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... Rr-1. ANTI HIS ' 130WIE NIFrZ COLONEL Bowie ANDHIS' Bw Ntira.1-The late el celebrated Mir. Clay once told the following anecdote ir to a friend Of ours :-Travelling in early manhood, in di a public conveyance in a South-Eaistern Slate, hie found a' himself in the company of three other persona, con- PI sisting of a young lady and gentlemnil, her husband, and ti. of a person muffled up in a ...


... A r-momhor the unv nnn--rnnrp t Those who remember the gay appearance which Derby presented on tile occasion of the poultry show of 1853, will be O0 glad to learn that the same fite which attracted so many It visitors is about to be repeated this year with still brighter al prospects of success. The entries to the exhibition are not FT only more numerous but of a higher character. The winners ...


... . .. --- '4'.e U. i t- HUMOUR. NVIT, .AND SATIRI (IF TIIE Sl ; iYE TMENTI1 CENTURY.'i This is it ieliglhtful sulfat?,oqi of ballad, epigram. nlud at'-cdote comlild from the literature, fugitive and otherwise. of the hundred years coveretd by the reigns of James T.. Chatrlc I., the Commonwealth, Charles 11., anil James 11. Parsages in the boolk, both of prose and verse. hlave been ...


... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ j AT RiiEST. In tiw %, jilter of tle year. ii a ('LV t dim aniti drear. Vit lh iwloving faci>e near, On .i 1 of Niekies i lyilog. Wilh a w.?iOy troubled sighing, Is a little p tle clfld dlying. At the waling of the morn, 1 aim~olr night lwi goie, S41::11 :! iI iglit oew yre':lbe be orn to;11 jli' any corn lirt borrov F ron tle glad forthcoming nmorrow? iAo: . - t front ...


... (From Gardening Illustrated.) LARKSPUR S. (DELPHIINIUMS.) These are deservirg of ctultivation in every garden. The great variety of their heights, varying, as they do, in a this respect, from 1 foot to {; feet high ; the equally great . variety of their shades of colour, from almost scarlet to f pure white. from the palest and most chaste lavender up through every conceivable shade of blue to ...


... The eighth Handel Festival, which closed on Friday last, wes notable as being the first under the entire management of the Crystal Palace Company, and especially as being the first under a change of conductorship. Sir Michael Costa, who has wielded the baton at all the previous festivals reluctantly compelled through ill health to resign his posi- tion at the last moment, and the Palace ...


... I siqratuy. r THE REVIEWS AND MAGAZINES. t The Nineteenth Century opens with NTr, Michael s Davitt's views on the report of the Pernell Commission. 1 Writing dispassionately, he swsys as a person should % whose head would ornament Temple Bir, if eome critices e had their way, he is disposed to join in the chorus of conditional satiafaction with which the report has been t received. He deals ...


... - ,.L.. _atA.E LJ. A despatch to Denver from the little mining town of Victor, in the State of Colardo, gives a graphic account of a desperate affray that took place on Tues- day evening, at what is known there as the Union Theatre of Varieties. The management had received information early in the day that a number of local roughs intended tp create a disturbance and wipe out the company, ...

jfjjital $tm

... The Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury has arrived at 37, Lowndes square. Mr. Alfred C. and Lady Florence Duncombe have ar- rived at 22, Lennox-gardens. Elizabeth Countess of Wilton and Mr. A. Pryor have taken 4 1 , Lowndes-square, for the season. Lord and Lady Barton arrived at Rangemore on Friday, after their visit to the South of France. Lord Howard of Glossop haa intimated to his tenants that ...

Hints for Ladies

... q- -it fi}ah~ I CHILDREN'S DIESS. This is the children's bapplest time. It is deligbful to see them enjoy the beach, the building of sand casties, and the blisses of life at a farm with all hinds of young creatures to make pets of. The weather has been unkind to them throughout this most autumnal of Augusts, and prudent mothers have kept their little ones in light wooleen under-garments, ...


... I _____-Atllllr I ,~~~~~~~~~ THE NOVEMBER MAGAZINES. or TlIE RUIN OF TIlE AM'ERICAN FARMER. .1, Mr. Charmiberlain's paper on the Labour question in the NAiuuteint7t Centiry has already been referred to. dis It is ieterestigr and ueful not only ats formulating a or policy on a topic which is pressing, hut as containing ns a clear and succinct pummary of the idenra and *ims of (l he varionrt ...


... IBELPERPRIMROSE AMATEUR DRAMATIC I PERFORMANCE. The Belper Primrose Amateur Dramatic Society gave on Tuesday evening a :most delightful hnd interesting en- tertainuisut. Tbe piece chosen was Mr. J. Roberteon's amusing comedy, Schocl. The draniatiimpersoan wwere Lord Beaz foy. Mr. Marcus Baker; Dr. SUtelile, Mr. G. i. Swift, BeauFarintosh, Mr. J. 'r. Gamble; Jack Poyntz, Mr. W. H. Grocock ; ...