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... ABERDARE. TIIO LET, and may be entered upon im- mediately, a Commodious House and bhop, situate in a populoua r^l^i/ood and near the flourishing Tin a^^#^Works of the Gadlvs Company. Bent Moderate. Apply to Mr. D. PRICE, Grocer, Merthyr, or to Mr. R. PRICE, Aberdare. MERTHYR TO LIVERPOOL IN 12 HOURS, FOR 15s. 4id. THE Quickest and '.Cheapest Eoute to Here- ford, Shrewsbury, Chester, Liverpool, ...


... MUSIC WAREHOUSE, MERTHYR. 1 ESTABLISHED 1850. -AJ.VPIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS C TAYLOR respectfully begs to state that he has on hand an Excellent Stock of PIANOFORTES, HAKMO- # NIUM9, SAX HORNS, CORNETS, DRUMS, &C. Pianofortes on Sale or Hire. Tuning and Repairing in all Its Branches.—Pianofortes kept in repair, in town or country, by the year.—Several Hundred Copies of the Song and Dance ...


... L. It. ID U M. L E Y, CABINET-MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, BEGS to inform his Customers and Friends that lie has just REMOVED to the Middle of VIC- TORIA-STREET, Merthyr, next door to Mr. BARNETT, Pawnbroker, where he hopes to be favoured P with a portion of the Public's patronage. 0 Parties who wish to have Furniture made to order maybe supplied economically with Goods made by Experienced Workmen ...


... Mit. H. W. F:t A R R IS'IS ANNOUNCEMENTS H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House, Estate, and General Agent, BEGS to inform the Public that all matters entrusted to bis care will be punctually and carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life.'Polieies effecte(l on advantageous terms. Offices-Mr. Rees Thomas's, High-street, Merthyr, opposite Clotb Hall. ') Merthyr, opposite Cloth ...


... TO THE BURGESSES OF THE SOUTH WARD. GENTLEMEN-, I BEG to remind you that ray terra of office, as one of your Representatives at the Council Board, exoires on the 1st of November next, when it is my in- tention to offer myself tor re-election. During the many yeirs I have been honoured with your conti ience, I have faithfully endeavoured to protect the interests of the Ratepayers, and to ...


... WANTED. WANTED, in an Attorney's Office, a LAD who can write a good round hand, and from 14 to 16 years of age. Apply, with specimen of handwriting, to C., under cover to this Office. September 10,1858. WANTED, a Situation as HOUSEKEEPER, by a respec- table middle-aged Person, who can procure a good cha- racter. Apply by letter, te E. W., at the Office of this Paper. WANTED, a KITCHEN MAID, ...


... The Empress of China's Teas SUPPLIED IN 61b. CADDY BOXES, AND IN lib. AND 2oz. PACKAGES, AT 3s. 8d., 4s., and 4s. 8d. PER POUND.-To BE HAD OF AGENTS ONLY. TVTEVER was there so much said and written about TEA as at the present day, and the difficulty still exists, of obtaining a Pure and really Good article. It was to remove this obstacle to economical housekeeping, that THE EMPRESS OF ...


... MERTHYR, TO LIVERPOOL IN 12 HOURS, FOR 15s. 4d.! THE Quickest and jCheapest Route to Here- ford, Shrewsbury, Chestei, Liverpool, Man- ehester, and all parts of the North, is by the BOYAL HV-L-A-IL Which leaves the Castle Hotel, Merthyr, every Morning, (Sundays excepted), at Half-past Seven o'Clock, passes through Tredegar and Brynmawr, and arrives in Abergavenny at Eleven, in time for the ...


... \\1 HEN you go ro N E W I- KT, where do you W dine ? Go to the RAG .A N. An Ordinary on the Table at One o'clock daily. One Shiling. MR. W. S. RAMPLINCT, C.E., ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR,$BUILDING VALUER, t> ESPECTFULLY informs the Public gene- i illy that for the eonvenienceof Ins prac- tice, I' I has taken suitable Offices at Mr. REES Tho -I \s's, No. 143, High-street, Merthyr, wher>' be may be ...


... j, ASK FOR S. CLEAVER'S HONEY SOAP. AI D >. FINE TOILET SOAP, in b. rs, Is. per lb. InUrlctorY-32 & 33, Red Lion-street, Holborn, London. INCOME WITHOUT RISK. I I^RING the last 30 years hundreds have derived Ur^e ...




... KOTICEI yOTICE The New General Confectionary and Sugar Boiling Establishment IS N OVT OPEN, SITUATE NEAR THE VALE OF NEATH TER- ■v2- MINUS, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. ISRAEL SOLOMON IS desirous of informing the Trade, and the Public generally, that they can be supplied with CONFECTIONARY and PASTRY of every description, of the very BEST QUALITY, at the lowest possible prices. Observe the Address ...