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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... DRUMFBO AND PRUNTBEG FARJING -: I .SOCIL'TY. IN1STE11DAY, the ailnVan1 cattl Slhow Of Athe Dhumbo f ui intd Drumbeg Farming Sociely 'N' held at Din- cil mrnrey, in a hi~d belon~gin~g to Mr, Henter, The whh; show was smaller than it has been for SOnic years, of b~et I the qalityof the animals exhibited there was to at a enerkelo improivemerit. The deelpinsiOfl in thelie iinlmber of exhibitors ...

Irish Fairs

... ' slr iffil__y_ ]ut CAoLA (COUNT1 ARlVAGH), JULY 1S.-Tho fair holl cr( here to day was small, especially in the show of beef, scarcely any beast fit for the victualler having been shoaw, and transactions wero unimportant. Thero het was a good display of storo cattle, and, demand being dam P~etive, seles were numerous, prices being- rather air lower. Twnyeair-old heiters met ready buyers, at of ...


... THE ROYAL Ad'RICULTUR.L SOCIETY'S SHOW AT NEWCASTLE. NEWCASTLE, MONDAY EviNiNO.-Th, show opened . this morning for the admission of the public at a a] oharge of 10s, and, as usual, but few persons chose tt to avail themselves of the privilege of an uninter- O~ rupted view at a coat of half-a-sovereigu. The six cl hundred who obtained admission were well repaid by t the sight of the animals ...

Irish Fairs

... Q?j vil 5 ly Irlaim ? I -i (11 SrXlLEao0noss (COUNTY TyrneNE) FAiu.-TUxSeAY, t Juay 10.-We had a very fine day for our fair, o which was largely stocked with cattle and sheep. h The supply of pigs was rather small, and a good g many horses were sold, but they were chiefly of an b inferior class. In the horned cattle department there w were many buyers, and a brisk business was trans- a acted ...


... ['RO¢ THE A7TEENJE1Th.] MR. ERNEsT DE BUNsEN is about to offer his contri- bution towards a reply to the great question-who was Adam? We hear that his theory-suggested, perlaps, by a phrase of the late Baron Bunsen-is that Zoroaster wasthhe Hebrew Adam. This sug.. gestion is a curious one; and Mr. de Bunsen may be expected to present it ably and learnedly. Critics will be eager to knaow the ...

Literary Notices

... p , Fifirarn MIMI. I , (,-; LoNDoN SocIEYr for October. London: 49, Fleet Street. TUE current number of this periodical is of a re- markably entertaining character. There is an especial excellence about the illustrations, which are alone worth the whole cost of the number, and more and the letterpress is lively and always readable. ASILYSIS or THE HUMAx MI2D. By Ricucu.U PFEAR- sos. London : ...


... If 11,5 I) i a 1 T. VICEREGAL COURT. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, accompanied by the members of the Viceregal household, attended Divine service at the Chapel Royal on Sunday. The sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Lee Fanu, A. M. The Viscountess Ashbrool and the Ron. Mrs. Blakeney and suite are sojourning at.>the Interna- tional Hotel, Bray. Viscount Danlo and suite have arrived at the ...


... :jpahl)Rl0. Lord Kilmaine has takon Fort View, Bray, for the gr Oil season. tih The Marquig of Clmnricarde left Kingstown on to Baturday, for England. to We (Owl) hear that Lord Brongham is engagred ciI upon a work of the nature of an antobioneaphy. er Lord Danksllin and suite left Kiugstown on Satur- day, for England. an It is said that the Jnpanes3 Ambassadors inland to th remain in Francs ...

Literary Notices

... ?,Vif (It A r'll-J.-Tolica 4' - Tun BOY s OWN llMAAZIYE. London: S. O. Doeto, |i 243, Strand. Ma. BfnTON'S sixpenny Boy's Own continues to be managed with taet and ability. The editor has under his command a Btaff of writers who have the happy art of rendering the various subjects on which they treat interesting to those for whom the maga- zinc is chiefly intendod. Runnymede and Lincoln Fair ...


... I~~~~~ .. Tnn London correspondent of the Daily Lxpress 1 vouches for the strict accuracy of the following:- Many years ago a tradesmnp in Fleet Street had two apprenti-OOS sons of humble parents. One was staid . and matter-of-fact in disposition; the other was younger, and of a roving turn-restless, ambitious, C and impulsive. To escape the sameness and drudgery of business, and to secure the ...


... THE ART JOURNAL. [Virtue & Co., London.)- This beautiful art publication fully maintains its character in the number before us. The illistra- tions are- L'unanorata, from a picture in the collection of Josiah Evans, Esq., and T'he Brook, from a collection of Charles Prater, Esq., both exe- cated in the finest style. ' Historic Devices and Badges is an interesting paper, especially to ...


... SOnRrTa OF IRELAIND fORTICTTUfRAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Taxz first exhibition this year of plants, flowers. and fruits, in connection -nith this society, wi take pIace to morrow in the Pavilionat the Royal Botanic Gardens. We have frequently taken occasion to notice the admirable snitability of these Gardens for holding flower-shows and public sports, and in doing so we have not neglected to revert ...