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Belfast News-Letter


... Icbicbm. No. 1. DUDI.Is UXiVcnSrrv lIIsy.tNI:. Janury. Dublin: Jalmies M'MGIahlalls T'irs is an extruiiely readable oumibr A no ' story, T'lie Lichtensteiners, or the Convert M)lakers, is coiurnenced. It is a talo of the Germ'ian Wars which followed the atge of the PReforloatioll, and is evidenitly the produuction of a prctised pelle A tilw L fuip er gives the reader a very good insight into ...


... ntorttu. HRNE IS WHJE]RE THERER'S ONE TO LOWE UJS. llaMa'.q not mnerely four square walls, Thougih with pictures hung and gildled; Home is where affection calls, j illed with shurines the heart hath builded. lomne!-go watch the faithful dove, Sailing 'nvath the heaven above us; Home is where there's one to love- I-lome is where there's one to love us! Home's not mnereiv roof and room- It needs ...


... ItE \1 I E W S. No. i`4 WVtI: ! irs ITS U ANt1) T1A\xariI N. liV Sit' JaMtes I., stlsT1eit 0 cot, R.C. S., I 1.1). 10laoudo: S(itotcs TIl, ithigitisliped autlior of t hi wvork %%vas Oneo of thle 'ommitittete oIf' the I louse of Commnetts, appointited ink thle year 1832, to consider the cxpteiie icy of red uctig- thle tax upon wine. It its Iminvi to our reade:'s thiat the o Ilivial posi tion ...


... SEI1I~lTEJ'l POETRY. VOMAN'S LOVE. BEIc LD that trce-its (5V leaves gone- Its brauches fallen, o ne by one- Its crown ail bare- And yet 'tis circled rouintd with green, iFron base to whVere its boughs have been With erilure rare, Beiold that cOllItll-Oiice a part of sortie vain troplhy, reared by art, To hulitau pridle 'Tjs ruined now-by time lefaced; And yet, 'with what rich drapery graced, ...


... RE VI IEWS, No. 43. DUal.SN U[JNIVEIISITV 1AOAZINr for May. D)ublin: James M Wee/rshm. A TRnuL pleasing number from first to last, if we ex- Cept-what is not tire editor's fault-tho political article on the War Budget, a topic not likely to please, though discussed by another Junius. in a re- view of Mr. Gilehriit's life of William Etty, R.A., the reader will find ulany interesting ...


... IT is nowV thle 4th of May, and] ally person walkinog through thle palace of Indiustry andl its supplementtary gallery', and oheerv i g hew nsueel still 51-0151155i to be done before the prepiarat ions can lie said ereni to be ilk it forward State, will Scarcely esacape a Feeling of piro.. t'ounfi1 admiration sit tile ecxtessire eeiifideleco whli ch propt ed the repeated tfftba CII5tattnim CtS ...


... EAGIL1 FANCY FOR CII[LDREN. Ix Hiun vyl stichl a dait'iii ro(6ci' cairilil off at chill beforae tile ve l! eves or its pa re nts and(1 neigh- I)ous. In tie Siiei AlIs (SCiM'N iz) all eagle, SicZOd a lierdnsanl's clii i seated onl the rocks, began forth- with to teCl' ti~l lo Ili'2CS, 1ltil Ili'iip)[ed ]ilml ilnto tile abss beflori'e d' lienls adii couldl di'iVC l ic lltiV awn t. III lleso ...


... AUGUST. At! CUST, all bail toT thee ! Sort is the steady light, IVhich streamlls on every flower and tree, From the bloe lleavel's height, M lien tholl art rling o'er the plaill, lWhich now is clad with ripening grain. A u reath of gorgeous flowers Adorns thy anblItll. hair, Aad softly glide thy tranMluil bours, As breezes through the air, W'heil in the evenilng, cool and still, T'iey wandler ...


... SElLECTE'D IOETRY. ON A CAGCED SKYLARK. I xN'vn thy raptoir'i, thot lcautiful bird- 'oting skiylark-the sweetest that ear ever beard, W'itjh thyv breast to the bars, with thiv eye to tEl sln, And thi' song soft as strailsilhets harmsl oleIsh' run. ash ilog II), like thhejoy of a frolirkseiiie chils, Uib,,uiltdetl andI Vreless, sllitnitiefls intd l wilt1, Spriil jl.i ciladiless arloa a, with ...


... THlE MOUNTAIN CURRENT. Dowvs the hill-side tripping brightly, O'er the pebbles tiikilig lightly, '.Mid the seslsdotcs rippling merrily, Tie ieountsitn current goes; By thlo broken rocks careering, Through the dtesert perSevering, Fioinig onward ever, Ever singiig as it flows, lisst oh I tho (Iarksonio caves That sicllow up) the s aves ! Oh ! t he sg!aldow-hasutedl fesrest, Anl the sa adv ...


... F1ASIHION ANI) VARIE'TIES. THE COURT, BUsalolt tt, Sttt'-r. 2!1.--['lie Queen. ticeoniotititfd hr ihei Piritess ltivitil find Prince Froeritet-k William Of Prn1siL. dino vi ' eserdlaIV to C' it'li' uIsile, anti thltte t'' tlW I It;i orf Qttiolil, rtturrititi- n it-e ly I ,rerrautld. whlterr her Majosty hllonoutoi Mrs. Farqu- Itarsoll with a visit Incly Ann'S l)itlf, with Lady Dulf. received ...


... FASHIO(N AND) VA1RIE'1'IES. isLMRALcaI. 'Ic Eel)A V. -1l o Ma;IjestY thle Qunpec antil l'rijcic Ahot with !'rtileeAlfr~efl, wenit ilk ia oil aarr age to tile haitlo, clt il we, whict thle %vced Sir E> Iwi i LandsW.eer arrii edc at Ba lior-al riester. PJIESEN'l'A'I'l I I OF T1'['H FRItE E DOMA 01 11iITNE, TO TIll, EART lt O(F D)ER~Y. A DEil isTION Of the2 Irvine town Couttcil, in pur stt ...