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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... VOUCE INTELtIQE?NOE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. John WilSOn (remanded on a charge of stealing a car- pet bag, containing wearing apparel, &c., from the L~an- cashire cad Yorkshire Railway station) was again brought up and committed for trial. William Bond (formerly a car driver, whose license had been taken away for misconduct) was fined 20s., for as- saulting M~r. Thuraby, inspector of hackney ...


... - INTELLIGENCE RIAY, MARCH 1.m r ROBBEILY DY .A DOM5ESTIC. - Two women, named we Betsey Anderson Aan Mary Warburton, were charged r. with stealing a' feather bgd and blanket, the property ofwA Mary Herbert, Hanoier-street. In consequence of in- Tb I-formation received at the police-office, that the psrisoners do, abad pledged the above articles at Mr. Benussid's pawn- del I, shop, in Paradise ...


... Mrapnnr .InP POLrr(OW ESO.1 MORGoAN ?? HOLF.-The plaintiff was W~illigam.Morgan, otf ,.whitesmith, of Hunter-street, and the defendant Henry inl Hole, tailor and draper, of Pembroke-place. Mr. Gray, Ili in Solicitor, appeared for the defendant. The claim was for R £2 for the services of plaintiff's wife, as nurse, during the be econfinement of Mrs.s Hole consequent on giving birth to est Oie ...


... PJVnhlAV noon% TP r1PD Q WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. tY. BEFORE MR. J. S. MANSFIELD. re Dx8TftAINWG FOR xiin INoCoM TAx.-AsaULT Om ble B,UYA.-WFS.WilDiam Porter, butcher, of Milistreet, was n charged with assaulting two bailiffs while engaged in the ore discharge of their duty. Prom the evidence adduced in auP bh rt of the charge, it appeared that on Saturday last Ye the bailiffs Reed aind Rathbono ...


... or MONDAY, NOVEMBEW22. at BEFORE MR. DIXON. Ig SERlaOU ATOrO1AY WITH THE POLICE.-TwO powerful-look- n ing men, named P.trick.Quigley and William Carroll, were brought up in custody, charged with being ringleaders in an affray which took place on Saturday night in Vauxhall-road. er Police oslicer 442 (Carter) stated that after, twelve o'clock on I bh Saturday night he was taking a prisoner to ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICESoCOUar. DfTUE SDAY, NOVEMBER 9, o UAY'TAIN WILLIAM H. MANcLEY. -In reporting the charge re brought against the captain of the Southern Cross, It-ough' to aveen ated that, to disprove the charge ofdK en'- le Iesmd by the mate the second mate, who has sailed two ears with Captain Manley. swore that during the whole'of at time he never saw him in liquor, and this esttement, was ...


... LANCASHiRE SUMt1ER ASSIZES. BOUTHERK' DIVISION. iih CROWN COURT. ti BEFORs; AIR. BARON WATSO.N. 55hr MONDAY, AUGUST 22. re BOTTLING A VOTE'i. AT BURY. ra Zicharial, flardmii anad Joseph L;ootb, whlo were t round guilty of having~ kidiiapp-d a voter at the late sa' Bury election, wvere pla~ced in the dock for sentence, to Several witueessue weore called wiho spoke favourably . of then,, and a ...


... I d ISOUTHERN DIVISION OF LA-XOASHfpE. CROWN COURT. BEFORE MR. JUSTICE W5ILLES. FRIDAY, MA.RCH 25. Robert Afitobell (aged 25) wai; indicted for having 3, at Liverpool on the' 6th D~ecemiber last, feloniously killed and stain David Davies. Mr. Deightun ap. D poarned for the prosecution, and Mr. Simlon for the deece. About eight o'clock on the evening of Son- day, athe 26th December, the ...


... I I SOUTHERN DIVISION OF LANCASHIRE. CROWN COU1tT. BEFORtE BI. JUSTICE WILLES. MONDAY, MARCH 28. TRIAL OF MR ARCHIBALD MANN, THE VOCALIST. Archibald Mann was indicted on two counts-one charging him with assaulting Charles John Broawte, with intent to commit au unnatural offence, and the other charging him with a common assault. The prisoner, who appeared in dock in a braided over- coat ...


... -OMICE INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY MACh 30. OFFENCE BY SSAXm-&wo Selamen, named Henry V'1l Liaems and William Alterson, belonging to the chip ,ti el. Captain William Hall, were brought up on the clarg',ox refuing tod duty on loard that vessel. Mr. Bluck epm *ed for the Prosecution, and Mr. Cobb for the defence, Wvile bo Ellit was at Bombay the men were put into prison ti ice for certain ante of ...


... I WEDNESDAY, APRLL 18. BEFOE MtR. RAFFLES. CiTIHt&E Or AmSAULI!T AND ROaaRRY. -James Mailons, t boarding-house hreper. talintiUuselhine, rem mdedfrom the pro- Q vious dray on the obarge of aessaulting a searalu namoidihormati tlown. Bad robbing him of £2 Vhs Wm again brought up. Mr. Murphy, Of the atiora Home stated that on Monday torning Bro vn came to him to sok him t patt him in tbe waby ...


... I The crilnlirial brivinews of theAR Gpsionsa commecedo Yesterday, at the Courthou~ii, Kirkdale, The Right 11in. Lord Strirley prewidel, are tire follou ingt other l Oag'6trate'orralkoarn tile henaeia --Messr-. William Willi, r Pr'e Ruobcrti Theakatone, Si. Holiue, arid 'Pbi followi g genlemen were sworn upon the grand jry sr-. ?? omamoian oml?~ f~,ea Jolul i ootfarned , ,,.W Waif ubr * ...