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Glasgow Herald


... I COUER-:CIAt HUTEE& sk Cotton, can, tea, and ?? are the loafing e6op of earth, and it appe arm stitics recentl publisfed that hay leads all the rest Coton ad s tea are localcrops, bu hays proaduced everywhere 1) that plants grow, Al farm crops is the United , Sttes in1870 were Valvedabt $%478,657.. The bay alone, 2,000,000 tons, ?? price was worth W05,000,Oo more than Al the cotton was. worth ...

Published: Friday 31 March 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2253 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIL AND STEAMSHIP E LWS4 (U1epse Telegrams) A2LD, Mdarch 20.-Harr~ioa Line steamer Dis. coverer, from Calcutta, has arrived here. ADPE, March 18.-Orient Line loyal Mail steamer Oozes, from Londoa, arrived here at i0 .&bi. today, and, proceeded for AeAide, 3aiel- bonrire, and S3ydney.; AorrWoEi, March 19.-Steamer Srmdia, from River Plato, arrived here to-day. AbrwErP, March 18.-Messrs Laxport ...

Published: Tuesday 21 March 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1888 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... IERCIAL NEWS. GLASGOW, Wednesday Evening. 0A5o5s of a reduction in the Bank ra,,e JOCOO have been generally entestained in V4rd Strwt, and pending the meeting of f:: Conrt business has been of a restricted i .ter The tone of the market, however, er n easy, the current quotation for 0sd three monhs' bank bills has receded =ii pr cent, while very fine parcels have gexe cheaper. Inland drafts at ...

Published: Thursday 23 March 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 5097 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... CNEERUL MPKIETS. I.IvEPPOOL.-LhotrwitltLandiass a f1tither inreease in the ! stock of Su~,arof 2012 tonsetberewas avery good ?? trade denoancd yesterday, and prices have been paid whic-h were not preiouesly obtatnabic. The sales itsrladed ISO ions old Taal at ISs 6d, and 2CO tous news ut 14s Rd din st0c; 130 bags Yers- vian syrups at 2Ss, semi-graiiy at 24s 6d, and grain y at 25s 3 to 27s; 573 ...

Published: Tuesday 18 April 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 5173 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SCOTTISH ONTARIO AND PNITOBEA i LA ND COMPASNY (LIIID. be The third ordinary general meeting of the merm- bers of the Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land 'de Conpany- (Limited) was held in the eliegious In- ked atitution Piomins yesterday ?? Rsbt. d- Young, chbirmni, presidiug. Masl The report, which has aiready been published, onm jwa held as rew wark h Celd CR AN in moving the adoption of the ...

Published: Tuesday 04 April 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1308 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... THE CAMBRIAN -MINING COMPANY. E=AOR:50DRIN'ARY EVErLATIONS.3 An extraordinary general meetirg of the share- holders of thes Camhrian -Kilu g Companv (Limited) was held yesterday afternoon in London for the purpose of winding-ur the old company and reco- structing anew one. Mr James Adams presided. The C esec, in opening the proceedings, said that on the INta of Septemuber, the day following ...

Published: Friday 04 November 1881
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 437 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... A?`dE.RiCAt'i GUIMMERICIAL .. 26 W t -314A.*- ?? . Za. aia.,M re~ey ?? ?? .. 2__ I a: ?? - t Lmaaa~~~orr~~r. - ~~~d - ar .,dm-z ?? - ?? op-o u 1-w F~rdifl E~m:- 2.. -oe ?? ?? i~fu ao aan a iri~a. Zu.t.iaj i~~~j Lci Ntas:Wdanaty ar a ?? . ian4! r:aae t hi; r a, nan a . rv. a.. Can. ?? . ala 47a a rea loans I'a tarda \;o La To-jar cao:2 mmaal ar ?? .. . U.q;, 1,:, 1..2- -a-r -a 4. N.Y. ?? E-L ...

Published: Thursday 10 November 1881
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 521 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... S CILASGOW PROVISION TRADE.-There is little or no s change to report for the curren t week in the general aspect of the provision markets, which for most part remain fairly active, with a, healthy consumptive demand. The markets ,S bere bhse nut reciprocated to the extensive and rapid ilseta- : ctions whicr hsave taken place in America. MArkets here for hog productions have been wouderfally ...

Published: Friday 30 September 1881
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1068 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... COMUMhl 1AAL NOI-TE S. The Sa&s Frawcisco Call estimates -that the E Chinese labourers in Cilifornis send home ( $15,000,000 every year. Tbera is no improveyent to ~leport in the exports 'from New York. f he lotwa last week was %W,5M0,000 against $S,324,Ml for ?? corresponding I week last year. The first two sections Of. the Great Western of Brazil Railway, viz., from Pernanabuco to Pao I ...

Published: Friday 28 October 1881
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1991 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... .gs T 17 E c- F TRpA DIE 713VI~~ ~ LANA ΒΆ$SHIRE COAL.-This trade is in a very languid stete. 'l he ?? mild weatlier of thu hurst fsaw uceks lhts lhad a *oniider- abie c~ec; on the sac} of ?? coal, and it is only for thie better sorts tiat there is fnyttiug like a steady demand. There are also few fresh orders for sbipping coal, aul stocks have ar-cumuulated at the cnlliery sidiugs and ...

Published: Saturday 21 January 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2507 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... WroSi the dilnburgh Gsaette.J SEQUESTRATIOSS. January 16. ALEXANDiES STiVFN & COMPASTNY, we'olesale manufacturing statioelers, 7T St Vincent street, Glasgow. iu the county of Lanark, as a company, and Alexander Steven, wholesale manu- facturing stationer there, the goie partner thereof, mand as an individual. Creditors to meet in the l.'aculty Hall, Glasgow, tirv h January, at twelve' oclck. - ...

Published: Saturday 21 January 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 806 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHISPPIFIG IXTELL19EN-CO'. AIRIUVED AT GLASGOW. .januarv 3. I State of Nevada (s), 159S, Stewart, from New York -general. i Mauritius (s), 3l3, Anderson, fri-om Bordeaux-! general. M11agl ie Browne, 574, Lloyd, from Iquique-nitre soda;.; Penri, 4J, Burns, from Carrilou-h-limuestone. I Acorn, 51, ?,lLSeil, rrn Gienarrliioesfoflf. J rairy5 or-, buck, troui \9crurd-b ariS. Jean Ltse, 7:l, ...

Published: Wednesday 04 January 1882
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1599 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce