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Manchester Times



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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U~ARRIAGES. ARNoOLD-TOoo.-On the 8th inst, rat Sian' Chapel, Yoskahlr6. Street, Barnlay, by the Rev. B. EvaeoR Mr. Jamiss Arnold, Cume. den Terras, t Bells, eldest daughter of the late William Mason, BINDLOSS-HIMTOev.-O the oth inst., at the parish Cltorch. ResinS by the Rev. J. P. Pit-cairn. M.A.. vieear, Williamn Robert. eldeet son ?? lud,1ooe, Req., Rim Bank, to Mere, eldest daughter Of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ~~~ARIAGESI.- £RMLWoo1nZ~A]D.--On the 204b Inst., at Holy Tsinlty Church. Watdel, b th Rev. W. A. Madden yyj - W&'vte lo so 4rah eldest daughter ofd1rWilliam` Woodhed1, PU. Ob5O~e5t5talof Wakefield.Ca #,W0u.-3FRwy.-On the 23rd Inst., at the Parish Churh 2. 5s Haig, Lnseoire by he ev. . Dvidjn, mldneyst les B.raryoEz-SE~c:L=.--.4)f the 17th inst., at St. Peo ule' Church , vastery, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 331RTH. OjtNOR.--On the 6th inst.. at Southport, tho wifeof J. P. Orange- R&eq., of Manchester, of a laughter. MARRIAGES. 3BO~tESL9y-SHAW..-0D the 8th inst., at the Cath edra, by the Rev. H. H. Westtmsre, M.A. Mr. Williano Boardley, of Helms, to Rether, daughter of Mr. :rohn'Shaw, of Chorltonl-upon-Iltedillck. B3OWLAB-JOIsrssO?.-Ou thre 4th iast., at the Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Troutbeok, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE EOF .SIR JOPiN DEAN PAUL BAIR'P, The name of Sir John ,t, in the obituary of the .Time -e recalls the paixfel clrouatancas of tbirteen years agl frcxmsan:48 which took the religious sa well as tho commercial world by storm, 'and which- ihad an appreciable effect upon th1e private banking. institutions of the country, It was early, in June, 1855, 'that fthe welUl.Joa and respected- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES, ?? the 8th loot., at Trinity Church, Morecambe, by thle Roy. J7. P. Sykee, ?? Of Ilathooll, cousin to the bridegroom, aEeited~ by the Rev. E. F. Menhiy, incumboelt John Cable Ainoiwortb, of Eccles, to Louisa Jane, daughter of th4 late John l'rieotley, The P'olygon, Lower Broughton. AFOUTON,-DysON.-..On the Gth inot., lit the Paeith Church, Helum- dirths, by the rev. If,. Powell, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. J. ST. L. BEAUFORT. 4 The funeral of the lata -Mr. John St. Lawrance Beaufort, the Postmaster of Manchester, took Place on Tuesday, at Prestwich, and'vas attended by a large number of Post Office officials and others. The funeral party left the residecce of the deceased, The tl Roost, Prestwich, at half-past tw9 o'clock, in the H midst of a heavy shower of rain and hail. The ...

0~ ~ ?? of a }son. ?

... ? Clanag of3' BIRTHS tASPeRev-RAardt..A Ctendabr. CrusmpeS, on tR e 28th Rebruary, the wife of D. Caonpbetl-Rursy, Ct ., of ant. SIx s-O the Mth chfb, the wife of Carl W. Simuons, o MARRIAGES.I ttiswrOra-L owvss._on the 21st nlt., at Levensbulme, by the-Rev.- Edward E. Stuttard. assisted by the FRet Williamn Reid. Charles Unsworth, of Harpurhey, to Jane M'Intyre Lowes, of Levenshulme. BELL - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b1XT1 UP 3i1 4'acM OR N IIXERAN.t ' -'rct to zrnoeunr t1 te deathi at ton minutes to - -t r>' ?? of the 'Pigint Rev. Mousignor * - i^'n nt hii ro,-idnee, ork-street, it.n- h 'I h'Crev. gentlemran had srffered from heart - cri: 'C ;-eral months, anud although he was by C' ?? ' f hS friends enabledl to appear in St. Chad's .iookaono to ?? a pres-entation on January 21, 1ia'vs nret ahne to di ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIR W. 'FIRBAIRN. Wehave been requested to publiuh the followitg gopj of an addreass presented ?? Fairbairn by thwevicev Presidents and Exeoutive Committee'of, the Manchester Steam Users' Association, and of the reply theretc received from Sir Thomas Fairbairni- The Manchester Steam Usors' Association, . 41, Corporation-etreet, Manchester, Sept. 1. 1874. Dear Madam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. JUSTICE WILLIAMS. THE INQUEST. )Vr. Michael Browns, the Nottingham borough coroner, held an inquest on Saturday at the Judges' Lodgings, Nottingham, on the body of Sir Charles James Watkin Williams, one of Her Majesty's Judges, who died suddenly in that town on Thursday night. The High Sheriff of Nottingham (Mr. F. C. Smith) was present during the inquiry, and Mr. Acton, solicitor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATEi MR. JOHN HtYWOOD. Mr. John Heywood, 'head of the wldelykfownf publishing and bookselling establishment which bears his name, died on Thursday night at his residence, The Grange, Derbyshire Lane, Stretford. Mr. Heywood had beem ill for a fortnight past, and was attended by Sir William Roberts and Dr. Renshaws. A week ago he seenmed to be nicely recovering, but the improvement was not ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birits, Marriages, and Deaths. B5BTs, DEATHS. MARaAoGS are inserted in the AjqCH7,8TZ%,`WzEKLY TzxEs at the rate of Milv 5' per'lino when prepnid, or, if entered to acoount, an additional Sixeenee per ?? is charged. The name and address of the sender in all cses to be given to touo- autbenticity, otherwnise the notice cannot oppear. BIRTHS. ALDIDG DO-OO the 5th inat., at 1. Montrose avenue ...