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To the Editor of The Whitehaven /fetes

... THE REV. 0. A. PEREING'S HELPMATE. Sik, —As the public are fully aware of your anxious desire that everything should be conducted with the strictest propriety, both in our churches and cemetery, your publishing in your next paper the following paragraph will oblige : St. James’ Church.—On Sunday last, the Rev. Mr. Pcrring, cither through bodily infirmity or otherwise, required assistance. No ...

HENBY AND MARY; mIM LOCAL TALK. The complete repul* ao formidable body to the Intimation that Mr. •AtiM fiftt fail

... to alarm all thorn who were anxious i) that bio contract la completed, we Zm, «u■«T each like caaee, eager to conceal their gi , det|li of e contract,’ as finitmarnifrinc the number of their adreraanea. Indeed j Ma p nger ship, aoeb those of Conar acted upon the principle that dia- or Roy al . W « th. Wter part t.lou, ound *m. uoobl, difficulty in remoTing their lew prudout eomroda, a( ...


... CONFERENCE TV- r.|. rt. .4 «n.l «..«*»«•■ «■* Kin,-,*,.*! .ml Wnmttww* ' ,rv *' Set*-!-. «* education mi the sou* of ministers. ®'' rP J*** J C«.U:njittr* U tile o'clivk eilne*l*y- J - '* p., . »«> •Li .i«l .fie *V-V I*— - Ike M, lb. be—« - . breach (neA**. -J. •« «V Ik. } .r«*«Ue»-a. «Vy entbJre-. At hall l«t erven »'*■* the J****™ ** I - the w-re- ITh««-«• «Vt the.>«««** W* 1 . ...


... ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF. PARIS. Liverpool, Tuesday. The In man screw-steamer City of Paris, Captain Kennedy, from New York on the 28th ultimo, reached the Mersey shortly after five o clock thi ...


... 4 THE BRITISH ASSOCIATE Oaly four of the sections sat on Saturday. On evening Mr F. RS. read a paper in the oa“ ” There was a large atte amongst others on the platform being Lont Belp feascr Roscoe, Abbe Moigus, Captain Noble, | B. Tristram, Professor Abel, Dr Farr, Dr Beke, Armstrong, Hon, and Rev. H. E. Vernon, Dr Rev. J. M. Valpy, Rev. 8. K. Swann, kine, Mr Fairbairn, Colonel Sykes, Sir 8. ...


... THE YORKSHIRE POST AND LEEDS INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, MARCH 1868. TIIE VENTILATION SEWERS IN LEEDS. At the present moment mib-committee of the Streets ar.d Sewerage Committee of the Leeds Town Council are ('favouring to ascertain, by means of experiment, and by evidence from other towns, the cheapest and moat *t! cient plan of ventilating the sewers of the >u,'h. of com(>eting schemes can only ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH . CooKE-CoLLis.-On the 26th ult.. 1. The Sycamores, , Bootham, York, the ..

... Cooke-Colhf, D.A.A.0., of a daughter. Ferris.—On Friday, Nov. 30tb. the wife of the Rev T. B. B. Ferris, St. Matthew's Vicarage, Nottingham, of a son. Field—On the 21st ult.. Maple House. Ronndhill Crescent, Brighten, the wife of J. C. Field, 4th Dragoon Guards, af son. Tottenham. —Ou the 25th ult.. at the Vicarage. Kirby Grindalyth, the wife of tbe Rev. E. Tottenham, of a daughter. Willoughby ...