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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l - ?? Fswyoo-BRovriE-On tile 29th ult., at St. Jdamcso Church, Piccadillv, Frederick Georpc William Foaron, Esq., of her b Majesty's G Dth Regiment, to Isabel, second daughter of Rear c Admiral Sui .. J. Gordon Bremcr, R.c n, K.C-ci, and Leliet of t the late Captain Henry Sabir.e Blrosne, of her MaiLjasty'4 85ch : Light Infantry. s WEtcrn-PootE-On the 2ud icstant, at St. Pauls, Southsea, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mIRTnS. i ?? NeW Year's Eve, at Cambridge Terrace, Snuthica, C a the lady of Dr. E. I. Irviag, Royal Navy, late of ?? al - Sayx, of a daughter. Ic 1, Lowana1-On Monday, ait Athol Tenuse, Seuthsca, the wife of c( Captain too-dea, Royal ftarinaa, of a daughter. t n WARr IWlt ID.A 0 JftWAtha-I~l.YWAitD-At Kingston Church, oc tlie 7th is instant, by the Rev. J. V. Stewart, Mi. Johnt llteyWare, s's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :I Ramss-Os the 14tl instant, at Brompton, uiddlesex, the Le wife of ilaeu Gridpok Bremer, Esq., of a daughter. ir ?? -At Cowes, Mrs. Hitch, of the High Street, of twin p, daughters. ge fllhIEPb. op CUNFO1GHAM-WARDEN-Oll the 10th instant, at Cheriton, of near Sandgate, Henry D. P. Cunningham, Esq., s.N., to en Frances, eldest ?? of the late Dr. Warden, Surgeon, of .rd 11> H. Dockyard, Chatham. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Jan. 24, at the Cottage, Cumnor, Fanny, wife of F. H. Daweon, Esq., of a daughter. Jan. 21, at Crowell Rectory, in this county, the wife of the R Rev. J. Lindfield Roberts, of a daughter. . MARRIED. Jan. 22, at St. Mary-le-bone Church, Mr. Thomas Hilliar, to Frances, youngest daughter of Mr. John Dunphy, formerly of lBurford. DI ED. E Jan. 16, at Whitchurch, in this county, John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -I tho ?? of : 13. Itobins, lttq., oyrnitstcr aild Puuvor ofi . .N. S,. Ctnmora'it, of a Hon. DAUnn-On tec 2I4l iBitaflb, 00 Brad i . m ?? rr a1exc, Jua. t Inubhtcv. ]11mti'rori- In St, Thomas Strcet, PortsmoUIt, on Satunmsy, I thc I th inoLrut, the wifc of 3ir, Henry Jan=cc Mitebell, of Lk Oon. , DAlVRe-TooalSR-Under special license, on the 21st instant, at Fairies Villa, Whippiagham, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH&. BiDEn-on Saturday, the 26th ult., 1jirm. James Biden, Gosporb of a son. FAaoeAVT-Coor -On the *2th tilt., at St. John's, Forton, by the Rev. Aubrey Vech, Captain Augustus Doter Lyddoan Farraut, R.N., to Htarriet Adelaide, eldest daughter of Jervis Cooke, Esq., of Partchester, end Spring Lavwn. Southsea. G.asroeue-FBoisNoa-Gn the 26th ult,, at Laceck Abbey, Wilts, J. Gaisford, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BurLsn-O1 the 3rd iust,, at Ieook Cottage, ucer llorudcan, r the wife of Lieut.-Colonel Butler, of a daughter. WrLicrsotn-On the 3rd test., at Gosport, rcis wife of SIr. r R. it. Wilkinson, solicitor, of a daughter. SumarRRns-On Tuesday, the 29th ult., in Dragen-street, Petelr- field, the wife of Mr. T. Sunir'eds of a son. BaAcerT.rr-MooRK--At the Indepcndent Chapel, Farehalne, on the 6th inst ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RAY-COGHILL-On the 11th instant, at Cheltenham, the Rev. d, G IT. Ray, only son of J. Ray, Esq., of Heaner Hall, Derby, to Alicia Elizabeth Judith, daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir J. C. Coghill, Banrt., of Belvidere House, Dublin, and Kenil- worth House, Cheltenham. fa BROWNRIGG-OWEN-On the 12th instent, at St. Paulos, South- o sea, by the Venerable Archdeacon Allen, asosited by the Rev, . h J. B ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Friday the 8th inst., at Wendlobury, tho wife of the Rev. Walter Lucas Brown, of a son, Yesterday, the wife of the Rev. E. Marshall, Beaumont- street, of a son. M ARR IED. Jan. 31, at Stanton St. John, Mr. H. T. James, veterinary surgeon, of this city, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. William Sheldon, of the former place. Feb. 9, at Bridgewater, Mr. E. Beaumont, draper, of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. PeITCrARD-On the 23rd instant, at No. 3, Camblidge Terrace, Southsea, the wife of F. B. Pritchard, Esq., Surgeon, a.u., of a SOn. ELroCUaT-At Newport, on the 20th instant, the wife of C. W. Eolcourt, Esq., of a son. - M~IABRlllED. VAtse-Banyunooosa-On the 15th December, at St. Peter's Csurcll, Colombo, by the Ven. the Archdeacon Bailey, George Vane, Esq., Controller of her Majesty's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SUI:NER-On Sunday, the 24th slt., the sife of the Rev. J M. Sumner, Rector of Buriton cnal Petersfilld, of a daughter, which lhed only a few hours. CoerTON-On tse lst ijastant, at LisEs Place, niar Petersdeld, the sifo of 0. E. Coryton, Esq., of a son. 3SfAffIBE~lt~. TnAvaeS-HoeLL ?? thle 26th ult., at Bcrkenbanu Church, by the Rev. Edward Holland, s.A., the Rev. Duncan Travers, sI.A, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... juts ElJWEARS. oerr, ugh Lo TccnorT-At Ilavant. on the 6th instant, Mrs. Charles hen Lonroft, ofa son. h NTHObLM-On the 7th instant, at Greenwich, AMrs. J. IV, ida, Nicllolls, of Greenw~ich Ho~spital, of a daughlter. ier TiLLr-Ca WVednesday, the 6th instant, the wiufe of lir. J, G. Tilly, of a son, still born. Lrs,) BAKER-At EnsswOrth, on the 7th instant, the wife of Mr. ket, IV. S. Baker, of ...