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Advertisements & Notices

... bktbta%. ELTF EDINBURGH RBEVIEW, No C!LXXX 'O pt on stord last - 1 Colonisation. 2. . Le2 Mines: Miing Records. 4. GrotosflswyofGteee 5. Carrer BelI'm ' Shiley'. A Tale. ?? Turke. sad Ctietedoim. 7. sanltsryF efoesa. . Lartines Rstury of the eoluton of 1844. Tondon: Lmmanand Co. 3nbara: A.A nd C. B1 TMPORTANT to ADlVERTISERS.-Tbeaverae wekly elion of the B1MINGHAM MERCUY for 4 s 4,082 ?? e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEw ZEALAND COMPANY'S SIP.-A first. N cll aospenger'b.ilP Wilil bO ?? fr04a the1 pont of LAM. dnfor lth, company's settlements in New Zealand, on the FIRST NioSD.Ayii every alternate month, untlifurther ieotite. The polC.. TIh, i6 tons, will leave the London Docks on Mdonday, the 4th FebroarYlest Rates of ?? Included For ea'th Personl. Ce bhln Foe- Cabin. Steerage Cabin. 14 vetoes old, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abbatiotmento. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. Lessee and Manager, M r James Anderson. The most successful Pantomime! fNN Monday nill be presented (by express LI desire), THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Melnotte, Mir James Anderson; Beauceant, Mir William Montague; Glavis, Mr J. Parry; Colonel, afterwards General Damas, Mr Basil Baker; Monsieur Desehappelles, Mr W. Davidge; Pauline Desehappelles, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E[HE MORNING CHRONICLE! T - ON LABOUR AND THE POOR, The demands constantly made to obtain the early Numbers 'aor THE MOPNING CHRONICLE containisig the Letters on LABOUR AND THE POOR, in the MasTRoPoLITAN, AlaeicuL TURAL, and MA ?? DISTsICT13, have induced the con- ductors of that Journal to direct the RlPUBLICATIOx of those Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four Columns each), to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rid~,ta fon%,e liwreadV in S vol.. 8vo, withi Dorlzits. lSe., neatly bound, 42.. 1s 6R ftelOUSE of LRIS, h dA o fthe m n d Character. of A Ftsneo during the SeventeenUth and Eighteenth Centuries. ad By Dr. W. CGo'e TAklo Ph ThenO Memoirs are so clever and so brilliant, that we Id counsel the eonutry~ gtlcanwbo iB diccontented with the shlow. W en glltteringt his Belyu, his Defoe, and his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iN the MATTER of LETTERS PATENT J. granted to JOHN ERICSSON, formerly of Brook-,treet, ?cie.road, It tue county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for'? An jiseslion of an Itoproved Propeller applicable to Steam Naviga- ?NoticO is herchy gveti that snider and by Virtue and in ?iceor an act made and passed in thc session of Parliament },iinlbcfifllt and sixth ye of the reign of his late Majesty ,? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to INDIA and CHINA ? EGYPT.- MONTHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for ? rid hght gOOdS to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTIA, ?111getS SINGAFOZtE, and HONG KONG. - The Penriseirlar stesm Navigation Company book paxiesigers and re- ? ?eds aed parcels fur the above ports by their steamers, start- ?oi SoothktIPton err the 20th of every inosath, and frees Suez ?? ?? the lltir of the month. ?i it 4ypassengers for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGIULAR LINE OF PACKETS l ETWRBEN LONDON and NEW YORKl~t. The S 2hips ws C3si adiptains' PNaffis. DastsofS Ig omLOiO 9faaoA~~ ReARS, E.G. T~~~nh~r .. 13 Jon. 11 Kay 13 Sept. Si . inabbard ?? 21 .. 81 . 21 . . , Heb. oe Ju'e a O Sea j Pae~,D. Chad wick 6 Feb.l t JansD '6 Ge1 AaocnBOIJ. S. D0ot55* 2 .13 P&caWse BA0J1e.1-. oeyr ?? 21 21 G;3uuaeee H tWilmSP 1.*Pr~tt ?? 6 Mr. 68 July 8 Nov. 31oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. Now ready at all the libraries, in 3 v0ls., post 8vo.. CO UNTRY QUA RTER S. A NOVEL. By the Countess of BLESSINGTON. With Portrait, and Memoir of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Miss Power. A tale of light-hearted Irish girls And light-heeled red-coats- full of incident. '-Atheniuum. This novel is one of the most lively and life-like of the author's ?? Gazette. Williat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SDIMS UEEVES, FORMES, ERNST, and THAL- BERG.-WEl)NE;i)h' EVENING next, January 16, will be ?? the THIIRTEENTIlio thc LONDON WEDNESiDAY CONCERTS (whic waill be thi eswt buit two of the series ?? fifteen), when the above unrlvalled artdeis evi ill a pear, together with Mi-sea Laocombe, Evies, and i'oole, and Mrs. Alexander Newto-, and Mr. Land.- Ticlets, ls. and ?? reserved aiNs, 4s. ; stalls, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l-RITISII and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL p StIL STEAM.SHIIIPS, appointed by the Adiiralty to Rail ioecnLlVE,1l1-OO and B3OSTON, and betwveen.LIVERPOOL EWYORK, ceiling at Halifax to land and receive passengers d e Sl~jes~ty s mails. PTi, followving or other vemeles axe appointed to sail from Liver- cccvrv alternate Saturday, namlely: . 'oNIAGARA, for BIOST6N, Saturday, January 12. ECROI'1A, for NEWV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CROSBY HALL, Bishopsgate.-Under the immo- diatc ;patronage of Sir JAIIES DUKE, Baret., M.P., and ether I disdnjoaslid parties.-On, MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 14, M~r. ?? wit ivaSEE~lO olthe SONGS of S 500 TL~NI), being his fie~t appearuaooin l.onion, esi ted by theIF deerickSmith,. Toucorntsoncc at So'cloco, and tsersinata about 10.T' Tickets,2,I. each. Rttoerved seat-% 3s. Tickets to be bud of Mr. ...