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199 1850-1859


Principality, The


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The Principality

Priceperstone of Slbs. (to sink the offal)

... LIVERPOOL. TUESDAY.—With a return of fine wheather. the market this morninug ruled dull for the leading articles. About one-half of the advance on wheat, flour, aud Indian corn made on Friday (viz., 2d. per bushel, Is. per sack, and 2s. per quarter), was considered to be lost, and the sales in retail. Spring corn, on the contrary to good demand. Oats brought full prices. Grinding barley was Id ...


... @ huning.5. AMERICAN LADIES.—(From Mrs. Houston s Ilesperos,) — The table-d'hote at Baltimore is excellent. Unfortunately we re rather too late in the season for the far-famed canvass-back ducks which, at their proper period, are to be eaten here in the greatest perfection. The rooms are always full, and the ladies extravagantly dressed, and glorying in the braverie of silks, and satins, and ...

MERTUYli.— ACQ. 10

... PONTYPRIDD.- Auc«. 10. s. d. s. d. Wheat pgr bush. 5 6 to 5 0 3 0 2 4 2 5 Beef per lb. 0 5 0 6 Mutton 0 6 0 6^ Pone 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 „ 0 6 0 6 s. d. s..i, Butter, Vrcsb per lb o 11 to 0 H Do., Salt 0 8J (1 (J Cheese 0 4 t)- j Geese Duuli: per coupIc Fowls Ejgs per down New Potatoes 18 its. I) 6 ...


... A CLAIM FOR THE REPEAL OF THE PAPER DUTY. EFFECT OF REPEAL.—In referring to the evidence which was given before the Committee, it may be stated that the paper- makers, publishers, and others who gave evidence, expressed confident anticipations that the effect of the Repeal of the Duty would be to give a considerable impetus to the manufacture and these observations have been more than realised ...


... MOXDAY.—Irish butter moves off slowly in this market, but the demand elsewhere has been good. Foreign in good supply, and best Dutch declined to Bis. The bacon market is linn, and ratner more business done than last week, and prices the turn higher for the best Irish. Hamburg and American move slowly.. ENGLISH BUTTER.—As there is a considerable increase |m the arrival of Dutch butter to-day, ...


... (All the trains are mixed, and call at each station.) CARDIFF TO AND A I; HUP A RE—Morning, 9 Afternoon, 1 0 and 5 30. On Sundays—Morning, 9 30—After noon, 4 0. MERTHYK TO AHURDARE AND CARDIFF—Morning, 7 45-After- noon, 1 10 (Mail) and 5 40. On Sundays—Morning, 8 15- Afternoon, 4 10. ABEUDARE TO CARDIFF—Morning, 7 40-Afternoon, 1 5 and 5 35 (Mail). On Sundays—Morning, 8 10—Afternoon, 4 5 TO ...


... AN ORANGE PROCESSION IN LIVERPOOL.—On Friday was re- vived one of the fooleries supposed to have expired, and (to celebrate the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne) an Orange procession paraded the streets of Liverpool. No public an- nouncement had been given of the intended provocative to dis- turbance, and the authorities were taken somewhat by surprise. The Orangemen met about nine ...


... LIVERPOOL. TUESDAY.—The week's arrivals of grain, meal, and flour from Ireland and coastwise are light, but from abroad we have a fair supply: of wheat. -22,790 qrs.,—viz., from Rotterdam, 1,616 qrs. Baltic ports, 4,919 qrs. Alexandria and Jaffa, tU,)oqrs. Odessa and Galatz, 4,-100 qrs.; from Franco, 1,120 qrs., with 4,345 sacks of flour. We have also 5,033 barrels flour from the United States ...


... SMITHFIELD. MOSDA Y,-Tho importation of foreign stock into London last week were very moderate, aud of inferior quality. The total suppiv did not exceed 2,747 head. During the corresponding period in 1349, we received 3,97J, and in the same week in lolo, 3,233 head. In 1817, the receipts amounted to 3,382 head. About 800 head have been landed at the outports from Holland and France. From ...


... POLICE.-—FMDAY, MAY J7.[BefOJ-e Howel Gwyn, M.P., G. Llewellyn, and F. E. Lloyd, Esqrs.] William Bealy, railway contractor, Cwmavon, was charged by William Charles, a workman in his employ, with non-payment of wages, amounting to £2 6s. Id. Case dismissed. William Isaac, of the Skewen, was charged with violently assaulting an aged woman, named Jane Howells. The defendant pleaded Guilty, and ...


... H-XGMsir IRO.N-. a £ • s. d.\ exgj.irh corriiR. d £ s. d. Bar,bolt, &sq. Lon. per ton 6 0 Oj Ordinary sheet's .i.per lb. 0 0 10 ail rods 6 15 0; Old copper e 0 0 9 Hoops 8 0 Oj FOREIGN COPPKII. f facets (singles). 8 la South American in bond H irs, atCardift & Xewp. 5 5 0; defined Metal, Wales* „ 3 10 ...