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... I AMUSEMENTS FOR THEE WEEK. year, PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. e~s; rheburlesque extravaganzacalled Papillonetta,, 1864 or the Prince, the Butterfly, and the Beetle, still draws crowded houses, and the leading performers. in-a who take part in it are nightly applauded in a ,ster, flattering manler, several of the merry songs and- ritan dances being frequently encored. The last morning port ...


... TIHE ANTI-RITUALISTIC MOVEM EN'T. MEERTING AT THlE CONCERT HALL. ti nin11- Last evening a meeting of wvorkin~g men, reel. members of the Church of JeNgland, was held at f trees the Concert Hall, Lord Nelson-street, !in reference0 Oi-to the novel and unasitborised ceremonses rathl, recently introdunced into the Church of England. i sits- The body of the hail and the galleries were about ...


... Education best v2o-moted by Perfect Freedo)m, siot bY State th Endowoments. Wi-tt a,iApiieidix, ?? Official ileturnsI~ of Education in 1818. 1833, and 13~51. By Edwvard Babieis, author of thle ,History of thc Cotton ge Manufacture. London John Snow, Paternoster- th~ row. Leeds: R. NesovsilO. th' The claimt advanced by Mrll. Baines in this pamphlet on i behalf of the claises on whows ...


... 1~-q Child of the nigIht: Whenc ct6int tli() , ~~Unto our sight. .iPk as the midnight, r Light as the fawn, Front whence comest tbhon- ' ' Wlfere Wert thoa born 1 I hlmaxiao I Maximo ! Indian g8d: Round thy dark form, boy, 'The worshippers trod. Say, can thy mentiory r Bring back the past; B Or is it forgot- V In oblivion east? Mazilio Mtaxino t V Idoltsed child: s Gentle and loving, hs :' ...


... I THE.VOICE OF AUTUMN. Thou lonely man of grief and pailn, By lawless power oppreosed, Bunt from thy priron-rend thy chain, I come to make the blest ; I have no springtide bods; and flowers, I bave no summer bee9 and bowers; But, oh, I have some pleavut hours, To soothe thy soul to rest. Plenty o'er all the quiet land Her varied vesture wceaves, And Rings her gifts, with liberal hand, To glad ...


... The second annual exhibition of poultry in this town I commenced on Wednesday last, at the large room used as go Luocas's carriage repository, Great Charlotte-street. The room was thrown open about half-past eleven, and shortly an afterwards was crowded with a large assembly of ladies yel and gentlemen. Besides visitors from Livepo ?? neighbourhood, there were many from Manchester, Bir- Mr ...


... . ?? ?? 0C04-crjfor~tdc People. By11. Soyer. London and New provisil York : Rcutledge and Co. SixI Probably never in theo annals of ]publication, and car- shortly tainly never in those of cookery, did a work bid so fair to will fol fulfil the intimration in its title as this plain, practical, Paris and ye ssentially, artistic, little book, which has already corps reachd i:ts on hneth thousand ...


... I ivye for those who love me, For those I know are true. For the heaven that smites above me, And awaits my spirit too; For all human ties that bind me, For the task by G0od assigned me, For the bright hopes all around me, And the good that I can do. I live to hall that season By gifted minds foretold, when moen shall live by reason, And not alone by gold; When man to man united, And every ...


... THE BREA-TH .OF SPRING. The ?? of spring should ever ope The' portals of the heart, And. clcer it with aray of hope, Pirt pileasure to ihpurL. Fair buds and blossoms ever bloom, Cianud ly .the lbreath or Bpriug Thvy 81101 MIbroad0 a ?? pdifUuUe, And ?? l ach other cling. Liks3 theil the heart shoulI ever be By s'!ringss' .9nect biatl ulnbound(, Awld pJ, lh . from dc eitl frgoa, D:!tsin,, ...


... ?? . - .- I- - - 11 - Arariuion . a Tate of Flodden Field. By Sir Walter Co, Scott, Bart. Illustrated by eighty engravings on wood. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. This is a truly handsome volume, suitable either for the library or the drawing-room table. Tue illustrations are from desigtns by Birkett Foster and John Gilbert, and they are engraved and printed in thle first Style. Thle Poeu ...


... POEMS Of ?? I IRENHEAD I ?? WORI. 1 nG ?? - . .p our'a icne~ieor Hajipy Reint~s~ceasec,;^ By 0 JhneD~akayPeaocek. M~anchester:3. =. EIey- wood. London: Simpkin and Marshall. This is ' new I'nd enlarged edition of in poeom nad songs of a working man who reside atB-irken- head, but'who Is-' evidently of Scpttih, birth 'or descent. Left an orphan at an early age, and a'ving been obliged to work ...


... I ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE. The series of Shakeperian revivals ' at this house has been continued by the production of A Winter's Tale,' in a style which, if not q-ite equal in ih gorgeous Iavishetes to that wanih dietinlgutshod some of its predecessors is still suliboiently beautifuito make the acceeeortes of the play an attraction to those for whom Shakgpearo unidorned might not have ...