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Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... el] P e ?? Cl o 0 HE Seam Packet SO3LiT. E. Webster, Corn. j d omanider, will DISCONTINUE RUNNIING for h the Season after Saturday, the 3rb inst. J. ROBINS, Secretary. ye BUTTER, CHliESE, AND BACON | Wg EST DORSET BUTTElR, 9'.d - good ditto, 9-.; n B lDbestCorkBatterr8 bd.; other qualities at 7d. & 8d.; d fine old Stilton flivor'd Cheese, 83d.: good at 81.; d Wiltrhire and Somerset, at d.l~ 7d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIC DOULOUREUX AND NlEIRVOUS PAINS. TREATISE on thcae Affictions (gratis and A ?? fiCE), on Iallin Clbst schewing a Speedy and Radieral Core for these dreail('l aflections in all their forms, by Dr.,J AIM1ES LBARRY, 22, Sullfolk Street, 'all MalNl, London, The remedy can be sent by Post, if symptoms be forwarelcd. C(UN'IY FIRE OFFICE, 50, REGENT STREET, AND 2, ROYAL EXCOHANGE BUILDINGS, LONDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _wool W vuATEROO, xrAR POFIT M UTH. whiit T7STABLISHIM~ENT for at limited number of ii' DE DLE N. LADIES. conducted by the Ai~ssEs, trnn ?? will PRCOMMENSCE on Monday, January r28th, 1850. estael t83, ST. THOMTAS'S STREET. D3 e 155 WAY bags tet inform her Friends and thle Public generally that the D U T I E S of her SCHjOOL are to be RESUMED on Bloneld', thle 14th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BEST FOOD FOK IF'NTS AND - . INVAL ID.;. A p OSINSON'S PATENT LAR LEY has not only L gainedL the Patronage of iel Majesty ?? the floral 1 Family, bethas becorite of gottetet Ilse to every class of the community, and is nea-rioowledgel to -taild ?? as lcO em inentlO pure, nlrt iolls, ard liuIL roodfori inirs, childrer b ROBINSON'S PATENT GClOATS form another otett urli. versalil esteemed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,MONNEY ! MIONELY SURPREY ANT) iE'I i'RiPOilSAN ,LOAN AD;D DISCOUNT Oi FI3CE, L8?l, ijpr kilO Street, Uiacliftinrs, Lenedn T OANS. Iion, Fiss' (;uinea is to 201 OiRA N:L'I;D L Lito a'l pI ; *,r Z nS e l e LT ite lid ) tloit on pr '1l1 ser turity vii! hhi ibre citc lr cleys. 1' orms of Ipllicatin x, wvih plil tiji:iiist5 1irwvardeid by pOst, on rreiit 01' oftirc ( postagc. si'srlj *. t lifice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COIfPOSLTE CANDLES, at 8,d. 2nd 90r1. per lb II. all sizes; Patent Sperm and U'ax, Is. ditto; Finest Sperm, ij. 931.; ?? Wick Lamp Candles, 7Ad. per lb. ; Wax Tapers. 2s9 d. ;- London Moulds, 'LI. ditto Dips, srd. per lb.; Seal Oil. 4s.; Sperm, 7s. de. per gallon; Brown London Sonp, 4d. 41d.; IYellowd.;finest Pale Velilotv and Itortled, atM&d. per lb.; Soda, 7s. Cdi. per Cwt Id. per lb. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Portsntoullith arad ejirtsea Bank for Savings. id YJpHE OrricE of this 1ttSTITUTtOV will be cr open every MONDAY. from 12 to 2 o'clock, as as usual, for the Receipt and Payment of fl.oney.-Attend- to ance will be given'rt ttbe Office eveey FRIDAY K EVENING, at seven o'clock, for hialf an-bour, to receive 4, DepoSito0s' Books, Jor thie porpote of having the '5 Interest added to the account, anl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOGUMBER MEDICINAL PALE ALE. F1lH1:1S delicious and renovating PALE ALE, which is brewed with the Mcdicinal Water, from lt.e spring at tiogumber, is curing all diseaiesr not organic. T-stimnonitils have been received from numerous Phy- siciares :md Snrgeons of the first eniinenCe, aS well ac liundrda of lettets from thc Nobility, Clergy, arld (Oen- try, tjrh glthout the Iinglem, speaking in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lr- iHE 3riclosurc Commissiorners fcr England 21. I Wales. hereby give Notice thrt a C )py o tihe Rs- port of tie Valuer acting in the matter of tlie 1nrlCIobU: of TADlEY COMMON and WEST ?? COM1i (IN. situate in the Parish of Tadley. in ;lhe County ot Sttirlrampton. together with an Estimate v- the Expenses it the matter of the sitid Inclosurc hae beeu deycosited at the house of Thomas Pryor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iUARRANTED LIKENESSES painted by an e eitabliahed Artiat, w ho is for a short time visit- itr. in the neighbourhcod, in various styles, to suit the tastes and means of all parties. Specimens may be seen and terms ohtained at Dlr.S Horsey's, jun., No. 151, QnIeen-street, Portsea. y POIRTSEA,-PORTSMOUTH, AND ISLE OF WIGHT STEAIM PACKET COMPANY. a (Provisionally Rezgisrered.) Ls X OTICE is hereby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -et | TTLIP, and EHOIRSE6 tahe into 8TIi::1' ZW 1 )YARD, l D2an Farrt , ne t nreli at, it One 6 Sliffling Pcr l pet tvek. A ply) noi thi ani. C ,h1 ITY1NNEVORD'S PURtE FLUID MA UNESIA, ot notv glreitly imtwovsedl in puroit atld Crostnsoliio. ?? is-in adint ib c rllotedy for Auld Lits, carLbil, Hb eidclc, r o ' Ollt Ilit tictim unit' as .t Miid Apemiclit, it is pint lI toy ?? allaptr;d f;r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASS AND CHINA. TIN these days of railway coartmllcation it is requi- V 1 site that tile Public should be inforined of the bes and cheapcst eseablishtfients in London. With this view APSLEY PELLATT and Co. (late Pellatl and I Green), Glais Matntifactu-ti and Aaentsfor the Prin. I cipal Makers of CHINA and STONEWARE, invite be all parties risstine the Metropolis to view their Estab- 1 ...