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Advertisements & Notices

... c CONSOLATION for the AFFLICTED. The Lord WAd creaipd medicine. nut of the earth, avd e he that iR wufe will not abhor them.-E cLasS. SiXiil, 4. r 6 Scrofula, or Hing's Evil, Cancers, Scurvy, ,, Leps'olly, TWhsite Swellings, Tsatourtr, alt Glandular Affec- tiosi, Ahbseesses, Rheimatient, ?? &0., rI CURtED BY r zzlMr. Mt. sI~xTH OF PROVIDENCE-PLACE, DISS, NORFOLK, Sole Proprietors of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR CALCUTTA direct, a chartered Ship, V ~d wll aveallpossible despatch, the fine ship STEAD- FAS, brdfl CYregstr 531 tolls, A 1, and coppered, 'Teom-ke ?? ?? Dock. Has ouperior rs.Forfreghtorleakag lopply t S TAM o IDIAand CHINA vii, EGYPT.- Segilr MNTLYMAIL STEAM CID,.NVEYAINCE for y~sc~ers d igh gode to CEYLON, MfAFRAS, CALCUTTA, siNGA O~,and HONG KON .41 - 'The Peninsular p5i AG i ta ?? boa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNERS AND AGENTS OIF VROPEXTY 8 TO -BE LET OR ON, SALE. in oridtr to give advantages to Acverti~ers it ltuw Prtoperly n to Let or on Sale, anad alat' t) Parties ihlso are adverltisly j. - z i tathe Proprietor of gq o ' Atunckester xa- in. ntiner and Times love openeda' aar CLASSIFIED REGISTER of aH. ad'veitisemeuts oJ the 'alxt~e descriptions whiclh ?? a4pear &i their paper. wr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For closet peusal, price Is., by post Is. 6d. T HE MARRIAGE STATE. ?? To be, or not to be, that is the question. By R.J. CULVErWELL, M.D. ?? M.R.C.S. (1827), LAX.F (1824), 26 years :Medical arod Forensic Referee in. these ?? of Nature,-Physiolegy of the Pea- -sions-Chastity end it nrneet-reco arae its Dues and Disappoiintments.-Organio Defectivenesas.- Stsrility and other batiers to marital ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOKS PUBLISHED AND SOLD. ±1. by J. WATSON, 3, queon's Hle`Ad-passage, Paternloster-r.O. Just pnblished, 2nd- Edition for -the Million, in i2mo., 313 pages. loely pntd, Pir ce 2s., bound in cloth: AMERIC CO PR WITH ENG.; LAND.. The rpctesoil'ieets of the~ Amerionnl,aud. Enc l.ysesot oenetand Legislation, an4 oracy. ByR; W. Rusekaa4, of ininnitUie! aecounollo laws This work ?? and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JULLIEN & CO.'S LATqVE~ 41 B3ICATIONS. 1F THE MIA0YAIL POLl{A,'1r dt h Ptito Hunnari y yJ.C. BnTTOsNnv.Y-~04Kjjt readty, thel 2nd editiona~ of THI SKI QLADRILLI~A,` y t le songs ziuthor. Sprightly, vivacious, and ?? Guardian; 0 THEIiGREATr TUBULAR BRIDGES, a3 In a few clays will be published r-o Qust Shilhing,. C TRUTBS AND TU r,-cpotn Prniik ?? to tea'~' ys and Drgivoys. By TROA AiAiu.Lno ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHURGANIA A MID APEIIIENT Oft ANTI-* .1. IB1ILIQUS PXILLS. Th~ ~lis are strongly. reeott-I vesuid cotihrations, isdr ?? neas, sivih head-aetc,&.Poaed n odol ?? Thurlanil, cherniat I badlnarct ao nbxsa X5 ITL&BSS& GELATINE. C. SW INB RN Eand CO., Refiners and Manna- T o17 oatrg(f the above Articles, under G. P. Sil borne's Patent P'rocess, beg to call attention to thle following Extracts from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEASONABLE FESTIVITIES.- S At this festive period of the year, when friends and lovers oassemble at the social board, or join in the mazes of the dance, 8 mere than usual anxiety is created for PERSONAL ATTRAC- LiON, and the following unrivalled discoveries for the Toilet ,.re called into increased requisition, namely-ROWLAND'S ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3086 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... NE-1. 7 ArdILY PUBLIJWrioN. Now pubhi;hlag;-price On Peanny. with abltcautitfal Illustratiion by Phia; (H;. X. llrowne), No.10 of CO Y D S * P E.X L Y MI SIC B 1 L A N Y, L T a Jarnsl of De.moeti Enterrdumsnf nand' Useful 6foorm ntioo cortnlng Psmceen Inr;e quarto pafee, or forcy-cifht la, ge coaumncs Ox, elegant ?? dotostinteresting'udleiattoloe treadtng. - ' - ?? inrers or No. 10- A FLAW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. Pasflsage Money Y5 per Adul't, Incldtsingc PrevisionS. v 5s5 ITiI a ?? to enablereapctabse peFmona, whe are Ineligiblefora V' Free Pasacge, to proceed to the Auoarallan Colonies, at the lo weat possible cost, it has been arranged to despatch a Line of superior First- doe Ships of large tonnage, for thb escechl accemadatton of Steer- IeV and other ?? atan exceedienly l; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The most suceesslu, Pantomime l THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANH.- TLessee and Mranaer, ?? J~rblEs ANDERSON. On Monday, Mrs Nishett having recovered frism her very severe indisposition, will be presented, Shakspere's Play of AS YOU LIKE IT. Rosalind, Mrs Nisbett; Orlando, Mr James Anderson: Touchstone, Mr W. H. Angel; Jacques, Mr Van- denboff: Banished Duke, Mr Crathcart (his first appearance) Adam, ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4940 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EERA NEWSPAPER GRAND DERBY AND ST. LEGER F R EE GIFTS. For 16s you have tbePAPER forTWELVE MONTHS, with a SHARE in 1,000 FOR NOTHING, Ont Payment of'X Gsfi., Subscribers will be supplied withs THE ERA regularly for TwelveMonths, and in addi- tion be presented GRATIS withi a Registered Ticket in Tu ERA. GWMl, of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS!I THlE GIFTS WILL BE DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS:- DERBY. ...

Published: Sunday 06 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1701 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices