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Freeman's Journal


Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? Mrarch 13, at Louth Hall. Lady Louth, relict of Lord Loutl, ofT. daglghter. NimtAl 22. at Cot rigrnorna, county Walterfort% the lady. of T. I- Shi lck, l.,, of a daaihter. Morl 22. atAnlihaivilla. Geashell, te latly of T.P.IievaK, Es'1, 1,1 d (Iightop. 21iarw 22, e t lil us; liouse. t*hei lady of Robert Studdrrt, Esq, of a ?? and heir. Mrtlch 23, at Castlc-',ieen rectory, county Corkr the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 105, Grafton-stre~t, the lady of J., Davis, Esq, of a daughtler. May 23, in Upper Pembroke-street, the lady of William Rodte, Esq. of a son. May 24, at Stephen's-green, the lady of Robert Adams, Esq,:l.D., of dughter. May 22, at Montenotte, county Co*, the lady of John Moo5W Esq, of a daughter. At Fermoy, the lady ?? Bary, ltsq, solicitor, of a daughter. May 21, in Belfast, the lsay ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. September 25, at Leinster.square, Rathmines, the lady of John Chambersjun, Esq, orason. S&ptetnber 26, at Westlarid row, Mrs. W. R. VIlde, of a son. September 24, at Porumna the lady of Edward F. G. Ryan, Ezq, resident magistrate, of a daughter. September z 4, in Lower Baggot-street, the lady of W. S. Molory, Esq, of a son. September 22, at Ballysillan, the wife of the Rev. W. C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF THE DITKE-ANOTHER DERBY DODGE. Lord Derby seems determined to turn the death of his quondam friend and colleague to the best pos- sible account; His game, from the day he took office to the present, has been delay, delay, delay and availing himself6f the calamity which has be- fallen the country in'the death of her greatest mili- tary cap n, 'he seems resolved that the short ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _B~IRTHS. - In Kilkenny, the wife of J. Costelloe, Esq, of the National Bank Bank of Ireland, of a daughter. At Devonshire-terrace, Hyde-park, London, the wifeof Sir George Larpent, Bart., prematurely, of twin sons-one prematurely. MARRIAGES. November 17, at Forres, John Henry Jenkinson. Esq, youngest son of the late Bishop of St. David's, to Alice Henrietta, third daughter of Sir William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I IBIRTHS. April 26, at Merrion-square, South, the 'wife of the Rev. J. B. Heard, ot a daughter. April 26, Ithe wife of Henry Albert Lee, Eeq, of Barna, egunty Tipperary, of a son. April 25, at Osldge, Herts, the Wefi of Captain C. J. Glbb, of the Royal Engineers, of a daughter. April 26, in London, the wife of Captain Arthur Pa, Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, of a daughter. April 25, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. December 28, at Marlboro Lodge, Kingstown, Mrs. Thomas James Wright, of a daughter. December 2 2, inDawwon-street, the wife of Micbael.ILAylmer, E-q, of a son. December 24, the lady of Dr. Gray, of a son. December 22, aft Portarlitgton, the wile of T. Des Voeux, Fiq, of a son. At Bi.lLynamnopa, county Tipperary, the lady of W. Murphy, Esq, of twin jons. liecermber 2 1, at Belfast, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MA ZaZMiAXD tS1 rs-S Ql-CEE Annoncements ?? fully authenticated, Iand acconpaned by a remittance of 2s6d for 45 waors or less, and td for each additional 9 words, with- out which they can in eo case be inserted_ BIRTHS. AiLVEyyNTocteber 8, 1S82, at 41 ChaZoCa place, ton. don, the wile of Forster AUeyne, Esq, of a son. ?? 8, 1S82, at Meadowcroft,B- B Kenlt. the wife of Decimnus ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !RTIHMABIUAGA 42W DAH CIIAnt~in~mwismotan be fully authenticated, CH Anoul a emitanceof 2a 6d for 45 mij Pcelinipl o each additional 9 words, with-o Is orleiess,wd ,ab isLt- wvldl~ they ~.i11fOcs)h netd BIRTHS. 22. ISSM. at 29 Green street, Grox- b ,qnare, _1W Oifeof Seymour P Ronverie of a X~tpelt4% _ £ 3, lS83, 2;2 Tavidtoit stqurge, mdcii, the elf-' of Alfred Chadwick, preturelof wife of ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE MARQUIS OF DONEGALL. The larquis of Donegal., K P, G O B, P C, died on Saturday morning at Brighton, The deceased nobleman was in his eighty-seventh year, having been born on the 10th February. 1797. He suc- ceeded his father (George Augustus Chichester, second Marquis of Douegall) on the 5th October, 1844, and was married-first-on the 8th Decem- ber, 1832, to lady Harriet Anp ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEA.TH OF THE REV. FATHER COLUXBAN, ThiW frvent £ sona, so well.kOU WBD tbrough- out th* Three kwgdome, breathed his last in the Retrat o St Pan-.lof the Cross, mount Argu% on Wed y nb at half-past elevn o'jlo~k, in his 70th yeAr.. He waa bolni intiomnel on the 15th Mayv,. 1820, aud received iu baptism the name of Joseph.. joeqh OClrady ?? to =oahod anid scones of a bamowing atee-'i his nivs ...