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Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. Pagb Circular Notes, by Rapier 523 Racing in France 538 F amous Ned Alleyn and God's Gift C ollesr* (continued) 524 A Bunch of Valentines 52b Our Illustrations 520 Musical Notes of the Week 527 Dramatic Notes of the Week 530 The Amateurs.. 530 Athletics, Aquatics, &c 530 Turtiana 53 c Pagb Sporting Sketches 531 Stud News 531 OuY Dire 534 Musical Reviews 542 Reviews 542 I Magazines ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. Paoh. The Derby 258 Circular NotesJ 243 The King of Wurtemberg's Stud 250 The Alexander Park Horse Show 24 7 St. George's Hall 262 Our Captious Critic 253 Hampton 252 Baden Baden 252 Page. Cricket, Aquatics, Athletics, &c. 248 Musical Notes of the Week 247 Dramatic Notes of the Week 246 Shooting Notes 250 Yachting 246 Turfiana 25° Weekly Musical Review 262 Answers to ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. Page. Circular Notes 78 Our Supply of Horses 90 Cabinet Portraits, II.-- Miss Ellen Terry 91 Wait 91 My Last Day on the Dart 91 Our Captiou* Critic at the Ly ceum Theatre 85 Mdile. Marie Th6r6 e Fechter 77 The School of Dancing at Paris 81 John Stainer, Mus. Doc 76 Mr. Rutland Barrington 76 Page. Henry TV. at Fontainebleau 82 Bowled Out An Oxford Episode 91 Hunting Notes 83 Weekly ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAOF.. Circular Notes 219 The Story of Robert Dude con- tinned) The Derby The Coaching Club fjs Our Captious Critic -'41 Our Illustrations 2-'2 Reviews fA* New Music Dramatic Notes o PAGF.. Music of the Week 242 Turfiana 22G Cricket, Athletics, Aquatics, &c. 243 Lawn Tennis Competition 226 Chess 235 Amateur Theatricals 242 Sporting Sketches 223 Answers to Correspondents 234 Past ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. Circular Notes 439 Turiiana 441 Our Illustrations 442 Answers to Correspondents 446 The Volunteer at Work and at Play 446 Drama 446 PAGE. Unfairly Won 447 Chess 450 Music 454 Cricket, Athletics, Aquatics, &c. 454 Past Racing 455 Captious Critic 457 ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. Page. Circular Notes 60 r The St. Leger 616 The Shakespea^es at Home 620 The Catastrophe on the River. From a Yachtsman's point of view 601 The late George Payne 605 Royal Highland Gathering 605 Coming of Age Fete at Lyme Hall 601 Page. Our Captious Critic 611 Musical Notes of the Week 610 I Dramatic Notes of the Week 604 Weekly Musical Review 617 Magazines 6?o Yearling Sales 012 ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. The University Boat Race 66 The New Colours 6(5 Circular Notes 51 lioye's Victory (continued) (57 Sporting Sketches 70 Winter Coaching .58 Our Captious Critic 61 By-the-Bye 62 Our Illustrations 55 Musical Notes of the Week 54 PACK. Tli e Drama 54 Athletics, Aquatics, &e 55 Turtiana 5S Chess 54 Amateur Theatrical Performances 57 Correspondence 55 Answers to Correspondents 66 ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. Circular Notes 17 1 The Story of Robert Son of Eude 186 On Parole 186 Sporting Sketches A Day Amongst tlio Snipe 190 Our Captious Critic at the Albi rL Hall 181 Our Illustrations 178 Trout Fishing 177 Musical Notes of the Week 175 The Drama ^174 Tui-fiana 175 Cricket, Athletics, Aquatics, &o. 175 Amateur Theatricals i;;; Reviews of New Alusic Reviews of Magazines ami Serials ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. I Circular Notes, by Rapier 147 Famous Flayers of the Past 148 Turliana 149 By-the-Bye 150 The First of the Season 151 Our Illustrations 151 Music 153 Drama 154 Lazy DIoments 155 PAGE. 01(1 and DIodem Coaching loo Cricket, &c 155 Past Racing 155 Our Captious Critic 167 De Rebus Venatici s 162 Renews 102 Answers to Correspondents 162 Chess 166 Hygiene \continued) 166 ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. Circular Notes 251 Our Illustrations 251 Racing a Centuiy Ago 253 Music 254 Turfiana 254 A Departing Theatre 255 Drama 258 Sporting and Dramatic Pictures at the Academy 25S PAGE. Answers to Correspondents 260 Hunting Notes 260 Cricket, Athletics, Aquatics, &c. 261 Review of New Music 264 Chess 264 Our Captious Critic 267 Reviews 270 Past Racing 270 ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. Page The Selection of Brood Mares 586 Circular Note*, by Rapier 570 Love's Victory-- (continued) 586 Famous Players-- (continued) 590 Horse Coping 590 Our Illustrations 574 Reviews 571 Weekly Musical Review 590 Musical Notes of the Week 574 Page Dramatic Notes of the Week 582 Turfiana 578 Athletics, Aquatics, 8cc 579 Amateur Theatricals 575 Chess 587 Correspondence 570 Answers to ...

Table Of Contents

... CONTENTS. PAGE. Circular Notes 423 Drama 423 Music 426 The Wingfield Sculls 426 Our Illustrations 427 The Andover and Weyhill Horse Company 427 Answers to Correspondents 430 The Yearling Market 430 PAGE. Cricket, Athletics, Aquatics, &c. 430 Chess 431 More Magazines 434 The Park 434 Turfiana 43a Corespondencc 438 Past Racing 439 Our Captious Critic 441 ...