Advertisements & Notices

... ;YTHE TLI IIRt Y -FO0UItT H ANNUL REBPOR T )f ~LIVERPOOL PROVIDENT INSTITU ?? OR BANK 1FOa SAVINGS, St (ESTABLISHED 1015,) TO THLE 2GT11 NOVEMBER, 184D. PATRONS. 20 .0 he Riglnt Honeon-able th EARL of DERBY, I The Right Hlonourable the LORD STANLEY, an The RIght ?? the EARL of SEP fON, I The Wosiflthe MAYOR of LLVERFIOOL. pa it The Venernble tbsARCHDEACON BROOKS, M.A., TRSTESOCARLES LAwRvNcr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEY 'RE ALL A' COMING! S Comes the shepherd from the mountain, b From his hut upon th moor; b Comes the ploughman from the fountain p Bubbling at his cottage door; * Come the grinder. spinnor, weaver, o For clothes suited to their trade. And they epy 'em, and they buy 'em v O brave 1lyam, ready rmade,. Comes the nollier from his cavern, P And the ditcher from the field; Comes the landlord from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREY. SALE OF FAT STOCK, AT YOXALL LODGE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BREAREY, In the FARM YARD of THOMAS GIBBORNE, Esq., at Yoxall Lodge, Needwood Forest, in the County of Stafford, at 11 a.m., on MONDAY, the 25th of February, 1850; T WENTY.TWO FAT Short-Horned HEIFERS TL and COWS, large and ripe. TWENTY-ONE FAT SCOTCH and IRISH BULLOCKS. TWO FAT PIGS. Yoxall Lodge is 4 miles from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ar .It . STOGUAIBER MEDICIINAL'FALE ALE. Pets HIS delicious and renovating PALE ALE, which Adir it is brewed the Medicina le, Twith I Water, from the Aleii spring at Stogumber, -is curing all diseases not Organic. Alt is Testimonials have been received from numerous PhY- Ari? rt sicians and Surpons of the first eminence, as well as Atilt )r hundreds of letters from the Nobilit Clergy, and &en- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In a few days vwll tbo ublistedi A VINDICATION *hlf PASTOR and THEMSELVES, from the CbaMeg conthern Dr ?? Pd'blished Letter of the Rev. S. T ,juiaeltD rT WARD)LAWS OWN STATEMETt h eacossr and th, Churcl, with other Documents, by tie Deacof of thea arnh in ?? G-eorge Street Chapel. 6 texlago, .th February, 1850 Nearlyred. int one volume, crown octavo, ISTORB OF GICEE AND 1R031AN LITERATURE, Ct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOLTON CHARITY BALL. A BALL, for the benefit of the Bolton Ladies' Charity, Awill be held in the BATHS ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on WEDESDAY, the 3nD APRIL, 1850. LADY PATRONESSES: THE MAYORESS; LADY WALMSLEY. PATRONS: THE MAYOR; STEPHEN BLAIR, Esq., M.P.; SIR JOSHUA WALMSLEY, M.P. Rorabia's full Quadrille Band will attend. Dancing to commence at Nine o'clock. Tickets: Ladies', 7s. 6d.; Gentlemen's, 12s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fleah S RitOAT ' for jj-o1l15'. pitrocised Hlighness Prince ORGINAL G.REEN' GINGER PA OQI[01PD Bly RiOYALT.-The supeiot'irity I ,i f ed a IVrNsS' ORIIGINAL GIIEEN OI' l'-fpl'll oIfiltI~ liVlt' I ho pnoun~ce it the best to -Xtant-~ ~ ~ ~~ t Pevn 41 P~~. Lilt ilfillit, Ititnot of etiol o 1~1ir~wt', ?? ph.itielt. lt' tol Lage Yaird, 13 tick. tat- tri~lani iettiy~.V'et, Li verpoonl iiid - ?? l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ø' NsIAgt-TIO ' NCHESTER. 1 E O R IRELAND & CO. beg ythD n aetat.they are repared to executo A ?? order' for erydecrpto of r p B E ~S 8 P R I N TI N G, g T I, E * lNVLVrD3W B N ILLS OF THE LA jGEST SIZE, lsr A BU S&NNOUNCEMENTS, Ert SPB9 I E CURRENT, ON T1 kVD R FSs AND DIRECTION CARDS, 8CA\111,135k'l B pA'M TS, CATALOGUES, &e. jff ; ° A. IW & Co. with t1heir orders, may rely upon ,3ft ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO E VERY FAMILY AND HOUSEKEEPER IN, THE KINGDOM AND THE PUBLIC UN IVER_ SALLY. TN addressing ourselves to Families, House- J.L keepers, and the public genexally, upon the various articles daily and hourly consumed in household economy, 'we ask for no credit for our Professions, but do respect- fully ask for a comparison of the articles we ofter, as to qualitp andprice, with those of other ...