ?? nauseway. The court stat during the day trans- 1 acting the county business, and the following miagistiates were present onl the ben:ch :-The Right Hon. the Earl of a Lovelace, lord-lielitenalnt of the county ; 'honaws fi'icle, I Esq., ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TUESDAY. MANSIONTIIOUSE.-William Blackbutrn, a well-dressed younig mali, who appeared to be perfectly at hlis ease, and t the moment he was put to the bar be all to take notes of the evidence against him, was charged before Mr. Aldermax c Hupiphery with having stolen a theodolite, value 251. The e details excited souse merriment. r Dir. John Symonds Marratt, optician, of No ...

Law Intelligence

... I lutt-atyuct -+ I ?? , -7, j , , I I LO + BN1UPqT$STBA TR ' f BAINiRUPYCIy (OURT, .BXS OGALL,1t~ 1-B-Fm` si -C9MmprINoz;E~v,1s- Etns~ and Byi; S trand, navySog;ts, dlv. 2 James 'Bickerton, 'Chi4pidet hatmaker, F' ertif, t; 1,rt Welbbban and Co., auditI 12. ! -INFOT NMDEPEFOB'. CORTPORTAOa r. I A , .-Bsiwot Mx-i1C(oaKnnpp LAW.-Folr diseharge Henry Els or Audjourned heartngs :. Samuel NasI4, ...


... ?'OLICT INTELLIGENCE-WEDNESDAY. Vs- ?? eArev. who stated !gim f l to be an artist and taker of likenesses by the new pruo was summoned before Aldermam Humphery on Tuesday, for having assaulted and used abusive language towards Mr. F. E. Thorold, Finsbury-square, medical student. The circumstances were these. Some days ago a gentleman who was about to go into Lincolnshire by the railroad, wa ...