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Wrexham Guardian and Denbighshire and Flintshire Advertiser


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Wrexham Guardian and Denbighshire and Flintshire Advertiser


... NOTES OF THE WEEK. It is easy to make a virtue of necessity, a task just now being undertaken by the Oswestry advo- cates of secular education. When the School Board was about to be formed the friends of re- ligious education pointed out that under the board very little, if any, religious instruction or religious observance would be tolerated in the schools. They had ample evidence with which ...

[No title]

... Potted Meats, Salmon, Sardines, Lobster Soaps, auces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, armalade, Mace- onies, Mushrooms, Crystalised Fruits, Olives, Capers, Chutneys, &c., in great variety, and of the finest quality, at Benson and CVs, High-street, Wrexham. ...

[No title]

... EiciDc anD iSomntcrrt. 10S. BAilROVV -IN-F U RNESS, Monday.—It is remarkable that athougn business in local quuiiueo of li'uii between bvvei* and sellers a; present is quiet aaU inanimate tn.av is a terruption far as the remainder ot tbe year S mS the activity ol manufacturing establishments. An imp^ meut m tne aemand for iron is looked for. In thf steel Aide there 1* still much activity. Ail ...


... In order to prevent the inconvenience which has arisen from a very large number of ladies paying their respects to the Queen on the same day, her Majesty will this year hold two Drawing Rooms after Easter-the first on Wednesday, May 5, and the second on Friday, May 7. [t is her Majesty's hope that the long notica given may tnable ladies to make their preparations without undue pressure. ...


... IROX. It is stated t hat the ironmasters of Monmouthshire and South Wales have held a. meeting during the last few days, at which they CHnc to a unanimous decision not to blow in any of their blast furnaces duriug the present year, unksi trade revives to au extent which will eaabie jhem to work without loss. The announcement has thrown a greater gloom than ever over ths iron districts, where ...


... It is difficult to plumb the depths of human wickedness or set bounds to the evil passions of men who give rein to their bad propensities. Each new revelation of atrocity is deemed the worst, and we console ourselves with the re- flection that at length we have reached the lowest sink. But alas these grateful thoughts are soon dashed by some fresh disclosure which casts into the shade all ...


... FRIDAY. In the Lords, the Earl of Derby, replying to Lord Delawarr, stated that there was no treaty of inter- national act by which the neutrality of the Suez Canal was secured. The maintenance of uninterrupted communication through the canal was, however, a question of high importance, which her Majesty's Government would not neglect. In the Commons, on the order for goini; into com- mittee ...


... HAY HARVESTING commenced in the Vale of Civ,-yd yesterday (Friday), when a field of hay was carried and stacked at Bodfnri. THE FAILURE OF SIR EDMUHD BucliLEY,I-I.P.-The Er,, n-.eetidg of tho creditors of Sir Edmund Buckley, M.P., was held at the Clarerce Hotel, Manchester, on Wednesday afternoon. statement of affairs was sub- mitted by Mr Halliday, accountant, from which it ap- peared that ...

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... BHOSLLANERCHBISOG. THB BAPTISTS—On Sunday and Moray the Baptists held their annual preaching meeting, win the Revs! R Ellis (Cynddelw), Waldo Jones, Mertyr, and J. R. Jones, Liverpool, preached to large conpgations. Col- lections were made at the close of eacteervice towards liquidating the chapel debt. PKBSBNTATION.—On the 5th inst. a eeting was held at Penrhoe Baptist Chapel, for the purpe ...


... MONTHLY FtTR.-The monthly cattle fair was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, and was largely attended. Ther.o was a good supply of excellent cattle, which sold at uric. rvher highsr than last fair. Horses were tolerably plentiful and of good serviceable classes. SUCCESSFUL EXAMINATION.—We are giad to learn that Master Angel. son of Mr Edward Angel, wine merchant, Hall Square, Denbigh, has passed ...


... lJt gfltircff. At the Irish Church Synod, on Monday, the report of the representative body was brought up. It showed that in the year 1874 the contributions from all sources to the Church amounted to £257,000, and of that, £133,000 were expended for the necessary purposes of annuities, tithe rents, &0.; £128,000 represented the net gain to the Church. The Rev. W. Walsham How writes to John ...


... SUNDAY LABOUR.— The letter carriers of Denbigh are eanvassing tho townspeople for signatures in favour of doing away with the Sunday delivery of letters. A number of the most influential gentlemen in the town have refused to sign the document. ENGLISH SERVICES.—On Sunday last, the Rev. W. Dickens Lewis, M.A., conducted an English service and preached a most eloquent sermon in the Calvinistic ...