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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3TJHS, MARRIAGES, AN1D DGATVIS, Announcements of Births Bid Marrioges are charged for 51 Advertisemeams, the charge being OneU Shilling for T1,0 Lines, and Siapence tor each additional line. The .13oidl in every case must be prepaid at the office, or remittod 15 Postage Stampo. For simple anuouncements of Deaths no charge os made, bal announcemente containing anything additional Muos t4 paid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARBrIAGE OF 3IISS PETfICK AT I .. EY PARK. Christ Church, the exceedingly pretty and ornato Congregational place of worship at Sneyd-parl, was crowded with ladies yesterday morning to witness the marriage of Miss Marion Pethick, eldest daughter of MIr. William Petbiek, JP., of Woodside, to Mr. Robert Grieve Sommerville, youngest non of Mr. W. Sommer ville, J.P,, of Bitton-hill, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. i hed charge for Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths is Ono Shilling for sixtcen Words, and Sixpence for every subsequent Eight Words, each day. They are repeated In the Bl11STOL MWFRctnY SUPPLE ENT with- out extra charge. Tihe name and addresa of the sendep mlust in everY case accompany the notice. BIRTHS. DiImE.-marcls 9, at New King street, Bath, thle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. The ebarge for Notices of Births, Marriages. and Deaths is One Shilling ior Sixteen Words, and Sixpence for every Subsequent Eight Words, each day. They are repcated in the BRIsToL MERCURY StUPPLIEMIENT with- out extra charge. The name and address of the sender E 11bL IL VUIy CdLb. .ICCOI P.UY tilS LnticUe. BIRTHS. BEssEn -April 9, at The Close. Twerton-on-Avou, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. The charge for NoticeS of Births, Marriages, and Deaths is One Shilling for Sixteen Words, and Sixpence for every subsequent Eight Words, each day. They are repeated in the BRISTOL MEERCURY SUPPLEMENT With- out extra charge. The name and address of the sender must in every case accompany the notice. BIRTHS. Enowi.-_March 13, at the Schools, Cattistocl, the wvife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR T. STOREY. Sir Thomas Storeyi a Jubilee K(night and a great philanthropist and manufaoturer, -died at Lancaster yesterday morning. Sir Thomas Storey was the son of the late Nr Isaac Storey, and was born in 1825. ?? was four times Mayor of Lancaster, and a director of the Lancaster 136nking Company, while he was a munlficent ?? of all institutions in his native town. It was, ...


... CornwaU-St. Agnes, 30; Golilsithney, SO Lenin, Trabo, 29. Devonshire—Axminster, 27 ; Brent. ; Exmouth, 26 ; Holdsworthy, 29. Donetskire—Cerne Abbas, 28. Glanurrganttkire—Cwm Neath, 29. Gloucestershire—lnm Acton, 25. Herefordshire—Dorstone, 27; Longtowne, Orleton. 24. Oxfordshire—Binfonl, 27. Radnorshire— Llanhadernfynydd, Somersetshire—Lvmpsham, ; Midsomer Norton, 25; Stoke Hambdon, 25. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... October 21, at Draycott, the wife of X. Star, solicitor, of a son. October 22, at Brixtonl-terrace, Upper HEeton, the wife of Mr. October 24, at Prospect-hill, Tuabricige Wells, the wile of Mr. October 28s, at U~pper Maudlin-street, the wife of Mr. W. H. Houlbert, of a daughter. t ffb nbl October 28, at Nielson-place, Mall, Clifton, the wife of Mr. Gk. D. Couleting. of a daughter. October 29. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . DEATH FROM AN OVERDOSE OF ag .OO(LOEfIJ(tlM. an On Saturday, the coroner, Mr. H[. S. Wasbrougwh, held we an inquest at the Foresters' Armns, Maudlin-street, on the bu body of a muan named John W~illiams, 56 years of age. The tat lcoroner, in opening the inquiry, said that the deceased had it .been ailing for some time past, and had suffered severely trn gfrom rheumatism and gout. He was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~*January 10, at James-street, Ashley-road, the wife of Mr. L. 0.Merchant, of a eon. n February 2, at Gorhams, New Hampshire, U.S., the wife of the eRev. W. RI. Meredith, late of this city, of a eon. February 'S, at Downside, D)urdriam-down, the 'wife of Mr. Henry Charles White, of a son, still-bore. Febroarl 10 at Souithervehoy, Clifton-wood, the wife of Air. J.Lnoaanoghter. ~jFebruary II, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BERTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Annonneements of Births and uriaiages are charged tsr a Advertiseoents, the charge being One Shilling for Tvr . Lines, and Sixpence for each additional line. The amonr, t In every case m net be prepaid at the office, or rsmltted i, Postage Stampe, For simple announcement.a of Deaths uo chargo Is meek, bh announcements containing anything additional mnnet be pbi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FASHIONABLE MARRIAGES. LADY MARGARET SEYMOUR AND MR IS!IAY, The marriage of Lady Margaret Seymour, daughter of the Marquis of Hertford, to Mr James Is sy, of Liverpool, was Polemnisect yesterday alternoum at Arrow Church, near Ragley, in the presence of a large sard dlstinguished gathering, The church was prattily k decorated with white flowers andpalms, and theservice rwas fully choral, Among ...