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Daily News (London)


... Sl. GEOaCIu'S DAY CONCERTSU Although Cile foesl; dayv of tho pattroll satin of Seot- oi lanid, Wales, llutd IrnluitiT, ala otuitlly celebrttd by conentt giveiC in Londoni ou St. Anlrow's, iSt David's, e. iii tt tt Iritricik's nithIs, it ]slnt more tIllan oice beanl c, pointed oit that Sl:.1c0orlgj's Day is unUlily patlSedl ovor M by mnusical entreprorcitro, Two .Natineln conceits . trern, ...


... XttAtu1't. I of tjhe Commonwealth of England from the peath of OClitles I to the EBxpulsion of the Long 1 &.1ajOLenit by Cromwell, beiog omitted chapters of A, History of EngjWld. By ANDREW BISSBT. V0ol 2. London: Murray. Bisset has chosen for his theme the most E ; of Englis]. history. The administration egovernment during the stormy period which e I8 ded the close of the civil war was a work ...


... -- -- X- forta li CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY~. r is Lohengrin, wbich has for some years past W 6t been a favourite item of the repertory of the Carl Rosa Pass Company, was performed for the first time this year at rick Drury Latta on Saturday night, in the presence of by Was *efor the largest audience of the season. Owing to the the etedious waits betweela the acts, the people, it is tre irola ...


... , I . ,5 s1o . honho, ow ?? to 1ha withwal oa . ?? of tbalcl ent gt *,0rd\ no longer enjeys o monopo~ly on A-Wsn5dy 46% the day ia ftill a favourite one for the p sronaneo oratorios and similar compostions. Last sight, for example, the ordinary weekly Ballad Concert -at S~_ Jamnes'b Hall,was suspended, and in its place Mr. Boosey put forwazd a programme in which the gems from the oratorios; ...


... II J tt8 *1 ?? 9 ; -Tjo jUA ;e o, proiani 1 ?? prcspeetuv, of Ethe £pproaehing. S05onl 01 t6 loygla ;is r. Opert,;w~lohis t~ouxmwooij Thuriday! tlhe 60th of this' ?? d~esign0 this eAIlyzlg, ~taEi meut.~ t It'is -tated.,that th groat arst Mad~n7i ardotj . t Xana,'4enbte tthree year8will etur ?? 3n4ro itv I ?? s;;t i X tlhe et 'the Boya talnOpera. UgNpetr ?? zswul I !1~ forth. flWtfA ,t ; of ...


... 11 .I BR A-f. Yrni a,; bu6 m stre ss tries to ref b~ im , b ut Os to depart, ainc shb resolves tn preiet ae pay dU6 to him which he pdquf for Ahe. 'uI nuyrim to :get .his order tresury. , -,He theq . applie to the Ynt of' an old debt, whch the I refusesn butbwrhenik.he -lkns tbe h - A, is wacted he ?? - y it OD La of the lover o - ,bu rd, - WhDS suitcr. Basied t i ce, the *iritfun AnoAymous ...


... MUJSIC AND M ULSIOIANS. The production of Sir Arthur Sullivan's Ivanhoe, now fixed for the 51st instant, will *IE be by isr the most important event of the coming week. We have already been enabled ion to print a sketo of both libretto and music, but iod3 the almost unprecedented interest which has ?? been expressed in the new opera by playgoers tw, and music-lovers of all classe will be ...


... I ANID 21,179SPO-LUMS. As ft.: lxnch as 1833 Yir. Shims Pceves an- mol~t ,CI~1- ?? ova 'isnr niv' ?? o'-r' eIe-Ir1' EA~--r~pl , ?? n 1 ies'- I:-hi F~t1-~ ?? * ?? -~z zo: f6hzl LW16 Ut) 10\V i';S p.~ tlio I-..I' ...


... All the preparations for the opening of the Naval Exhibition by the Prince of Wales at Chelsea, at nooun to-morrow, are now corn- . plete, and every seat- available for a view of . the ceremionv has been apportioned. The Prince ; will be accompanied by the Princess, and other membors of the Royal Family. A private view -was given last eveninr 'Go members of the Press but the proceedings ...


... ~y CRYSTAL PALACE CONCERTS. t The thirty-sixth asnual series of Crystal an Palace concerts began on1 Saturday, and if we may Ie judge by the crowded state of the room it was obvious -d that the regular mnsical season has commenced uo I If too soon. The early autiun of this year has indeed a been nore than usually dull, for symphonies formed no I !- part of the scheme at the Promenade Concerts, ...


... LT The season at the Albert Hall -will commence on 'iX Ae'dliesdav next with Mendelssohn's Lob- - g~ssug ad Bethven' Cora Syphoy,ra It would almost be wise to transpose the order to A7of these two wvorks, for the immlortal ?? No.92 ~ i~hardly the sor-t of music which can be en- tho U ydor even apprwecialted by a mnixed audlience th - at thle end of ?? progr1amile. D fito L Bo)ilow inideed ...


... Mr, Mayer, w,%ho, since the unexpected death of his sonl two months ago, has been so seriously Tbt ill that his projected season of new phi3ys upl- ifterii peered likely to ho abandoned, is, we are gelad wa a to say, now recovered, intl busily preparing- for evert thle wioming season. Mr. Mayer has already reil taken the Opera Cetuique, whichl hollse h' w''ll opent on the 23rd of xiext month ...