... IvWN E I ~ ~-th% I-b ca- D~~~czd tsp h t i aJ 2 nt 1rod cf the Vietoiij h D '2 teda. and very sa factor isogm a . m the arlous events. Play ?? a th erios - I at- Oselck. and it is e x p afterntoon21 -.evat g ehe tcan m ita -b on Saturday . b lh ie dayscoe unr a'oo- , , 3 LId~ SwnS Napidicbp (ove bn.- to a beat 3ls Y(Ok R1,75 - Ms . ~N rmtste be Mi3s FoIlkes, 6 1, 6 4. Sexai-fatl: M be D COC ...


... SPORTNG. NESAD ANTICrPATIOXS. 5ii ithe ra igat Lin of for ?? Ithis afternoon, btI t oehiereboit ia eein here Mirs, which ?? the alway 'pleasant. and- c age; a -goodly fnaniber ot people, -filled the- b for apeaal Atrains An. ?? - iieavy. - inwer r-ofrainbjxl hail id no harm,; for here_ is plenty fr pool, f shuier her, a dbeii it wag tiot rainingth CO., 501 waSsehnihihg._ Nortofr did ot ...


... sPORITJNG- iiA GWNOTES ~~ngde~t toottk place last-wwlcik th futrewas the doP- y ~1-sAnms~ h ?? in thef ' 'aa Holday Handicap. It lisa been I o p.03that tao horse looked P4C Jor' lblough I looked him~ #-s-v in the paddock before the race Sr ;cfio:]n no~ 5;i~ that& he was not at his u-s erinyrather quiet. in his Chain tt ig not necessarily a token 10'ff colotir. Wh'en being saoddled Cho-t s ...


... I NORTHERN UNION. Igaanx SE.NIOR; OO3EPmh2TJIO a0 FST. HELENS V. OLDHAM. td Temeeting of these teams sat St, Helons aroused >n great intervat, and about soil Spectators wore pro. ,a sea-i During the afternoon collectiona were made t. in aid of tho mayor's fund for thwerewief of sef- Lt. forers by the war in South Atrica, and the band oi of the 2nd 1ancashire Engineer Volunteers played e- ...


... BImMLNGHAM. September Plate.--tSportsman Perthshire; Sporting Life,. Local Favourit e Land and Water, Fairy Field,£ Field, Ugly;. Licensed Vie- tuallersr Gazette. Christmas Gift colt; Sporting Time, Fairy Field or Lord Molescroa.n Maiden Plate.-Sportsman Trussing Cup; Sporting Life, Trussing Cup-I'; Land and Water, Bertick's Pride or Trussing Cup;- Field, Trussing Cup; Licensed Victuallers' ...


... F 00 TBALL E A SS,'0 CI AUT I OTS. In Qnarlked contrasz nto te rosults of tho ?? 'reuls -eOL, Sa-urcay's Lmagne Fries tL ' p ucitcd ?? talli s-irc-s, this being the Crase parttilcuri:' at Nottingham arlNv- c re.The T.>Qxcet ihav~e s l lo , ...


... j THE FINISH. ROBERTS WINS BY 1814. When play ceased at the Egyptian Hall on Saturday there were a few people who inclined to the belief that Daweon might, after all, prove successful. His gamfe had been so great, and his deficit was so comparatively sight, that colour was lent to the idea;. This, of course, caused the attendanse to be large. Dawson's backers speedily had their hopes dashed, ...


... RACING. NOTES AND AMTICIPATIONS. Tuesday Night. The weather was dull and inclined to be cold al at Leicester to-day, but the threatened rain held off, though the welcome news was brought from adl parts of the country that some nice showers had fallen during the night. A few soft drops fell, it ie true, at intervals, but scarcely enough to wet the grass, and the ground remained both aslippoey ...


... r ENGLAND V. AUSTRALIA. THE THIRD TEST MATCH. SENSATIONAL CRICKET AT LEEDS t HEARNE DOES THE HAT TRICK. i A remarkable day's cricket was witnessed in - the third of the test matches between England and the Australian combination at Leeds yester- lday, for there was a time during the afternoon when it appeared highly probable that England w vould have won a sensational victory before I the ...


... CmICKET. IIIDLAND COUNTIES v. AUSTR.- L ANIS. CctnpraivelV speaking, there wore very few -eoplc prcsent at the County Ground. Birin?g- taft vecterdzy, n the Australians began the ineteenth match of their tour before an eleven 31presenting the Midla-nd Counties, but a damp nd dull mforning wras the forerunner of a fine and bright aftcrnoon, and after the luncheon ite rval therc vere fully ...


... T. l -. RIAGING.. I NEWMARK;ET NOTES, , Thursday Night. There ?? a marlked improv ement in the quality of the spoit provided at headquarters yestercla.y afternoon, and of the six events cqn- stituting the card the onlv ono that pcesessed no interest was the Mtidsumer Stakes. In this Dorminie I. hbad only Mslorgante to beat, awd odds of 25 to 1 were not unnaturally asked for. But for his ...


... GOLF, The weather has remaincd guiizle sj freaks calculated to intsrefere w1:h ,e condition of the golf courses in the L , trict Reading through some golfing p. this week an alarming sign W, r Ts4 ?? small though it be, is refesred to. w::ho: :r- as the globe. Years ago. ths e -O. happened in football and SV, a51 ?? r effects were terrific, both past:mes so far as ephemeral literature was ...