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Freeman's Journal


... IATERATrI: .SUOOS§£30RcmsVX Byron ah- ?? IR P. .1J Webb and Sonj M9ddle~bbey-.i -. - _ ; : -to a question whlich now ~more then e~vera il ?? public interest of this country The Inisb Poor- .lr in its present fom io admittedy nostirefee elf,+ e6 i u,, v j~t. pav Ieezftt2Vtia 'aaes aecea: -zle - purposes for wieuih Sit v/honten. 0- CIf Ltb pqorwl14 4eftpoetve, 'effele ~en to {corrupt and ...


... FAmXOY AND YAPRrTIB& I TEEWCOURT. ' ?? Tuesdal. Io;Queen, the. Duibess of Connaugbt, and Princess1 Beatrice went out yesterday morning. In the afternoon the Duchess of- Connaught, Princess Beatrice, and Princess Irene of Hesse drove out. |The Emnpress Eugenie dinled with ths Q~ueeml and the' Royal family. ' After dinner Lady Churchill, Madame D'Arcoe (in at. tendance on the Ermpress), the -Hon ...


... ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW IN KIL- I KENNY. i (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT ) Kilkenny, Saturday. To-day a meeting of the citizens of Kilkenny was held in the Tholsel for the purpose of taking immediate steps to procure the holding of nest year's Royal Agricultural Society's Show in Kil- kenny. For several yeaws past this matter 3.s occupied the attention of the citizens, and on more than one occasion ...


... ICATlE -SROW.' ROYAL D'LJN SOCIETY. A TEOPMNGO DAY AT BAUI- ?u T.I. PRI:Z LIST. |Sprig Show of the Royal Dublin m .fle* ety opened at Ballabridge. . Easter time ui B becoming the special period for the holdihg of a fa t shortl~ i: nusl exhibitions, ad thre advantages at :f in ahbrt in political strifbe to people who aS 'ire outside the arena is likely to be stli further Ii iee gnid.: - The ...


... I NAVAN AORSE SHOW.! ?? - .- - . (BY OtIB SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) .Judges-MajorStuddert, SUsher Boberts, Esq; R Featherstouhaugh, Esq; ?? Rynd, Esq; Percy I d La Touche, Esq: Cecil Featherstonbaugh, Esq. f Show Yard Cemniitte0-Earl of Filga-, L3eutZa-nt-; b Colonel Donaldson, Veutenant-Colouel JohnstonR,,lobt E Fowler, Esq; Major Kearney, Captain Roberts, 0oorge t I Murphy, Esq; Nagent T ...


... i FASHIO A-VD vARrEzrrI THE COURT. The Queen in the morning went out, accompa.Aed b4 their loyal Highnesses Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Connaught,,ani in the afternoon drove with their Royal Highnesses. The Earl of Cadogan has arrived at the Castle as Mi- nister in Attendance on the Queen, and Sir William Be- binson also arrived and kissed hands on hisappoin^tent I as Governor of West ...


... ¶LEEDS MUSICAL FESTIVAL j ,F LGBAM FROM OUR COREFP(O-D'XIT) I *TWL~G~AM Leeds, Friday. The most important work amongst novelties in point of size being anoraturio. eifficitta tke tp a ende concert Was given ihis morning. The apearace of the composei, Antenix Dvorak, at the ?? desk was the signal for a burst of entiusistwc applause, which was repeated at ire- q, intervals during the progres; of ...


... FASHION AND 7AAIETIES. Layde _ al aft r Lady de Vesci has left Kingstown for Eng- C land. Lady Rose has left Kingstown for Eng- s land. Lady Cole leha left Kingstown for Eng- laud. General Colvile has left Kingetown for n England. I Lord Arthur Hill, 2! P, has left Kingstown for England. Colonel Elmes, D G, has left Kingstown for England. Dr Jacob has returned to .23 Ely place from Brighton. ...


... tXIffQN -AND VAR IETIES. I ?? Captain IAartin has left Ringstown for o 13119k3-1 - f 'The lciwr& nerial, M P., has left Kingstown for Xogland. The Right Hon. the Attorney-G(ener.l, bMp., has leit Kingetown for Eugland. Byconmmand of her Ezcellency the Lar- chioue-s of Londonderry, Mrs Srns, coart Drenonihier, 51 Darwon Street, att-dedd at the Vivcregal Lodge, nd -waa honoured ih an order for ...


... A LAMPLTEETER'S STORY. * ?? ece w r Mere7-femishe5 te-efol~ow ?? tac.s :-Johw -naley- of Brdgwatr. hap3yn. m i go dI forinne deserves to be nrd- pt,~ Hwaving - 5;cal among us -all his life, and held t fhe positick of lamplighter for over twenty-niie year,' his name. and, face wre familiar to eserybody in BrHe . He is liked bbyall, and it'i se to say one. may go here, there, or 7o01der, and ...


... lDUBLTN ART CLUB. To-day the third Vwin ter exhibit.on of pictura. held by the Dublin Art C'ub nuill be opened in the Leinster Hall, M1olesworth-street. It is an exceedingly interesting coilection, and comprisesp besides the works of Irissh artists, some examples b. painters resident in Enl-and or abroad. The rooen has been particularly well arranged for the purpose, and although the number of ...