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1850 - 1899
690 1850-1859


Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Markets, &c

... jAIartsot0, At. MAES.ItAs5 Wednesday, July ?? supply of gag lhalt graitr continues exceedingly smals and , liettleig arrivals oa also small, but theft has been' very 111 business ?? any description Of grsliii. Wheat .falIy realised Monday'S prices, and Flortasigs is -held witiz Increasing firamess,. although thle demand is limited. Goo frshheny otaare in request. The ~ents ee1 cool and ...

National Land Company

... atiouwll lilJD c0ompallp. . RocDALE.-A public meeting of members 'was held on Sunday last, when the following resolutions were agreed to :-is That all Land members, both paid-up and unpaid-up, are requested to pay their e share towards the winding-up of the Land Coin- pany, within one month firom the above date, or lose all claim to what they have paid.- That a committee be appointed, with ...


... T. S. DUNCOMBE, Esq. M.P., President. utatblished 1845. FIAT JrUSTITIA. if it were pomsible for the worhing classes, by com- bining arnong thmselves, to raise, orl keep up the general rate of weges, it need hardly be said that this would be a thing not to be punished, but to be welcomed and rejoiced : at. SWART AJULL. It is with great satisfaction that we are this week able to announce the ...


... .r tIaua. ?? n THE Cc'UF-sTREET SAVINGs BANX.-The Attor- ?? has withdrawn the further prosecution r of Mr. Hughes, of the Cuffe-street savings bank. I The Duke of Devonshire has made a reduction of s twenty.five per cent. to his agricultural tenants in 0 Dangarvan, on their half-year's rent. 0 THE Loss OF THE EDMOND.-The mayor of . Limerick received £20 from his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant ...

Trades' Intelligence

... I gabef' 3Intelligeau. C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNITED TRADES. T. S. DuNxomas, Esq., M.P., President. FIAT JrUSTITIA. ,If it were possible for the working classes, by combining among themselves, to raise, or keep up the general rate of wages, it need hardly be said that this would be a thing not to be paniahed, but to be welcomed and rejoiced at.-STUART 2IILL. We have been for a long ...


... CuPAEa TiADE. - No cheering obange is seen Inth face of trade, though anticipations of a favourable nature are entertaifled. Work is scarce all over the county, and SoresentertainedtWork is L Soany hnds are going idle for want of something to do.- xo'rtTS Paper. PaRaa.-Tble WHAVINo TYADs.sThy weaving trade for t pt seasn may now be said to have drawn to a close, and the season has been a very ...


... rn 'Supply and demand.' 'Buy in the cheapest and o sell in the dearest market,' comprise the law and the e gospel of modern society. ' Every man for himself, o and the Devil take the hindmost,' is the command v, which has superseded 'Thou shalt love thy neigh. h bour as thyself.' Have not ADAM SMITH and his disciples made a new revelation to mankind, which s1 displaces both the ...

Markets, &c

... Auaratos 4t. CORN. , Mo:; Lsa, Monday, Nov. 10.-The supply oi ., d wheat wsar modi.lre tlsis morning, ?? sold readi ate n Monday's prices. Although de foreign wheat vwase.. at dear, the bale vras slow and in retal. In good l. ?? s had more doing. Barley scarce, and Is dearer, Dt.: d and peasin short supply, and Is per. qr. higlier ia, Monday Iast. We bad a large supply or Irish oats vt: e were ...

Markets, &c

... ATArlftcto3 Mr. CORN. MAnx Lasa, Monday, Nov. It.-The supply of English wbeat was moderate tlhis morning, and sold readilatlost Monday's plices. Altbough ine foreign wheat was quite as dear, the sale was slow and in retail. In ,ood dour we bhad more doing. Barley scarce, and Is dearer. Beans I and eas in short supply, and Is per. qr. higber thas on Nonday last. We baed arlrge supply of Irislh ...


... THE LAOEY FUND. re 7 T- TO THE CHARTISTS OF THE, UNITED 0, lKINGDOM.. 1e BEtOiER . 6HARTISTS AND DnM0oJRATs,-- le, Several weeks have elapsed'since we apprised in you of the formation of a committee for the X' purpoe of raising unds to defray the eox id penses of Mrs. Lacey. and her family to,. her t,. husban4 (W~illiam 'Lacey), at, Launceston, in I Australia. At that time the comcitt .p- m ...


... MONIES RECEIVED FOE THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY, NOvBmBEBR 20TH, 18510 of NATIONAL CHARTER FUND. ar Id Received by Joina ASNOT.-G. G., Carlisle is-T. of .n Thomson. Westminster 6d-G. Farrah and Friendls- wv Ship locality, per J. Knowles 5s-Bermondsey locality, per m r Mr. Melhuish 5s6td-P. Smith, Oxford ls 2d-Ditto for la 3, Tracts Is-Ipswich, per G. Gibbs 6s-Padiaiam, per B. hc Fy Pilling Ss ?? ...


... MIARKETS. CORx, MAns-LAvas, Monday, May 31.-We Lad a moeateets O wheat to-day, fromt Eases and Kent, but the trade ivsdpyly a fine san-,ples not cheaper than ithis day se'~naight, fidli, ttheligh vale were uesiy from Danitzic and other Balti P ?? qualities were held firmly, but very fete ealsa W aris eift hes Seaur the demnand was very limited, w ef ce, Per Har-ley sold lecavily, butrnot lower ...