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... PEOPLES LECTURE3. I Last evening, Dr. Linlcester, M.D., P.RS., super. intendent of trio animial produet and food department *nat tlia South Kensington Musieumi, deliveredlin the concert Hall, Lord N olson-street, the first of a series t.of six popular lectures on 1Food. There was a Ls good attendance. His Worship the May~or, T. D. 1. Anderson, Esq., presidei, and amongst ot ler gentle. 1 ...


... - = = * .. .. . . -.i Our Cont*t 3 BY MAUY CAUPBSTEin In 2 vole London: Longinsna. BiN Carpenter has rendered good service to the cause of humanity and eocial order. When Statesmen, jurists, and plilanthropiatawere mourn- Itnil over the growing enormity of juvenile crime, and acknowledging, as Earl Russell did in the House of Commons, that successful treatment of It was a problem of moat ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, Uo. Prince of Wales Theatre. - Jeannette's Wedding, David Garrick, and Dunidreary Married and Done For. ,Queen's Operetta House.- A Good Bit of Fun,and Roaine and Isabelle. ?? Omoo, and A Laughing Hyena. New Adelphl Theatre.-. Ingomar, and The Sea of Ice. Royal Colosseuna Theatre.- The Gentleman in Black, and The Token. Theatre Royal, Birkenhead, - ...


... I PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, To-day the very popular comedian Mr. J. L. Toole enters upon the fifth week of his engage- -ment, which has been distinguished by the moast brilliant success so far, and will no doubt be equslly prosperomw until its close, on Saturday next. In compliance withc a wish expressed by many who have witnessed and admired Mr. Toole's inimitable representation of the old ...


... I PHILHARMONIC CONCERT. The Philharmonic Society's tenth subsoription Concert of the present season took place last even- ing. The audience was not quite so numerous al at oeveralracentconcertB; thie was perhapsmainly Owing to the fact that there was to very great or Spe(iial Attraction presenrsd on this occasion. The principal artiates who appeared were Mr. Lazarus, the celebrated performer ...


... on ~ ?? - t. ?? re The annual exhibition of hya1inths, tulips, and other spring flowers, in connection with the Horti- tc cultural Society of Liverpool, warn hold yesterday, in St. George's 1I1], and, the weather being bright and cheering, there was a numerous and 't fashionable attendance both afternoon and even- oh ing. At a season of the yer when the frost and annW have pcasru y passed away ...


... LITERARY N~4OTICE. So~tt~g*5sJA~flh} In .TA ?? b Suie Hardinman's Daughtr. My John M'ILughlio, London. W. Tweedle, 337, Strand. This Is, to our thinking, by far the best of the little poems yet written by our townsman, Mr. M'Langhbln. Not only la tho story Itzelf well eon- I aeived, but it Is wrouglt out in a vein of con. b slderable poetlo wealth. In some of his previous productions, and ...


... ho A number of gentlemen were yesterday invlied Ir- on board the training ship Indefatigable, to witnoss a' the formal ?? of Se floating ?? bath, of which has been designed and built for the ;se of P- the boys on board that vessel. As the bath is con- eJ struoted on ?? principles, and Is eomnewhat of r6 b- novelty, a greater amount of interest concerziun it in wua manifested than ?? have been ...


... vUB~LIC AURSEKMENT19, &c. I A0%s x nIvdfatO 1'healre,-Onr Cr'uk; ICI on Wylo p rullcakr; OWl WCelvers. aoyaI AIOP lt bioat~o*-- Mwruortong tte Robust ruvalld. ?? or Wales TheatiO.-. Ki d to a Atnilt. 1Nemeou. 1aetrit TIVY&'I-01KICtta, RUIISI Farce, &e. vs. Uenorge'v HIaUl.-(had Scotti'h ConDort. pt. Js, i~ Uaii.-iitm Hague's MInWtrels. J'ewleib'm Oirene, Vietorle ?? QoOel'O Xlafl.-Tho ...


... A727 -L ST. A .w&OnY r 1 r, I' a 'woman, and thikigh I icant say that I' earn t, mnuch at 'fiho 'ring ' pree am- so low, and we haven't got a unrnn yet-I mean to say I work, apd 8 bard too, and for more hours a day than most men; and perhaps at the end of the week, if anybody r. took the trouble to rekokn iS all up, It would he feousd that my, cek% work was as much profit and n boneditto my ...

PUBLIC [ill]

... ROYAL, ALPV I- ?? ?? d a a the ROYI? setag Was Callj-eha ber the latet aditon. and mtatceloo o ?? d n ea t Pbe saied at the tr g *n tU tohngB ito Progh inipoal AreOlOkĀ° mosffot i hatodedi *ort of tehl ier4 Tv o ?? xsdindra.d much S er nto ofeay the hueical oon e other laester ofth a 'n Daughter. i s w~the lattegr embai g d e direret cairsd Btn at the bttore airse many character.Ti n and onght ...


... OPENING OF TIWJfl PHILADELPHIA UIZUTEf MAIL EXHIBITION. PHILADELPHIA, lAY 9, EvNIxa. Tho city io crowded. The Emperor of Brazil, PLtksident Grant, the members of the Cabinet, the judaies of the different courts, and the members of both Bouses of Congress, have arrived.. The In- depazdluce Eall wus illuminated, and the streets ace proiuely decorated. About 49D0 InvItations have been issued for ...