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... 0?.. ,;qOrtiftfl. ?0- EPSON IRACES. 'ihe inauguration of the Epson- Snumner JSkein, it-s far fromn propitious. Heavy rain had fallen c 'trog's c-is nigh:, aild though it did niot imuch affect the absorbent ?? s~oil of the Dowlns. it cerapilatly saturated the lower gre--inds Tire gloomy aspect of thec morning was mor-covet nosat ai or cu hosrong showers hishil fell at shiort .nio, dunbtlses ...


... $pvrting. ow of LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. 'ed by THflRSDAY etting The attendance of general comipany was immense. No ini. It one provemsent was displayed in the numerical strength of the ion of fields; for the cup only nins competitors were brought out. Ammonia, the winner, was not mentioned in the ringr. ditted; The DERBY HANDICAP.-Baron Rothschild's Orestes, I; d, but AMr. Ewbank's Snowdon ...


... .OT ALT LONDON YACHT CLUB. The extreme fineness of the weather asd the celebri'y 'that this club has attained produced a very large assemblage of visitors at its opening matcl on Moenday; but it is to be re- gretted the entry list sas not greater, considerieig the amount a*and number of the prizes given. The race seas divided into two claose, criti the following campetitora First class, ...


... nackot. BAUOR I ACyU&L,,-2.hisn~achwas oplayed I Co on the Bangor ground- on Saturday-last, and resulted in in a victory for the houme eleven. Molvnenx Was Cal presented with a bant for smaking thelfirst ?? on the ' ground this season. Milken did good service -with opi the ball, taking four wickets iin three overs for no LIE runs; and R. W. Jones took four Wiokets in 2~dI innings for one run. ...


... I TO SEECRtTARIES OF FOOTBALL CLUBS. I &erotari* of Fofbau cmi,, veho WiA Lhe rendto of their Mrtchou (ionrd in our felaoyFootturnS ti.Adorward the as aes awoon a# posoible after they ars pyd. Strict. 6mpliance with this ruta is namnarji to avoi dIlappotnt~oost. ~o~POrtJs to oe wQeni. a. b rie/yti ao p~ou te. FOOTBALL .NOTES AND NEWS. (BY RaFEEZa.) The football season is practically at an end; ...

Football Notes

... - ootball Notes. Many of the local clubs will be glad to leara that Mr H. B. Williams, hon. eeo. of the Ruabon F'oot- bal Club, and, late of Bangor, and who represents the Bangor Club on the Welsh League Committee. has been elected a member of the Welsh Footb:& Association. Mir Williams, who has also acted as secretary for the Druids, is a thorou7hly practical and useful man, and will be an ...


... FOOTBATi,. B.ANGOO V. WRInXITAI,9OL, ?? at B3anior 6n Saturilay, and resulted 'hi a draw-neither scOring. tl . ( CARiNARVON WANDERflt9 V. WnRtx I*A Or, vrPa.- Played ini Fridny at Marnrrvon,: n. the Olympic. winninp by 3, oals to nl. . ; CAn ?? V-. VAb'y BiRmaenAs. '-Play~ed. 'at C'ahinarvon, on atPrday, the home Iteam winnifig by.3 goalt ?? WnOXAti AReig JUnII VhDAL COBPETITION- SBu.FiNAL ...


... [BY CaITIC.] Llandudno 3, Bangor nhL I-do not think the Baneuorians entertiined for a moment that the Llandudno lads would beat them. Who is to blame this time, I wonder? Bangor played eight reserve men, wbile Llean- ddedno were strongly represented. In the first half the home team scored one goal off a penslty kick. : buti I think the visitors had slightly the beat of 1 matters, though ...

Football News

... Tito LoedOu Welsh Association F.C. will hold at i smoking concert on Satlrday (to day), at the r SRaititioc, in Nvwget@ssireet, City, when tll t Club have every proipebt of u sucoesaitl and enjoy- able eveonig resultingo. r LoNDON WzLsa. AeSOCIATIOt V. CHneSuAM-Tho t London Wvlsh journeyed down to Cvhosharn (Bitcl- ingharmshire) on Saturday, to Play off their fixturt E against the well-known ...


... FOOTBALL NOTS3. . [Br OLD FOTBALLISR.] The Bangor Reservas came out strong on Saturday against a team from West End. - The ground was covered with snow, and irl some parts it was a heeler ; but it was glorious fun to see the players indulging in snowballing berore the game started. The Reseives started and kept pressinag, hut their attempts proved futile. The West End had managed to secure ...


... A' o1u ?? :T. O . ?? ji sb ~4,.;rAn -fl16:E rsVri6 :.;of ths DeoVQ chili ?? lie on 1uiyedvn 6'enhuhg r~ttix' C.en.eral UfJe, angoi, und6e'r'the pio~ildeitcy'of;'rI' B.: '-;Watsoni.;. ele' reary, Mi Pit'13 npqui) -'i6 -:s orb as t.o-.0r ?? doingq--,of.:,the' ,1ub: dwii~ig thet ,phlsti ieas~on, ?? inch hile ?? fir~t~s te'tam1 : ad D layod. o.i nmuithe', won' 2, Iet'iib , 'd ewe 6 '&. ...