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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Januciry e, at 81, Hugihessatroat, Liverpool, the wife ot Mr Jamues Jt Cclihey, liar Muajcoty'r Crstoms, of a daughter. January 8, at Castle-avorue, Clontarf, the wifo of W Kelly. Esq, of a daughter. Jecuary 6, at Ballycopoland, the wife of the Roy John Be atty, of a Son. January C, at Beclhill, county Armagir, the wife of W 11 idav6kine, Esq, of a son. January a, at Derlamuore llouse, RXwryp ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAT1h OF CARDINAL_ WISEM\h, Cardinal Wisenman expired this morning. Such Is the brief Iareuage in which the wires of the telegraph yestcrdsy flashed intelligence which, as it travelled along, caused universal lamentation- Over the civilised world, wherever religion is pseached aud art and science are cultivated-wherever Irnowleige is bononred and virtues are venerated, this sad Intelli- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . :BIRTS, April] I5, at thc 31Jrce of WVle Hotol,64 North wall, the wife ?? Ita hjaosl, Esrj, el a d aughter. .Aprii I15, at 9 Vlctoria Cottetges, Blth-ipearae, tho wife of B~r 'Ibemas Droltt, of a faurghter. April 12, at ltnddle-rced, Luadonderr0, the wife of Mr Jacee Lenraauow of a seou April a at dil!epark, Dramconrat, the vifa of Mr John Delvs, of a non. tarch lt0, at Dr u cearatb, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? 'tile t Joh. B' iner-Atrfot, ii ?? city, the John 11 Mtorphy, Esq, of n Aingbter. Mb 0 a. St 4B trtPrin'oeq.ile, n3yevtater, Londzd, j ci0 30oeph Stnctio. Ecq of a Boll. ° J 10 eixtoscamrd, Neilghenry Hills, India, the wifo CUD f(Immo, Etq, ltie CAetalu Jt~o RfgtIamnt; of a son. ?? 7cr, a' Fathgar Cnape,'by the Bsv J Holly, CC, i cher ,ood Muiball, sollvcor, eldest San of Thomas i'll.e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hnY at Thtyof a Oa! k FlegIss bridge, the wiX of oo t Johu G6rbtY of a daughter. I Jui6,t nKnocktarna, Coleralne, lb# ?? of tha Rov John Lyle, f a son. July 6, ?? Man., Crosegar, the wife of the Seo John 5 ThOoIL, of a eon, Ir July 10, At Monkatown Church, by the Ray Solepl F PeAcock, MA, Pbillp BegInuldPlgotl, Esq, M A, Barrister at Law, to Mary, only daughter of Dents O'Connor, Esq, 3 P, f ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. September 80, at IS taddh~on~roadthe wife of Chala; Sydney Clarke, Eabq, of a Sen.m Septemubsr 99, as Cappagh louse, county Dublin, the wits of AS Fore tar, Rag, ofaa d t ghter. Ueptember 8, at Megherabeg, Donegal, the wik of r: Gahan, Eag,of a danghtss. Septemnber 80,atVitoria terrace, Sandymunut, the wife of Mau l Lttle, Ba oSiewartatown, county Tyrone, of a ?? 28, at Edinburgh, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, Charttejor announcements of MAarriaugc 2i. Od., of BOrtfJ did Deaths le. -ff. ic7ch; artd to ienare inertion the atount smtcst, in alL cases, be prepali. M&RRIED. February 7, at Uarlborough-etrcet Chathedne], by tho key. -Dera, Cogan, brothieref the bride, saslted by thlolev. L. Blake, P.P.4 brotdhorof tha bridegroom, and RIa. N. Farrell, Liray lMartha, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAR1ULGES AND) DEATHJ. Charge Jor onnounectte~t lf Moe'reages, 2s. 6d., of BWiU nnd Dealhs I, 6d. ewch; an'4 to 4eaarj ineactio the aoewunt trmart, in al caues, be preatid. BIRTB. May 9, at 06 PWU-lsne, tho wife of Mr. John Phiblb, of a danvlter. MARRIlAGHO. May 6, at Creeora Catholic Churohe by thoe Ro. J. Dan- don, 08., N waisted by the Rev. M. Caey, p P., Lorla, elder daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF JOHlN FZF-IAN, Eg, Th JKIIKLtNNY. To-day the city ii in noumir;ig for onie o ti htao pt tr ,. ht 6--zers 't.A elhr yl breath cf ie-jbn ?? i'L , t s with2 UP, WtllSi!~sf kl~fVorkirti'L a.1 W4 * f c. . edl 31A( Cow.D f t ?? Jifis vit~a rah ¢, 3at iba4 pheostd an i:Vcr-u. ! Providc-.e t. . 1 alrwest in tb:I prirn- of ?? ?? wiiW C -rJ faxniy and ried&, hiut th !ugh hi ho- been alddceily ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. PHILIP LY-NCL, ?? O.S.A. kFROXO OUR CURRESPOaNUENT. CALLAN', MO1NDAY,-It is my ?? to record the demise of the aboveanajat ,w o-un* guiahed divine, wlo departed tiis hffe on t e 1i iLst., in the 7Cxh year of his ap aai -:wA .!i i sacreu caiing. It would ha ?? te p .sry sae heartfelt emotion hich alelclasses eviuCcV. nut onis in this tcwn but in the surrounding districts. on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RMTHS, MAIAGES. AND DEATH C carg for anosesccaau of fanroer, Is. f±,5k4! and Deatzs, 1 S&d ssch; a to inr; ixwsl i Qne UeL MWne, in aW cnam, be ?? ' BIBTHS. Feb S, at 7 Harecurt-street, the wife of Dr. Iedwia, O4 SOn. Feb 9, at 49 Summer-hin, the rife of Anthony S CifLV Esq.. Eolhcitor, of a daughter. Feb 7, at Freitford Constabilary Station. Kiikermr. =e wife of Mr. George Fitzgereld, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlRTST, BEARR &GESAND DAETSS- Charge for 0ao,7aeemenris of Mras. 2s. 6L, o. 5lt ?? Deaths. Is 6D. ea; an a insure isr, t aziounot must, ein a1f csrs. be pr-pai& Oct. 12, at I Eyre-street, G&l.ay, the wife of H j. Duggan, Eoq., Shop-street, merchant. of a dsughier. Oct. 16, as 2 Icdrone-wrrace. Blackrbok, the wife a£ John Martn, Req., or a son. ArEBtRU ;ES Oct, 12, at 3ilrnoze Roman Catholc ...