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Daily News (London)

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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... J>MAXCIPATION and ITS 1S1ICJY3l-, J ?? o BEUA&1* a the 1OM bAres, Jnobnstseet Chapel, Bedford-row (the Has. jd .;w. Noeb,, THIS EVEINlJG Tesday), Feb. 291, by the Rv. O if X DY ot lew York, Agent cS The Natiall Jedmeen tel aton, at ?? 7 o'clo, A cellotieu will be t to ad n feeding, clotng, sue In dining these incresiim d Al ar THE ASYLUM for IDIOT 0 , T ,L ulsalood, Ad Hil, Bom unco ed The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRAMFI RZrUB1N& -~ i mia ss Ma T 9 , opes. oangrs. 'da _. ioa' Weekendlng Dec.. S £ eC great Southern of India.. 79 170 249 A5s 52 Week ending Jan. 16. 1506. 1.o iPllDJ.Ilb; ?? 2 20fl 10 216 eek ending March 4. tCnrlfeu-1,287 ?? 5951 e Week ending March1I. t eorawal . . 851 790 70 I m 1,452 g ?? .. 404 14,4a8 22,811 27,299 88.298 i Manchester. Shetieldand Iincolnslu..e. . 242i 4.428 18,156 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UIHE GENARAL EXCHANGE BANK I Capital onwel(ltion Sterling, Iw, 3 VAh (rith Finrt Issue, 142000 8bra, 0 Which ,otn thahn* ?? i share will bhelledup*1 toutthC aak5t,& 4a e Ieri wc- lng of~h~hl~s ii de~oit: onr aplcain £&aotan. ?? ENNIS, Bq-3MN BNl0 E., |ndol f tmt spi land Great Western Railway Co Dsrv'rCHAIflMAJUUN AR~l lIB~,leXP . Aklexander Y. F'leoisr, Ee; 9, 1 Ale, -pl*Oe; Thomas Willis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D A YD a~and' S O (limited). lu1,000 sharesof ton poundeachb, 0,000 ot these 'hae, o a oned as fully paid, beingtaken by the late proprietore In ' e of the Purchase, and the rem ng 1,Q00 shares tobe nowr allotted The late proprietors also guaranteeing a minima id'vidtnd bt , 10 per cent. for the brst three years al the pxldqpo'caitaL. £1 per share to 'be paid-on application, and £t2on aloement ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESATE PRIU d le DAL NEWS ALL EIIVI NGLAD and al the RAILWAY STATIOB3.. 11018 W- H- SMIITH and M0S now MM~ the DAILY EW AS ?? the PAU , , MA Wm SU1PPLY SUOO XY ]9XilX sad will 31HMY all COT3and NWZW1- AGZNT5' On such tegoam onwwiltbfe thm aleto SELL the, DLY NWS OA t marked o dT .SPECN p MINLE C rl. 1in,8~ P4fS8SRS.ONEY WIQUAX a SONS' Oof BlaS-yard, t LINE of STA nd PA C SfH1S to AUSTE&LI.A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7UrORTGAGllS.-MesGREEN and SON'S M IMOTGAGELIST ton a special d~sazeent for The reiration of ai.ounti for Investment on ULorte, and ahe surities* on which mon Is requreL Is afford great =0U to borrowers genrally for Immediately obtaining tse -t they seek, ind also to Solicitor. Tratee, and Capitalists opt nvestment Ae amonts on thl la sne oae lre) are tos adtn e on o erior deposit o deeds)ci ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTORTIO1 - AVOID . by besavy Ultyevesa deeasskl zobleee, 9-M-11entrsdemen, emd othems endl in the fist In= bury~quare, or No. 12, Worth-stseeiQadra, 16atop. int stead of eaplingtbeir qtholerer or the neared, erker, Who, nodt I e eqanl *g nWet, reort to the ane ral ee =V theno ?? infld twofold eftt. , hblltlihexf saytem combikn= onero bwe d spy lo t or pmp W#.unmlUy 4dred4 geals es'e y elaes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I15BOATS1ERYXO D g the stOrmS Ii oS the put year, the NlATIONEAL UPISOAT INSTITUJ- SION, by lb AllebotaX and other rmesas coniributed to the ?? 1°6 ol §95 persons from diftevent wraks on our coasts. The Ititution a lso expend d e19i500 e se period on ite n Ie- let establismnet, in aldditbo togeantig £1,^53 ra rewards. 2'S Cormittee of the Insitution earnestly APPEA to the pblc Sor ASS STANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL TOVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Mtessrs. W. HI. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAlILT NEWS at all the Railway Stations at TULIEEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, &jtd will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BGOCOKELLERS antd NEWS- AGHE4TS, on such termts aso will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at tile meaked price of T'IIRMEiENCE per SLXGLE COT Y . 186, Strand. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INPDSAY'S QUADRANT HOTEL, Air-street, RegeltNtrootI. mos This old and well-known uEtablishmsenft, 'ogsutedit In the iii- ; central parn of the West-end, under new maltagesnieit, is refur- misihed and replete with ever-y comfort; the diuiing, smoking, aind coffee rooms affording all the cornfoet that cau be desired.I Chares moderate. OUPERB 1800 VINTAGE FORT WIN'E.' 200 pIpes, 900 quarter casks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiRYSTAL PALACE COMPANY. UNl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thatthe TWENTY-SUCOND ORDINARY GENER AL MEETING of tile Proprietors Of this Conipiuay wild be held at the London Tavern, Bisliopilate-street,~ in thle City of LondoU, on TUESDAY, the 19ill June nistant.atI It o'clock precisely, for the purpose of receiving a Report from a the Directors, end oif tranesatilng thle orijdiun-y busioessa of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONU IENTS, Tombs, Headstones, Marble1 L Tablets &c. ERECTED in ainy part of Englaid, ati roiernte charges hv S. H. GARDINER, 243 New, Kent-read,-- Loiaduct SeE.Ijesigns post free. Export orders. nunerals conilucted. ?? THE LONDON and PARIS FREEHOLD Tll ESTATES COMPANY (Limited). ] Ic)lrporalted unider 'The Compauies Act, IS ?? by which th liablility of c-th sb.,lealcldoer is liulite(l to the ...