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Strathclyde, Scotland

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At 36 Port-Dondas ??

... onie 13th nst., Mrs. James uRE the; a d aughter. At Asbton o n the 12 th insstant, Mrs. lsaac BucHanan; a daughter. 1 At 109 EglInton Street, en the 12th inst., Mrs. Robert Kirkland; a son. J C fotbeittrd Place, on the 12th Instant, Ars. Blackwood; a se n. at A' 12Chdt' il Pacet, tchcnesontown, on t the instant, MMrs John dUNCAN At 4 Fitzrdy P16hezod tbtfb'e ?? i, MMrs. Archd. Campbell ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (From the Morning Chronicle.) A frightful tragedy has terminated a brutal exhibition -which, we trust, received its death-blow at the same . moment that poor Ellen Bright, the Lion Queen, re- ceived hers. These exhibitions-of themselves useless, and merely feeding a morbid curiositv-have been too long patronized by the public, sure though they were to end in some horrible catastrophe. They ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 20 Lynedoch Street, on the t1th instant, Mrs. William Easton; a daughter. At 65 Oswald Street, on the 16th instant, Mrs. John Bell; a son. At East-Park, Garscube Roed, Glasgow, on the t3th instant, Mrs J. Martin; a eon. At Glasgow Infantry Barracks, on the 10th instant, the rife of Hospital Sergeant Perryman; a son. At the Pavilion, near Galashiels, on the 10th instant, -Mrs. H. F. ...

BIRTHS. At Cadzow Ba

... nk, Hamilton, on the 24th instant the lady of John Meck, REsq. of Fortissat; a soIn. At 147 WestRegent Street, on the 23d inst., Mrs. John Stool; a daughter. At 12 Queen's Crescent, on the 23d instant, Mrs. Edington; a daughter. At S Kelvin Terrace, on the 23d instant, Airs. D). 3. Dewar s a soIn. At 27 Waterloo Place, Kingston, en the 23d inst., Mrs. R. Cook; a son. At Dsmnfries, on the 28d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD JEFFREY. Y: ?? the Scotsman.) ig Lord Jeffrey died at his house, in Moray Place at six o'clock on L.Saturday evening. ?? anfbuanceiheut of This melancholy and nnexpeetcd event ,s spread rapidly through the city on Saturday night and in the course atof -the following, day, Sunday, and everyweepodcda'eep tin- in pression of sadness and regret. The sudden removal of a public man of ...

ftter BIRTIIS. hn, A

... t 112 Great Hamilton Street, on the 10tb inst., Mrs.R. Bake r: a son. _ At 13 George Street, 3Mile-end, on the Sth instant, Mrs. Charles Stewart; en- a daughter nli- At Bnrnibank, on the Sth instant, Mrs. James Wallace; a dasightor. red At Gartsherric Iron Works, on the 7th instant, Sirs. Alex. Wilson; ab isp- daugistcr. - I the At Oxford Villa, St. Jolns's Wood, London, on the 7th inst., Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Dx- BIRTHS. his At Fullarion House, Glasgow, on the 14tih fmstant, Mrs. C. X, Dunlop; a daugtetlt.. bhe At 1t8 St. Vincent Street, on the 14th instint, Mrs. Walter Paterson; a daughter. At 5 Gloucester Street, Kingston, on the t4th instant, Mrs. Jnmes Hay; a daughter. At Iloffht Paper DMill, on the 13th instant, 21 rs. Jolin Craig; a son. At 44 Hill Street, Garnet Hill, on the 12th instant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S At Artlburlio House, on the 21st instant, Mrs. Graham Risoell; a son. At 3 Crescent Place, on the 21st instant, Mrs. H. L. Schwnhe- a son. At 22 Cemlberland Place, on the 20th instat Mrs. John Baird; a son. At 133 Grafton Terrace, on the 20th inst., Mrs. John Scott; a daughter. At Partick, on thi. 20th inst., the wife of Williarn Prichard. M.D.; a son. At 10 West Reognt Street, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. WM. LANG, LATE OF GLASGOW. - . 1-1 - - __ I e -a - _ _ . Died yesterday morning (16th instant), at the residence of Mrs. *Woodbridge in this city, Mr. Wm. Lang, in the 45th year of his age. He died of congestive fever, although for several weeks labotring under what was apparently but a severe cold, land the indications of a chronic pulmonary affection, yet no' danger was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At North Woodsido Cottage, on the 2Sth ult, Mrs. James Thyme; a soa. At 26 W eodside Plact, on the 28th ult, Mrs. Nel Robson; a Yen. At 34 Abbotsford Place, on the 2Wth ult., Mrs. Robert Douglas; a daug-hter. At 66 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh, on the 26th ultino, Mrs.John Ord Mackenzie; a son. At 65 Rose Street, Glasgow, on the 25th ultlmo, Mrs. David Latta; a of daukghtor. :9 At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 116 South Portland Street, on the 7th instant hirs. Alexander Cree; a daughter. Ait a Canning Place on the 7th instant, Mrs. W. G. Mackin ; a son. At 1S7 Hllt Street, &aret Hill, on the 6th illst, Mrs. Thes. Williamson; . a daeghter. . At WModislde, Paisley, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Peter Coats; a daughter. At Hillbead, on the lth listant, Mrs. James Stewart; a son. At Coatbridgs, en ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR JAMES GIMSON-CRAIG. (From th e Courant.) twei n We fegret to atulorince the death of one of the oldest of our ciii- held Y zeus-a gencleensi widey knot andlrdot less generally esteemed, the. ?? Janies Gibson Craig, Dart., of Ritdsr'vosisnd Ixiglistonf expiredlT at his seat of Riceartenl a fewr minutes cfter ene okdlock ces Wed- half neesday afternoon. The illness of the venerable ...