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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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... JULLIEN'S CONCERTS-JETTY TREFFZ. Our readers wvill see by the announcement in another sy column that 3,. Jullien intends togive one ?? popu-hI lar concerts at the Lecture Hall, in this town, on Satirdly nI evening next. We take the following notices from two Dub. 1 lin papers, at which city Jetty Treffz has just made her ap. wv pearance :- di (From the Dublin Evening Mail.) ci The first ...


... THE UIMON JACK AND THE TRICOLOR. The Union Jack Ond Tricolor are waving side by side, Where France and England's fleets upon the Eaxiine billows ride, Their two flap newer thus have flown 5ince famous days of yore, hanon onrs wa not the Union Jack, nor theirs the Tricolor. To win the holy Sepulchre, beneath the Eastorn sky, Did tbtn the golden llies with our English lions fly, True Christian ...


... BIRMINGHAM POULT1iY EXHIBITION. The exhibition of the many kinds of Domestic Poultry, in H connection with the Birmingham Cattle and Poultry Show, H noticed in last week's Mercury, is stated decidedly to have been altoge ther unrivalled, and the largest spectacle Of itst kind ever yet witnessed in any, portion of the world. We at take the following account from the Midland C'oaatieasHerald wit ...


... PoTRTE. - - a D1ULCE DOItAM. P (CosirOUtE ) O} Ar4 hornelessr Ubt o gbet all Bad 1a1di low, b. l1 & Vfoice that telteth Of want and woe'. el 0h , D ole, Julce Domaum! f So dth many a maiden gay, tF As her fingers light o'er ner hau 5rt)'trg play; BFt her glad eoes speak to the intetnia g throng, m And Say, she hath Fyet to learn her song, b. 0 1 Duke. Dnuke DOMUxn! 111 So slth many a ...


... The Bridih Sacred Baniner; a National Hymn, written and composed by ?? lf GzARY; the music by Gzo. PERRY. Published for the Author, Euston-place, Euston-square, London. This is i wef.'written lyric; set to a bid and spirited air, which is worthy the fame of the gentleman (Mr. Perry), to whom we are indebted for the establishment of the Sacred Harmonic Society; and whois amost excellent, sound ...


... SUMMER IMAMN SONG. OUMllAM1, MAii2. Zt_;AkTT How brightly beams the sui, How sweetly shines the morn, How swift the shadows run Along the waving corn- As borne across the leas, The snow clouds' white array Suspended on the breeze In distance melts away. The lark in sunshine floats, And, bathed in ambient air She breathes to heaven the notes Which heaven first taught her there. The tiny ...


... : A . -TE4.ffiMlTHEMf WCLU' SHOW. - I . I ~~ - .. !. A, -. nw *ha. . . .5h. , .54 4J. Al_ - - -- I I'll Tfhis shdw ofit trk nhsg s-it dnes enrof tht earliest ?? 'er snd .most'rstriking indications of thle apprclrot' Christmas, thi id takes place in its old locality in Baker.sftet diring the pre- ha jigsentwlk. tjer&e4..s ?? toid bt tlt..Will 7 : Ye a hit ty 'Mkrativeras ft 5MI cas _or the next ...


... THN Dbt Itu sr . Pacing one morn my garden bower, 'Neath pensive thought's depressing power', A flower I view'd amidst the green, Of velvet charm, and tint serene, Pearl drns thst hung with glist'ing air, Tending to make it yet more fair. Awhile I gaz'd with musing eye, .vA[ bosom heav ing mamy a sigh, When, as I tearful left the spray. A voice on high vouehsat'd to say, Hearsesase its ...


... FASHIONS FOR DECEIBER ?? ?? who be- ?? Le Fallee.) It is impoaqible to ?? anything richer or more bseausttfl than hie thse present style of ?? appearance of o5r funhisinables at olea . th thatrs o bsll s qitedslacittg. Diamonds are worn In great Ali )In profusion, mnixed either with flowers orthe sibbones somuc In Y3ue the bh. this winter. Hows of ribbon, with long floitting ends, reaching the ...


... LI'T'ERATU RE. *1.1 Boons ?? REVIEW.-1300ks, Music, New Engravings set ?? intnded fur review, left at thre establishment of Mr. thle C. DIITCHFELL, Red Lion-couret, Fleet-street, London, OraS addressed 1to 'the Editior of the Derby Mercury, cvill be T~ forwarded and receive nttenltion. fins con ,1AGAZINES, &c. Corn The Art.Journas/. No. X., New Series, October. Len- gar doss : 6 EORGE VIRTUE ...


... LITRA UE- LIT'ERATURE. - . - - I o.1BEoocs Tos, REviEvr-Books, Music, New Engravings, &o., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. C. MITCHILT., Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London. addressed to the Editor of the Derb~y Mercury, will be forwarded and receive attention. TRAaVLLEa's LIBRARY, LXVII.-Mornmonisrn. London: LO1NGMAN and Co. This is the reprint of an article which ...


... POFTRY. THE ROSE AND THE DAISY. (coN?TaEs.) A crinmsm rose of odour rare In jl ly's bower bloomed; A 1'i~v h-, t o endI TF, !iv? 'I'getl recee . oi was er innedI , r-e, o fade on ldyv's breast, &-as torn from ;rolli~sel bower The modest daisy 'neath the hedge Enjoyed its tranquil hour. NIGHT. Mysterious night! when our first Darent knew Thee, from report Divine, taid heard thy nsme. Did he ...