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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CURED YET H OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.- CURE OF RHEUMATISM ANiD RHEUMATIC GOUT.-Extraotof a Letter from Mr. Thomas Branton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 28th, 1848:- To PnoFEssoR HOLLOWAY-Sm-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout,, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO GROCERS, WINE MERCHANTS, &c. TUST disengaged and wants a Situation, a Young Manl who perfectly understandsthe Wholesale and Re- tail Grocery. Wine, and Spirit Trade, and can keep a Set of Books, Most respectable references as to character and ca-- palsility.c Any commands addressed C. D.; Office of this Paper, will c be attended to. c - -~ TO GROCERS. W ANTS a Situation, a Young Man who per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIADIBERLAIN'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, sa11rch 8, 1850. MEPRE nill be a FULL DRESS BALL at the I Castle, on MONDAY EVENING, the 18th of MIareh, at Nine o'Clock, in celebration of St. PATRICK'S DAY. Tho Laidies to wear Feeathers and Lapl)ets. No Trains. The Knights of thi several Orders to wear tbeir Collars. It is also requecstel tnt the Ladies will appear in Irish jllanc- fjchire. No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.THEATIE IROYAL, nDUBJJNt, ?? 4fi and under' the Immnediate Patronage oof thb Right dty rabl5 ths e Comwandler of, the Forees,+ Lieutenant- ,]OerOl Sir Edward lakenef,' ?? Lady'Blakeney OI'l mand1n.Officers of Regiments, and the Officers fthe asrrison. N TIllS EVENING, Januaryl19th, 1850, w ill be performed the Comedy of TO MARRY, OR NOT T'O MARRY. SiOsin Motlani, Mr.?Caltraft, Lord DnAber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. THE Catholic Clergy, Nobility, Gentry, and 1others, desirous of contributing towards the Funds now being raised for the Establishing and endowing of a CA- THOLIC UNIVERSITY in Ireland, are respectfully'in- formed that an account bas been opened in the HIBERNIAN BANK, Castle-street, Dublin; and in the NATIONAL BANK, College-green, Dublin; wwhere all Donations and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURBEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE ANI T RETAIL. S. WEINGARTEN, IMPORTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOW-STREET, (Within seven doors of Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey Honeycomb Sponges, which are suitable for either Carriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, a New or Second-hand BAGA- TELLE TABLE. Address to M. K., at the Office of this Paper, stating terms, &c. GREAT DEMONSTRATION OF THE CITIZENS- THE MIUNlCIPAL ELECTIONS. TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. E, the Undersigned, request that your Lord- W ship will convene a Meeting of the independent Rate- pavers and Burgesses of the City of Dublin on an early day, for the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTHIING can exceed the beautiful and graceful] appearance of BROWNCE anti PAYNE'S New St.le of Trxvers, which can be worn with or without Straps when walking or riding. Thie, combined with their extra- ordinarv mode of Fitting, without the trouble of trying on, and alterations so frequently complained of, has earned for their Establishment the highest reputation in this depart. ment of Dress. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONN the PREVENTION, CURE, and general k ciiaracter of ERUPTIONS of the Face, Body and Mercu- rial excitement, &c., followed by a mild, succedsfal and expe ditious mode of treatment. Thirty-fifth Edition, Illustrated by 26 anatomical coloured engravings on steel. New end improved edition, enlarged to 196 pages, just published, price 28. od., or by post, direct from the establishment, 3s. Wd. in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEENS ROYAL THEATRE. 5S ,EVENING (Monday), August 5, 1850, r tbe perfarmance to commence with the successful Dra) etitled HEAARTS ARE TRUMPS. Mr. Gray, Mr. Reynolds; Captain Wagitaff, Mr. IV. I. Carne; Charles Wilmot, Mr. Bromley; Joe Martin, Mr. H. rnd Aiias Gray, Mrs. Harris; Mrs. Millar, Mrs. Ray- df; S ?? Fletcher, 'rs. Coward. ma, ;follO~l'ed Nith theUna- Grandioso-Tragica-Comica-Se- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAGUERREOTYPE. P ROFESSOR GLUKMAN invites the Phblic to inspect his PHOTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTIONS, which are now on exhibition at the Royal Dublin Society. He begs leave to acquaint the Public, that the Specimens he exhibits are all taken from Nature and none from Prints. Professor Gluliman deems it almost unnecessary to men- tion the above facts, as the fidelity of his likenesses will speak for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATRI RO Y AL,, DUBLIN. -n '~tjrS EVNINSG (Wednesday), the 15thi January, fliW esill commence with Horn antic Drama of ibe TerfclimHE LADY OF THE LAKE. Fit~jsrneM, Dlr. Mortimer; Roderic Dhu, Mr. Celcrft Dian Mn )ij Norman. Tl concludde will the Christmas Pantomime, call IlAP*LEQUIN FULMINOSO, ORP THE GANDERS OF GLEN FEAP. DrosI Boxe9% 4s.; Second Circle, 2s. 6d.; Pit, Is. Gd. giddle Gallerv, 1 ...