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... X EUNICE, Chemist/ 23, DUKE-STREE, and 100 BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AGENT job HORNIMAN'S PURE TEA. The high repute in which it is held everywhere, has been acquired by its being uniform and excellent in quality: it has no artificial 'facing' powder, for consisting wholly of the thoice spring gathering, there are no brown flavourless leaves that need be disguised by the Chinese with a coat of ...


... SEA-COT, PENARTH, TO BE LET. Apply to Mr. D. MAIHIAS, House Agent, 1, Station Terrace, Cardiil. APARTMENTS. A Respectable Gentleman ma}' be accommodated with comfortable LODGINGS, within an easy distance of the town, ou reasonable terms —Address Zeta, GrAltDIAX- office. FURNISHED APPARTMKNTS TO LET in chari.l-3- STREET.—Drawing Room auu Bedroom.—Apply to Jvirs. EWIKB, High-street, Cardiff. ...


... CARDIFF STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S P»8t-Saiiing Steamers, E N N Y J 0 N E S, DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND DAVID GEORGE. COMMANDER, A intended to ply between CARDIFF and *v;7h j*R|STOL, and CARDIFF aud MORN HAM, liber| ASSENG ERS and MERCHANDISE, with follo; lu low, Auritig the Mouth of APRIL, 1859, as aV'w at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling where Passengers ^*ill L&nded ...


... REDUCED JFARES! MERTHYR TO LIVERPOOL IN 12 HOURS, FOR 14s. 4d. BY THE lEOTr-A-Ii MAIL WHIOH leaves the Castle Hotel, Merthyr, every Morning, (Sundays excepted), at 7.30 a.m., passes through Tredegar and Brynmawr, and runs direct to Abergavenny Railway Station in time to meet the Third Class train for Hereford, Shrewsbury, Chester, (^Liverpool, arriving at the latter place at UTaJI-past Seven ...


... TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are required for certain alterations intended to be made at the Merthyr Tvdfil National Schools; plans and specifications may be seen, and further par- ticulars obtained, on application to S. C. Gant, Esq., Thomas Town, to whom tenders are to be delivered on or before the 8th of March, endorsed, Tenders for National Schools. The lowest tender mav not necessarily be ...


... Jiit N N Y JONES, ^VLP DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND T A L 1 E S I N A R{? -^VJD GEORGE, COMMANDER, BR?«NNDED T0 P'Y between CARDIFF and K.^NHIIV01', W'TH PASSENGERS AND MF.R- II. |O R during the Month of OCTOBER, ti*in,» vs J M THEAIU^ STARTING from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling AT\,IE W'LERE Passengers will be Landed and Kin- E 'townham Ferry Slip, free of expense, at which UNfortabl(.' ...


... BUBGLABY AT BRIDGEND.—Oa Wedne day last a cash box containing j £ 40 in gold aud silver and a cheque (P*V* able «t the Nalioosl Provincial Bank, Bridgend,) for £ 719» was stolen from the shop of Mr. George W 11 lams, iron- monger, Bridcend, by breaking in the doors. INQUEST.—Oil Monday last, an inquest was held at the Town Ha I, before Lewis Reece, Esq., coroner, touching the death of William ...


... S. S. PHILLIPS, SHIFTS BONDED AND FREE STORE MERCHANT 9 AND 10. BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, IMPORTER of WINES, SPIRITS, TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Irish and American PROVISIONS, and every description of FREE STORES for Ship's use. BISCUITS of every quality — Kiln-dried for any length of Voyage. AGENT for GAMBLE & CO.'S Celebrated PRESERVED MEATS, &c. TO THE TEA DEALERS, AND WINE AND ...


... TT. W.-rTARTflg'g A TSTNOTTTsTCRMKTSrTR TT. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Appraiser, -House, Estate, and „ General A gent, BEGS to ftfform the Public that all matters entrusted to his care will he punctually arid carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected on advantageous terms. Offices :-Mr. Rees Thomas's, Biffh-street, Merthyr, opposite Cloth Hall. 2*9 oty'' NOTICE. ALL ...


... REGULAR TRADER LONDON TO CARDIFF, NEWPORT, &c. THE SCHOONER GRATITUDE, D. JONES, MASTER, IS NOW LOADING AT TOPPING'S WHARF, TOOLEY-STREET, LONDON, FOR Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, Abergavenny, Brecon, Monmouth, Pontypool, Cow- bridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent, and will sail posi- tively on SATURDAY, MAY 18th, 1850. For freight, &c., apply to the Master on Board; Mr. ...


... >.A3 I CHARLES GUEST, HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMIST, LLYNVI VALLEY RAILWAY. NEAR TIlE VICTORIA ROOMS, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, T *r IT*ROM whom maybe obtained every Homaopathic T MORTGAGE LOANS. Preparation. Cases Hitcd with .Medicines suited HE Directors are prepared lo receive Tenders for a to the various Domestic Works. Neat Morocco Cases, limited amount of Loans on Mortgage (in lieu of containing a ...